from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from numpy import einsum
from pynao.m_dipole_ni import dipole_ni
from pynao.m_overlap_ni import overlap_ni
from pynao.m_overlap_am import overlap_am
from pynao import ao_matelem_c
from pynao.ao_log import ao_log
def overlap_check(prod_log, overlap_funct=overlap_ni, **kvargs):
Computes the allclose(), mean absolute error and maximal error of the overlap
reproduced by the (local) vertex.
from pynao.m_ao_matelem import ao_matelem_c
me = ao_matelem_c(prod_log.rr, prod_log.pp).init_one_set(prod_log.ao_log)
sp2mom0,sp2mom1 = prod_log.comp_moments()
R0 = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])
for sp, [vertex,mom0] in enumerate(zip(prod_log.sp2vertex, sp2mom0)):
oo_ref = overlap_funct(me,sp,R0,sp,R0,**kvargs)
oo = np.einsum('pjk,p->jk', vertex, mom0)
ac = np.allclose(oo_ref, oo, atol=prod_log.tol_loc*10, rtol=prod_log.tol_loc)
mae = abs(oo_ref-oo).sum()/oo.size
mxe = abs(oo_ref-oo).max()
acl.append(ac); mael.append(mae); mxel.append(mxe)
if not ac:
print('overlap check:', sp, mae, mxe, prod_log.tol_loc)
return mael, mxel, acl
def dipole_check(sv, prod_log, dipole_funct=dipole_ni, **kvargs):
Computes the allclose(), mean absolute error and maximal error of the dipoles
reproduced by the (local) vertex.
from pynao.m_ao_matelem import ao_matelem_c
from pynao.m_ao_log import comp_moments
me = ao_matelem_c(prod_log.ao_log.rr, prod_log.ao_log.pp)
sp2mom0,sp2mom1 = comp_moments(prod_log)
for atm, [sp, coord] in enumerate(zip(sv.atom2sp, sv.atom2coord)):
dip_moms = np.einsum('j,k->jk', sp2mom0[sp],coord)+sp2mom1[sp]
koo2dipme = np.einsum('pab,pc->cab', prod_log.sp2vertex[sp],dip_moms)
dipme_ref = dipole_funct(me,sp,coord,sp,coord, **kvargs)
ac = np.allclose(dipme_ref, koo2dipme, atol=prod_log.tol_loc*10, rtol=prod_log.tol_loc)
mae = abs(koo2dipme-dipme_ref).sum()/koo2dipme.size
mxe = abs(koo2dipme-dipme_ref).max()
acl.append(ac); mael.append(mae); mxel.append(mxe)
if not ac:
print('dipole check:', sp, mae, mxe, prod_log.tol_loc)
return mael,mxel,acl
class prod_log(ao_log):
"""prod_log object.
Holder of (local) product functions and vertices.
Input parameters:
ao_log: ao_log class (pynao.ao_log) or pyscf Mole object (pyscf.gto.mole)
holder of the numerical orbitals
tol: float
tolerance to keep the linear combinations
Output parameters:
For each specie returns a set of radial functions defining a product basis.
These functions are sufficient to represent the products of original atomic orbitals
via a product vertex coefficients.
def __init__(self, **kw):
if 'auxmol' in kw:
elif 'ao_log' in kw:
print(__name__, kw.keys())
raise RuntimeError('unknown init method')
def init_prod_log_df(self, **kw):
Initializes the radial functions from pyscf
from pyscf.df.incore import aux_e2
sv = kw['nao']
ao_log.__init__(self, ao_log=sv.ao_log)
auxmol = self.auxmol = kw['auxmol']
rcut_tol = kw['rcut_tol'] if 'rcut_tol' in kw else 1e-7
self.init_ao_log_gto(gto=auxmol, **kw)
# j3c = aux_e2(sv.mol, auxmol, intor='cint3c2e_sph', aosym='s1')
# nao = sv.mol.nao_nr()
# naoaux = auxmol.nao_nr()
# j3c = j3c.reshape(nao,nao,naoaux)
# print(nao, naoaux)
return self
def init_prod_log_dp(self, **kw):
Builds linear combinations of the original orbital products
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from pynao.m_local_vertex import local_vertex_c
ao_log.__init__(self, **kw)
self.ao_log = kw['ao_log']
tol_loc = self.tol_loc = kw['tol_loc']
self.sp2nmult = np.zeros((self.nspecies), dtype=np.int64)
# constructor of local vertices
lvc = local_vertex_c(kw['ao_log'])
# radial orbitals: list of numpy arrays
self.psi_log = []
# radial orbitals times r**j: list of numpy arrays
self.psi_log_rl = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the maximal radii
self.sp_mu2rcut = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the angular momentum of the radial function
self.sp_mu2j = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the starting index for each radial multiplett
self.sp_mu2s = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the vertex coefficients <mu,a,b>
self.sp2vertex = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the inverse vertex coefficients
# <p,a,b> L^p_ab defined by F^p(r) = L^p_ab f^a(r) f^b(r)
self.sp2lambda = []
# going to be list of sparse matrices with dimension (nprod,norbs**2) or
# <mu,ab> . This is a derivative of the sp2vertex
self.sp2vertex_csr = []
# this is a future list of matrices (<mu|ab><ab|nu>)^-1. This is a
# derivative of the sp2vertex
self.sp2inv_vv = []
# number of orbitals per specie
self.sp2norbs = np.zeros(self.nspecies, dtype=int)
for sp, no in enumerate(lvc.ao1.sp2norbs):
ldp = lvc.get_local_vertex(sp)
mu2jd = []
for j, evs in enumerate(ldp['j2eva']):
for domi, ev in enumerate(evs):
if ev>tol_loc:
mu2j = np.array([jd[0] for jd in mu2jd], dtype=np.int32)
mu2s = np.array([0] + [sum(2*mu2j[0:mu+1]+1) for mu in range(nmult)],
mu2rcut = np.array([self.ao_log.sp2rcut[sp]]*nmult, dtype=np.float64)
self.sp2norbs[sp] = mu2s[-1]
mu2ff = np.zeros((nmult,
for mu,[j,domi] in enumerate(mu2jd):
mu2ff[mu,:] = ldp['j2xff'][j][domi,:]
mu2ff = np.zeros((nmult,
for mu, [j, domi] in enumerate(mu2jd):
mu2ff[mu,:] = ldp['j2xff'][j][domi,:]/lvc.rr**j
npf= sum(2*mu2j+1) # count number of product functions
mu2ww = np.zeros((npf,no,no))
for [j, domi], s in zip(mu2jd, mu2s):
mu2ww[s:s+2*j+1,:,:] = ldp['j2xww'][j][domi,0:2*j+1,:,:]
v_csr = self.sp2vertex_csr[sp]
#mu2iww = np.zeros((npf,no,no)) # rigorous way of doing it (but does not work)
#for [j,domi],s in zip(mu2jd,mu2s): mu2iww[s:s+2*j+1,:,:] = ldp['j2xww_inv'][j][domi,0:2*j+1,:,:]
# lazy way of finding lambda
mu2iww = np.array(self.sp2inv_vv[sp]*self.sp2vertex_csr[sp]).reshape([npf,no,no])
self.jmx = np.amax(np.array( [max(mu2j) for mu2j in self.sp_mu2j], dtype=np.int32))
self.sp2rcut = np.array([np.amax(rcuts) for rcuts in self.sp_mu2rcut])
# Not necessary, Python should get rid og the temporary variables
# at the end of the function call
# del v_csr, mu2iww, mu2ww, mu2ff # maybe unnecessary
return self
def load_prod_log_dp(self, ao_log, sp2charge, tol_loc=1e-5,
Builds linear combinations of the original orbital products
Testing the calculations using same kernel than from fortran
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from pynao.m_local_vertex import local_vertex_c
import h5py
self.ao_log = ao_log
self.init_log_mesh(ao_log.rr, ao_log.pp)
self.nspecies = ao_log.nspecies
self.tol_loc = tol_loc
self.rr,self.pp, = ao_log.rr,ao_log.pp,
self.interp_rr = ao_log.interp_rr
self.sp2nmult = np.zeros((ao_log.nspecies), dtype=np.int64)
# constructor of local vertices
lvc = local_vertex_c(ao_log)
# radial orbitals: list of numpy arrays
self.psi_log = []
# radial orbitals times r**j: list of numpy arrays
self.psi_log_rl = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the maximal radii
self.sp_mu2rcut = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the angular momentum of the radial function
self.sp_mu2j = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the starting index for each radial multiplett
self.sp_mu2s = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the vertex coefficients <mu,a,b>
self.sp2vertex = []
# list of numpy arrays containing the inverse vertex coefficients
# <p,a,b> L^p_ab defined by F^p(r) = L^p_ab f^a(r) f^b(r)
self.sp2lambda = []
# going to be list of sparse matrices with dimension (nprod,norbs**2) or
# <mu,ab> . This is a derivative of the sp2vertex
self.sp2vertex_csr = []
# this is a future list of matrices (<mu|ab><ab|nu>)^-1. This is a
# derivative of the sp2vertex
self.sp2inv_vv = []
# number of orbitals per specie
self.sp2norbs = np.zeros(self.nspecies, dtype=int)
# copy of nuclear charges from atomic orbitals
self.sp2charge = ao_log.sp2charge
print(__name__, "load prod log from: ", fname)
File = h5py.File(fname, "r")
for isp, atm_nb in enumerate(sp2charge):
val = File["specie_{0}".format(atm_nb)]
mu2j = val["sp_local2functs/mu2j"].value
nmult = mu2j.shape[0]
mu2s = np.array([0]+[sum(2*mu2j[0:mu+1]+1) for mu in range(nmult)],
mu2rcut = np.array([val["sp_local2functs/rcut"].value[0]]*nmult,
self.sp2norbs[isp] = mu2s[-1]
mu2ww = val["vertex"].value
no = mu2ww.shape[1]
npf= sum(2*mu2j+1) # count number of product functions
if npf != mu2ww.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("mismatch npf and mu2ww.shape[0]")
v_csr = self.sp2vertex_csr[isp]
self.sp2inv_vv.append( np.linalg.inv((v_csr*v_csr.transpose()).todense()))
# lazy way of finding lambda
mu2iww = np.array(self.sp2inv_vv[isp]*self.sp2vertex_csr[isp]).reshape([npf,no,no])
self.psi_log_rl = []
for mu2ff, mu2j in zip(self.psi_log, self.sp_mu2j):
mu2ff_rl = np.zeros_like(mu2ff)
for mu,(ff,j) in enumerate(zip(mu2ff,mu2j)):
mu2ff_rl[mu,:] = ff/self.rr**j
self.jmx = np.amax(np.array( [max(mu2j) for mu2j in self.sp_mu2j], dtype=np.int32))
self.sp2rcut = np.array([np.amax(rcuts) for rcuts in self.sp_mu2rcut])
return self
def overlap_check(self, overlap_funct=overlap_ni, **kvargs):
Recompute the overlap between orbitals using the product vertex and
scalar moments of product functions
return overlap_check(self, overlap_funct=overlap_ni, **kvargs)
def hartree_pot(self, **kvargs):
Compute Hartree potential of the radial orbitals and return another
ao_log_c storage with these potentials.
from pynao.m_ao_log_hartree import ao_log_hartree as ext
return ext(self, **kvargs)
def lambda_check_coulomb(self):
Check the equality (p|q)<q,cd> = [p,ab] <ab|q>(q|r)<r|cd>
me = ao_matelem_c(self)
for sp,[pab,lab] in enumerate(zip(self.sp2vertex, self.sp2lambda)):
pq = me.coulomb_am(sp,np.zeros(3), sp, np.zeros(3))
pcd_ref = einsum('pq,qab->pab', pq, pab)
abcd = einsum('abq,qcd->abcd', einsum('pab,pq->abq', pab,pq), pab)
pcd = einsum('lab,abcd->lcd', lab, abcd)
mael.append(abs(pcd-pcd_ref).sum()/pcd.size); mxel.append(abs(pcd-pcd_ref).max())
return mael,mxel
def lambda_check_overlap(self, overlap_funct=overlap_am, **kvargs):
Check the equality (p) = [p,ab] S^ab, i.e. scalar moments are recomputed
with inversed vertex from the ao's overlap
from pynao.m_ao_log import comp_moments
me = ao_matelem_c(self.ao_log)
sp2mom0,sp2mom1 = comp_moments(self)
for sp, [lab, mom0_ref] in enumerate(zip(self.sp2lambda, sp2mom0)):
ab = overlap_funct(me,sp,np.zeros(3),sp,np.zeros(3),**kvargs)
mom0 = einsum('lab,ab->l', lab,ab)
mael.append((abs(mom0-mom0_ref)).sum()/mom0.size); mxel.append((abs(mom0-mom0_ref)).max())
return mael,mxel
if __name__=='__main__':
from pynao.m_system_vars import system_vars_c
from pynao.m_prod_log import prod_log as prod_log_c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sv = system_vars_c(label='siesta')
prod_log = prod_log_c(sv.ao_log, tol_loc=1e-4)
print(prod_log.sp2nmult, prod_log.sp2norbs)
sp = 0
for mu,[ff,j] in enumerate(zip(prod_log.psi_log[sp], prod_log.sp_mu2j[sp])):
if j==0:
plt.plot(prod_log.rr, ff/abs(ff).max(), "--", label=str(mu)+" j="+str(j))
plt.plot(prod_log.rr, ff/abs(ff).max(), label=str(mu)+" j="+str(j))