Source code for pynao.prod_basis

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from pynao.lsofcsr import lsofcsr_c
from numpy import array, einsum, zeros, int64, sqrt, int32
from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int64, byref
from pynao.m_libnao import libnao
from timeit import default_timer as timer

libnao.init_vrtx_cc_apair.argtypes = (POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int64))

libnao.init_vrtx_cc_batch.argtypes = (POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int64))

libnao.vrtx_cc_apair.argtypes = (
    POINTER(c_int64),   # sp12(1:2)     ! chemical species indices
    POINTER(c_double),  # rc12(1:3,1:2) ! positions of species
    POINTER(c_int64),   # lscc(ncc)     ! list of contributing centers
    POINTER(c_int64),   # ncc           ! number of contributing centers 
    POINTER(c_double),  # dout(nout)    ! vertex & converting coefficients
    POINTER(c_int64))   # nout          ! size of the buffer for vertex & converting coefficients

libnao.vrtx_cc_batch.argtypes = (
    POINTER(c_int64),   # npairs        ! chemical species indices
    POINTER(c_double),  # p2srncc       ! species indices, positions of species, number of cc, cc
    POINTER(c_int64),   # ncc           ! leading dimension of p2srncc
    POINTER(c_int64))   # p2ndp         ! pair -> number of dominant products in this pair

libnao.get_vrtx_cc_batch.argtypes = (
    POINTER(c_int64),   # ps            ! start pair 
    POINTER(c_int64),   # pf            ! finish pair
    POINTER(c_double),  # data          ! output data buffer
    POINTER(c_int64))   # ndat          ! size of data buffer

[docs]class prod_basis(): """prod_basis object. Holder of local and bilocal product functions and vertices. Input parameters: nao: nao class (pynao.nao) holder of the geometry, and orbitals description tol_loc: float tolerance for local basis tol_biloc: float tolerance for bilocal basis tol_elim: float tolerance for ?? ac_rcut_ratio: float ac rcut ratio?? ac_npc_max: int maximal number of participating centers pb_algorithm: string algorithm to use for product basis jcutoff: int number of angular orbital?? included metric_type: int type of metric ?? optimize_centers: int optimze the center or not ngl: int ??? Output parameters: For each specie returns a set of radial functions defining a product basis These functions are sufficient to represent the products of original atomic orbitals via a product vertex coefficients and conversion coefficients. prod_log: class prod_log (pynao.prod_log) Holder of (local) product functions and vertices hkernel_csr: csr sparse matrix (scipy.sparse.csr) hartree kernel: local part of Coulomb interaction c2s: 1D np.array, int, size natoms+1 global product Center (atom) -> start in case of atom-centered basis bp2info: list some information including indices of atoms, list of contributing centres, conversion coefficients dpc2s: list product Center -> list of the size of the basis set in this center, of center's types,of product species dpc2t: list product Center -> list of the size of the basis set in this center, of center's types,of product species dpc2sp: list product Center -> list of the size of the basis set in this center, of center's types,of product species """ def __init__(self, nao=None, **kw): self.nao = nao self.tol_loc = kw['tol_loc'] if 'tol_loc' in kw else 1e-5 self.tol_biloc = kw['tol_biloc'] if 'tol_biloc' in kw else 1e-6 self.tol_elim = kw['tol_elim'] if 'tol_elim' in kw else 1e-16 self.ac_rcut_ratio = kw['ac_rcut_ratio'] if 'ac_rcut_ratio' in kw else 1.0 self.ac_npc_max = kw['ac_npc_max'] if 'ac_npc_max' in kw else 8 self.pb_algorithm = kw['pb_algorithm'].lower() if 'pb_algorithm' in kw else 'pp' self.jcutoff = kw['jcutoff'] if 'jcutoff' in kw else 14 self.metric_type = kw['metric_type'] if 'metric_type' in kw else 2 self.optimize_centers = kw['optimize_centers'] if 'optimize_centers' in kw else 0 self.ngl = kw['ngl'] if 'ngl' in kw else 96 if nao is None: return if self.pb_algorithm == 'pp': self.init_prod_basis_pp_batch(nao, **kw) elif self.pb_algorithm == 'fp': from pynao.m_pb_ae import pb_ae pb_ae(self, nao, self.tol_loc, self.tol_biloc, self.ac_rcut_ratio) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown pb_algorithm {}'.format(self.pb_algorithm))
[docs] def init_prod_basis_pp(self, sv, **kvargs): """ Talman's procedure should be working well with Pseudo-Potential starting point. """ from pynao.m_prod_biloc import prod_biloc_c #t1 = timer() self.init_inp_param_prod_log_dp(sv, **kvargs) data = self.chain_data() libnao.init_vrtx_cc_apair(data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(len(data))) self.sv_pbloc_data = True #t2 = timer(); print(t2-t1); t1=timer(); # going to be some information including indices of atoms, list of # contributing centres, conversion coefficients self.bp2info = [] for ia1 in range(sv.natoms): rc1 = sv.ao_log.sp2rcut[sv.atom2sp[ia1]] for ia2 in range(ia1+1, sv.natoms): rc2 = sv.ao_log.sp2rcut[sv.atom2sp[ia2]] dist = sqrt(((sv.atom2coord[ia1] - sv.atom2coord[ia2])**2).sum()) if dist > rc1+rc2: continue pbiloc = self.comp_apair_pp_libint(ia1,ia2) if pbiloc is not None: self.bp2info.append(pbiloc) # dominant product's counting self.dpc2s,self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp = self.init_c2s_domiprod() self.npdp = self.dpc2s[-1] self.norbs = return self
[docs] def init_prod_basis_pp_batch(self, nao, **kw): """ Talman's procedure should be working well with Pseudo-Potential starting point. """ from pynao.prod_log import prod_log from pynao.m_prod_biloc import prod_biloc_c sv = nao t1 = timer() self.norbs = sv.norbs self.init_inp_param_prod_log_dp(sv, **kw) #t2 = timer(); print(' after init_inp_param_prod_log_dp ', t2-t1); t1=timer() data = self.chain_data() libnao.init_vrtx_cc_batch(data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(len(data))) self.sv_pbloc_data = True aos = sv.ao_log p2srncc,p2npac,p2atoms = [],[],[] for a1, [sp1,ra1] in enumerate(zip(sv.atom2sp, sv.atom2coord)): rc1 = aos.sp2rcut[sp1] for a2, [sp2,ra2] in enumerate(zip(sv.atom2sp[a1+1:], sv.atom2coord[a1+1:])): a2 += a1+1 rc2 = aos.sp2rcut[sp2] dist = sqrt(((ra1-ra2)**2).sum()) if dist > rc1+rc2: continue cc2atom = self.ls_contributing(a1,a2) p2atoms.append([a1,a2]) p2srncc.append([sp1,sp2] + list(ra1) + list(ra2) + [len(cc2atom)]+list(cc2atom)) p2npac.append(sum([self.prod_log.sp2norbs[sv.atom2sp[ia]] for ia in cc2atom])) #print(np.asarray(p2srncc)) p2ndp = np.require( zeros(len(p2srncc), dtype=np.int64), requirements='CW') p2srncc_cp = np.require( np.asarray(p2srncc), requirements='C') npairs = p2srncc_cp.shape[0] self.npairs = npairs # going to be indices of atoms, list of contributing centres, conversion coefficients self.bp2info = [] # Conditional fill of the self.bp2info if there are bilocal pairs (natoms>1) if npairs > 0: ld = p2srncc_cp.shape[1] if nao.verbosity>0: #print(__name__,'npairs {} and p2srncc_cp.shape is {}'.format(npairs, p2srncc_cp.shape)) t2 = timer() print(__name__, '\t====> Time for call vrtx_cc_batch: {:.2f} sec, npairs: {}'.format(t2-t1, npairs)) t1=timer() libnao.vrtx_cc_batch(c_int64(npairs), p2srncc_cp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(ld), p2ndp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int64))) if nao.verbosity > 0: print(__name__,'\t====> libnao.vrtx_cc_batch is done!') t2 = timer(); print(__name__,'\t====> Time after vrtx_cc_batch:\t {:.2f} sec'.format(t2-t1)) t1=timer() nout = 0 sp2norbs = sv.ao_log.sp2norbs for srncc, ndp, npac in zip(p2srncc, p2ndp, p2npac): sp1,sp2 = srncc[0],srncc[1] nout = nout + ndp*sp2norbs[sp1]*sp2norbs[sp2]+npac*ndp dout = np.require( zeros(nout), requirements='CW') if nao.verbosity > 3: print(__name__,'\t====>libnao.get_vrtx_cc_batch is calling') libnao.get_vrtx_cc_batch(c_int64(0),c_int64(npairs), dout.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(nout)) f = 0 for srncc, ndp, npac, [a1,a2] in zip(p2srncc,p2ndp,p2npac,p2atoms): if ndp < 1: continue sp1, sp2, ncc = srncc[0], srncc[1], srncc[8] icc2a = array(srncc[9:9+ncc], dtype=int64) nnn = np.array((ndp,sp2norbs[sp2],sp2norbs[sp1]), dtype=int64) nnc = np.array([ndp,npac], dtype=int64) s = f;; vrtx = dout[s:f].reshape(nnn) s = f;; ccoe = dout[s:f].reshape(nnc) icc2s = zeros(len(icc2a)+1, dtype=int64) for icc,a in enumerate(icc2a): icc2s[icc+1] = icc2s[icc] + self.prod_log.sp2norbs[sv.atom2sp[a]] pbiloc = prod_biloc_c(atoms=array([a2,a1]),vrtx=vrtx,cc2a=icc2a,cc2s=icc2s,cc=ccoe) self.bp2info.append(pbiloc) #t2 = timer(); print('after loop ', t2-t1); t1=timer() # dominant product's counting self.dpc2s, self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp = self.init_c2s_domiprod() self.npdp = self.dpc2s[-1] #t2 = timer(); print('after init_c2s_domiprod ', t2-t1); t1=timer() return self
[docs] def init_inp_param_prod_log_dp(self, sv, tol_loc=1e-5, tol_biloc=1e-6, ac_rcut_ratio=1.0, ac_npc_max=8, jcutoff=14, metric_type=2, optimize_centers=0, ngl=96, **kw): """ Talman's procedure should be working well with a pseudo-potential hamiltonians. This subroutine prepares the class for a later atom pair by atom pair generation of the dominant product vertices and the conversion coefficients by calling subroutines from the library libnao. """ from pynao.prod_log import prod_log from pynao.m_libnao import libnao = sv self.tol_loc = tol_loc self.tol_biloc = tol_biloc self.ac_rcut_ratio = ac_rcut_ratio self.ac_npc_max = ac_npc_max self.jcutoff = jcutoff self.metric_type = metric_type self.optimize_centers = optimize_centers self.ngl = ngl self.ac_rcut = ac_rcut_ratio*max(sv.ao_log.sp2rcut) lload = kw['load_from_hdf5'] if 'load_from_hdf5' in kw else False if lload : # tests Fortran input self.prod_log = prod_log(ao_log=sv.ao_log, sp2charge=sv.sp2charge, tol_loc=tol_loc, load=True) else : # local basis (for each specie) self.prod_log = prod_log(ao_log=sv.ao_log, tol_loc=tol_loc, **kw) # global product Center (atom) -> start in case of atom-centered basis self.c2s = zeros((sv.natm+1), dtype=int64) for gc, sp in enumerate(sv.atom2sp): self.c2s[gc+1]=self.c2s[gc]+self.prod_log.sp2norbs[sp] return self
[docs] def chain_data(self): """ This subroutine creates a buffer of information to communicate the system variables and the local product vertex to libnao. Later, one will be able to generate the bilocal vertex and conversion coefficient for a given pair of atom species and their coordinates. """ from numpy import concatenate as conc aos,sv,pl =,, self.prod_log assert assert aos.nspecies==pl.nspecies nr, nsp, nmt, nrt =, aos.nspecies, sum(aos.sp2nmult),*sum(aos.sp2nmult) nat, na1, tna, nms = sv.natoms, sv.natoms+1,3*sv.natoms, sum(aos.sp2nmult)+aos.nspecies nmtp, nrtp, nmsp = sum(pl.sp2nmult),*sum(pl.sp2nmult), sum(pl.sp2nmult)+pl.nspecies nvrt = sum(aos.sp2norbs*aos.sp2norbs*pl.sp2norbs) ndat = 200 + 2*nr + 4*nsp + 2*nmt + nrt + nms + 3*3 + nat + 2*na1 + tna + \ 4*nsp + 2*nmtp + nrtp + nmsp + nvrt dat = zeros(ndat) # Simple parameters i = 0 dat[i] = -999.0; i+=1 # pointer to the empty space in simple parameter dat[i] = aos.nspecies; i+=1 dat[i] =; i+=1 dat[i] = aos.rmin; i+=1; dat[i] = aos.rmax; i+=1; dat[i] = aos.kmax; i+=1; dat[i] = aos.jmx; i+=1; dat[i] = conc(aos.psi_log).sum(); i+=1; dat[i] = conc(pl.psi_log).sum(); i+=1; dat[i] = sv.natoms; i+=1 dat[i] = sv.norbs; i+=1 dat[i] = sv.norbs_sc; i+=1 dat[i] = sv.nspin; i+=1 dat[i] = self.tol_loc; i+=1 dat[i] = self.tol_biloc; i+=1 dat[i] = self.ac_rcut_ratio; i+=1 dat[i] = self.ac_npc_max; i+=1 dat[i] = self.jcutoff; i+=1 dat[i] = self.metric_type; i+=1 dat[i] = self.optimize_centers; i+=1 dat[i] = self.ngl; i+=1 dat[0] = i # Pointers to data i = 99 s = 199 dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nr; dat[s:f] = aos.rr; s=f; # pointer to rr dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nr; dat[s:f] = aos.pp; s=f; # pointer to pp dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = aos.sp2nmult; s=f; # pointer to sp2nmult dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = aos.sp2rcut; s=f; # pointer to sp2rcut dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = aos.sp2norbs; s=f; # pointer to sp2norbs dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = aos.sp2charge; s=f; # pointer to sp2charge dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nmt; dat[s:f] = conc(aos.sp_mu2j); s=f; # pointer to sp_mu2j dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nmt; dat[s:f] = conc(aos.sp_mu2rcut); s=f; # pointer to sp_mu2rcut dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nrt; dat[s:f] = conc(aos.psi_log).reshape(nrt); s=f; # pointer to psi_log dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nms; dat[s:f] = conc(aos.sp_mu2s); s=f; # pointer to sp_mu2s dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+3*3; dat[s:f] = conc(sv.ucell); s=f; # pointer to ucell (123,xyz) ? dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nat; dat[s:f] = sv.atom2sp; s=f; # pointer to atom2sp dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+na1; dat[s:f] = sv.atom2s; s=f; # pointer to atom2s dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+na1; dat[s:f] = sv.atom2mu_s; s=f; # pointer to atom2mu_s dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+tna; dat[s:f] = conc(sv.atom2coord); s=f; # pointer to atom2coord dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = pl.sp2nmult; s=f; # sp2nmult of product basis dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = pl.sp2rcut; s=f; # sp2nmult of product basis dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = pl.sp2norbs; s=f; # sp2norbs of product basis dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nsp; dat[s:f] = pl.sp2charge; s=f; # sp2norbs of product basis dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nmtp; dat[s:f] = conc(pl.sp_mu2j); s=f; # pointer to sp_mu2j dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nmtp; dat[s:f] = conc(pl.sp_mu2rcut); s=f; # pointer to sp_mu2rcut dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nrtp; dat[s:f] = conc(pl.psi_log).reshape(nrtp); s=f; # pointer to psi_log dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nmsp; dat[s:f] = conc(pl.sp_mu2s); s=f; # pointer to sp_mu2s dat[i] = s+1; i+=1; f=s+nvrt; dat[s:f] = conc([v.flatten() for v in pl.sp2vertex]); s=f; # pointer to sp2vertex dat[i] = s+1; # this is a terminator to simplify operation return dat
[docs] def comp_apair_pp_libint(self, a1,a2): """ Get's the vertex coefficient and conversion coefficients for a pair of atoms given by their atom indices """ from operator import mul from pynao.m_prod_biloc import prod_biloc_c if not hasattr(self, 'sv_pbloc_data'): raise RuntimeError('.sv_pbloc_data is absent') assert a1>=0 assert a2>=0 t1 = timer() sv = aos = sp12 = np.require(np.array([sv.atom2sp[a] for a in (a1,a2)], dtype=c_int64), requirements='C') rc12 = np.require(np.array([sv.atom2coord[a,:] for a in (a1,a2)]), requirements='C') icc2a = np.require(np.array(self.ls_contributing(a1,a2), dtype=c_int64), requirements='C') npmx = aos.sp2norbs[sv.atom2sp[a1]]*aos.sp2norbs[sv.atom2sp[a2]] npac = sum([self.prod_log.sp2norbs[sv.atom2sp[ia]] for ia in icc2a ]) nout = c_int64(npmx**2+npmx*npac+10) dout = np.require(zeros(nout.value), requirements='CW') libnao.vrtx_cc_apair(sp12.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int64)), rc12.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), icc2a.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int64)), c_int64(len(icc2a)), dout.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), nout) if dout[0] < 1: return None nnn = np.array(dout[0:3], dtype=int) nnc = np.array([dout[8],dout[7]], dtype=int) ncc = int(dout[9]) if ncc != len(icc2a): raise RuntimeError('ncc!=len(icc2a)') s = 10;; vrtx = dout[s:f].reshape(nnn) s = f;; ccoe = dout[s:f].reshape(nnc) icc2s = zeros(len(icc2a)+1, dtype=np.int64) for icc, a in enumerate(icc2a): icc2s[icc+1] = icc2s[icc] + self.prod_log.sp2norbs[sv.atom2sp[a]] pbiloc = prod_biloc_c(atoms=array([a2,a1]), vrtx=vrtx, cc2a=icc2a, cc2s=icc2s, cc=ccoe) return pbiloc
[docs] def ls_contributing(self, a1,a2): """ Get the list of contributing centers """ from pynao.m_ls_contributing import ls_contributing sp12 = np.array([[a] for a in (a1,a2)]) rc12 = np.array([[a,:] for a in (a1,a2)]) return ls_contributing(self, sp12, rc12)
[docs] def get_da2cc_den(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Returns Conversion Coefficients as dense matrix """ nfdp, nfap = self.dpc2s[-1], self.c2s[-1] da2cc = zeros((nfdp,nfap), dtype=dtype) for sd, fd, pt in zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t): if pt==1: da2cc[sd:fd,sd:fd] = np.identity(fd-sd) for sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt==1: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] for c, ls, lf in zip(inf.cc2a, inf.cc2s, inf.cc2s[1:]): da2cc[sd:fd, self.c2s[c]:self.c2s[c+1]] =[:,ls:lf] return da2cc
[docs] def get_da2cc_nnz(self): """ Computes the number of non-zero matrix elements in the conversion matrix ac <=> dp """ nnz = 0 for sd, fd, pt in zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t): if pt==1: nnz = nnz + (fd-sd) for sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt==1: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] for c, ls, lf in zip(inf.cc2a, inf.cc2s, inf.cc2s[1:]): nnz = nnz + (fd-sd)*(lf-ls) return nnz
# should we not keep only the sparse matrix and get rid of the original data ??
[docs] def get_da2cc_sparse(self, dtype=np.float64, sparseformat=coo_matrix): """ Returns Conversion Coefficients as sparse COO matrix """ nfdp, nfap = self.dpc2s[-1],self.c2s[-1] nnz = self.get_da2cc_nnz() irow = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) icol = zeros(nnz, dtype=int) data = zeros(nnz, dtype=dtype) # Start to construct coo matrix inz = 0 for atom, [sd,fd,pt] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t)): if pt!=1: continue for d in range(sd,fd): irow[inz],icol[inz],data[inz] = d,d,1.0 inz+=1 for atom, [sd, fd, pt, spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp)): if pt==1: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] for c,ls,lf in zip(inf.cc2a, inf.cc2s, inf.cc2s[1:]): for d in range(sd,fd): for a in range(self.c2s[c],self.c2s[c+1]): irow[inz], icol[inz], data[inz] = d, a,[d-sd,a-self.c2s[c]+ls] inz+=1 return sparseformat((data,(irow,icol)), dtype=dtype, shape=(nfdp, nfap))
[docs] def get_ac_vertex_array(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array (dense table) """ atom2so = nfap = self.c2s[-1] n =[-1] pab2v = np.require(np.zeros((nfap, n, n), dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') for atom,[sd, fd, pt, spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s, f = atom2so[atom:atom+2] pab2v[sd:fd,s:f,s:f] = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp] for sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] lab = einsum('dl,dab->lab',, inf.vrtx) a,b = inf.atoms sa, fa, sb, fb = atom2so[a], atom2so[a+1], atom2so[b], atom2so[b+1] for c,ls,lf in zip(inf.cc2a, inf.cc2s, inf.cc2s[1:]): pab2v[self.c2s[c]:self.c2s[c+1],sa:fa,sb:fb] = lab[ls:lf,:,:] pab2v[self.c2s[c]:self.c2s[c+1],sb:fb,sa:fa] = einsum('pab->pba', lab[ls:lf,:,:]) return pab2v
[docs] def get_dp_vertex_array(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array for dominant products """ atom2so = nfdp = self.dpc2s[-1] n =[-1] pab2v = np.require(np.zeros((nfdp, n, n), dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') for atom,[sd, fd, pt, spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s,f = atom2so[atom:atom+2] pab2v[sd:fd,s:f,s:f] = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp] for sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf= self.bp2info[spp] a, b = inf.atoms sa, fa, sb, fb = atom2so[a], atom2so[a+1], atom2so[b], atom2so[b+1] pab2v[sd:fd,sa:fa,sb:fb] = inf.vrtx pab2v[sd:fd,sb:fb,sa:fa] = einsum('pab->pba', inf.vrtx) return pab2v
[docs] def get_dp_vertex_nnz(self): """ Number of non-zero elements in the dominant product vertex: can be speedup, but... """ nnz = 0 for pt, spp in zip(self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt==1: nnz += self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp].size elif pt==2: nnz += 2*self.bp2info[spp].vrtx.size else: raise RuntimeError('pt not in [1, 2]') return nnz
[docs] def get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse(self, dtype=np.float64, sparseformat=lsofcsr_c, axis=0): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients for dominant products as a one-dimensional array of sparse matrices """ nnz = self.get_dp_vertex_nnz() i1 = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) i2 = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) i3 = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) data = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=dtype) atom2s, dpc2s =, self.dpc2s nfdp, n = self.dpc2s[-1],[-1] inz = 0 for s, f, sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(atom2s, atom2s[1:], dpc2s,dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): size = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp].size lv = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp].reshape(size) dd, aa, bb = np.mgrid[sd:fd,s:f,s:f].reshape((3, size)) i1[inz:inz+size] = dd i2[inz:inz+size] = aa i3[inz:inz+size] = bb data[inz:inz+size] = lv inz += size for sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(dpc2s, dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] (a, b) = self.bp2info[spp].atoms size = self.bp2info[spp].vrtx.size sa = atom2s[a] fa = atom2s[a+1] sb = atom2s[b] fb = atom2s[b+1] dd, aa, bb = np.mgrid[sd:fd, sa:fa, sb:fb].reshape((3, size)) i1[inz:inz+size] = dd i2[inz:inz+size] = aa i3[inz:inz+size] = bb data[inz:inz+size] = inf.vrtx.reshape(size) inz += size i1[inz:inz+size] = dd i2[inz:inz+size] = bb i3[inz:inz+size] = aa data[inz:inz+size] = inf.vrtx.reshape(size) inz+=size return sparseformat((data, (i1, i2, i3)), dtype=dtype, shape=(nfdp, n, n), axis=axis)
[docs] def get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse_loops(self, dtype=np.float64, sparseformat=lsofcsr_c, axis=0): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients for dominant products as a one-dimensional array of sparse matrices, slow version """ nnz = self.get_dp_vertex_nnz() i1 = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) i2 = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) i3 = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) data = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=dtype) # local "aliases" a2s, n =,[-1] nfdp, lv = self.dpc2s[-1],self.prod_log.sp2vertex inz = 0 for atom, [sd, fd, pt, spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s, f = a2s[atom:atom+2] for p in range(sd,fd): for a in range(s,f): for b in range(s,f): i1[inz] = p i2[inz] = a i3[inz] = b data[inz] = lv[spp][p-sd,a-s,b-s] inz+=1 for atom, [sd, fd, pt, spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=2: continue inf= self.bp2info[spp] a,b = inf.atoms sa, fa, sb, fb = a2s[a],a2s[a+1],a2s[b],a2s[b+1] for p in range(sd, fd): for a in range(sa, fa): for b in range(sb, fb): i1[inz] = p i2[inz] = a i3[inz] = b data[inz] = inf.vrtx[p-sd,a-sa,b-sb] inz += 1 i1[inz] = p i2[inz] = b i3[inz] = a data[inz] = inf.vrtx[p-sd,a-sa,b-sb] inz += 1 return sparseformat((data, (i1, i2, i3)), dtype=dtype, shape=(nfdp, n, n), axis=axis)
[docs] def get_dp_vertex_sparse(self, dtype=np.float64, sparseformat=coo_matrix): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array for dominant products, in a sparse format coo(p,ab) by default """ # Number of non-zero elements in the dominant product vertex nnz = self.get_dp_vertex_nnz() # Start to construct coo matrix irow = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) icol = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) data = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=dtype) # self.dpc2s, self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp: product Center -> list of the size # of the basis set in this center,of center's types,of product species atom2s, dpc2s =, self.dpc2s nfdp, n = self.dpc2s[-1],[-1] inz = 0 for s, f, sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(atom2s, atom2s[1:], dpc2s, dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): size = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp].size lv = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp].reshape(size) dd,aa,bb = np.mgrid[sd:fd,s:f,s:f].reshape((3, size)) irow[inz:inz+size] = dd icol[inz:inz+size] = aa + bb*n data[inz:inz+size] = lv inz += size for sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(dpc2s, dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] (a,b) = self.bp2info[spp].atoms size = self.bp2info[spp].vrtx.size sa, fa, sb, fb = atom2s[a], atom2s[a+1], atom2s[b], atom2s[b+1] dd, aa, bb = np.mgrid[sd:fd,sa:fa,sb:fb].reshape((3, size)) irow[inz:inz+size] = dd icol[inz:inz+size] = aa + bb*n data[inz:inz+size] = inf.vrtx.reshape(size) inz += size irow[inz:inz+size] = dd icol[inz:inz+size] = bb + aa*n data[inz:inz+size] = inf.vrtx.reshape(size) inz+=size return sparseformat((data, (irow, icol)), dtype=dtype, shape=(nfdp,n*n))
[docs] def get_dp_vertex_sparse2(self, dtype=np.float64, sparseformat=coo_matrix): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array for dominant products, in a sparse format coo(pa,b) by default """ from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, coo_matrix nnz = self.get_dp_vertex_nnz() irow = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) icol = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) data = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=dtype) atom2s, dpc2s =, self.dpc2s nfdp, n = self.dpc2s[-1],[-1] inz = 0 for s, f, sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(atom2s, atom2s[1:], dpc2s, dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): size = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp].size lv = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp].reshape(size) dd, aa, bb = np.mgrid[sd:fd,s:f,s:f].reshape((3, size)) irow[inz:inz+size] = dd + aa*nfdp icol[inz:inz+size] = bb data[inz:inz+size] = lv inz += size for sd, fd, pt, spp in zip(dpc2s, dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] (a,b) = self.bp2info[spp].atoms size = self.bp2info[spp].vrtx.size sa, fa, sb, fb = atom2s[a], atom2s[a+1], atom2s[b], atom2s[b+1] dd, aa, bb = np.mgrid[sd:fd,sa:fa,sb:fb].reshape((3,size)) irow[inz:inz+size] = dd + aa*nfdp icol[inz:inz+size] = bb data[inz:inz+size] = inf.vrtx.reshape(size) inz += size irow[inz:inz+size] = dd + bb*nfdp icol[inz:inz+size] = aa data[inz:inz+size] = inf.vrtx.reshape(size) inz += size return coo_matrix((data, (irow, icol)), dtype=dtype, shape=(nfdp*n,n))
[docs] def get_dp_vertex_sparse_loops(self, dtype=np.float64, sparseformat=coo_matrix): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array for dominant products, in a sparse format coo(p,ab) slow version """ nnz = self.get_dp_vertex_nnz() # Start to construct coo matrix irow = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) icol = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=int) data = np.zeros(nnz, dtype=dtype) atom2so = nfdp = self.dpc2s[-1] n =[-1] inz = 0 for atom, [sd, fd, pt, spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s, f = atom2so[atom:atom+2] for p in range(sd,fd): for a in range(s,f): for b in range(s,f): irow[inz] = p icol[inz] = a + b*n data[inz] = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp][p-sd,a-s,b-s] inz += 1 for atom, [sd, fd, pt, spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s, self.dpc2s[1:], self.dpc2t, self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=2: continue inf = self.bp2info[spp] a, b = inf.atoms sa, fa, sb, fb = atom2so[a], atom2so[a+1], atom2so[b], atom2so[b+1] for p in range(sd,fd): for a in range(sa,fa): for b in range(sb,fb): irow[inz] = p icol[inz] = a + b*n data[inz] = inf.vrtx[p-sd,a-sa,b-sb] inz += 1 irow[inz] = p icol[inz] = b + a*n data[inz] = inf.vrtx[p-sd,a-sa,b-sb] inz += 1 return sparseformat((data, (irow, icol)), dtype=dtype, shape=(nfdp,n*n))
[docs] def comp_fci_den(self, hk, dtype=np.float64): """ Compute the four-center integrals and return it in a dense storage """ pab2v = self.get_ac_vertex_array(dtype=dtype) pcd = np.einsum('pq,qcd->pcd', hk, pab2v) abcd = np.einsum('pab,pcd->abcd', pab2v, pcd) return abcd
[docs] def init_c2s_domiprod(self): """ Compute the array of start indices for dominant product basis set """ # product Center -> list of the size of the basis set in this center, # of center's types,of product species c2n, c2t, c2sp = [], [], [] for atom, sp in enumerate( c2n.append(self.prod_log.sp2vertex[sp].shape[0]) c2t.append(1) c2sp.append(sp); for ibp, inf in enumerate(self.bp2info): c2n.append(inf.vrtx.shape[0]) c2t.append(2) c2sp.append(ibp); # number of product centers in this vertex ndpc = len(c2n) # product Center -> Start index of a product function in a global # counting for this vertex c2s = np.zeros(ndpc+1, dtype=np.int64) for c in range(ndpc): c2s[c+1] = c2s[c] + c2n[c] return c2s, c2t, c2sp
[docs] def comp_moments(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Computes the scalar and dipole moments for the all functions in the product basis """ sp2mom0, sp2mom1 = self.prod_log.comp_moments() n = self.c2s[-1] mom0 = np.require(np.zeros(n, dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') mom1 = np.require(np.zeros((n, 3), dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') for a, [sp, coord, s, f] in enumerate(zip(,, self.c2s, self.c2s[1:])): mom0[s:f] = sp2mom0[sp] mom1[s:f,:] = einsum('j,k->jk', sp2mom0[sp],coord) + sp2mom1[sp] return mom0, mom1
[docs] def comp_coulomb_pack(self, **kw): """ Computes the packed version of the Hartree kernel """ from pynao.m_comp_coulomb_pack import comp_coulomb_pack return comp_coulomb_pack(, self.prod_log, **kw)
[docs] def comp_coulomb_sparse(self, **kw): """ Computes the dense (square) version of the Hartree kernel """ from pynao.m_comp_coulomb_sparse import comp_coulomb_sparse kernel = comp_coulomb_sparse(, self.prod_log, **kw) return kernel, kernel.shape[0]
[docs] def comp_coulomb_den(self, **kw): """ Computes the dense (square) version of the Hartree kernel """ from pynao.m_comp_coulomb_den import comp_coulomb_den return comp_coulomb_den(, self.prod_log, **kw)
[docs] def overlap_check(self, **kw): """ Our standard minimal check comparing with overlaps """ sref =**kw).toarray() mom0, mom1 = self.comp_moments() vpab = self.get_ac_vertex_array() sprd = np.einsum('p,pab->ab', mom0,vpab) return [[abs(sref-sprd).sum()/sref.size, np.amax(abs(sref-sprd))]]
[docs] def dipole_check(self, **kw): """ Our standard minimal check """ dipcoo =**kw) mom0,mom1 = self.comp_moments() vpab = self.get_ac_vertex_array() xyz2err = [] for i, dref in enumerate(dipcoo): dref = dref.toarray() dprd = np.einsum('p,pab->ab', mom1[:,i],vpab) xyz2err.append([abs(dprd-dref).sum()/dref.size, np.amax(abs(dref-dprd))]) return xyz2err
[docs] def get_nprod(self): """ Number of (atom-centered) products """ return self.c2s[-1]
[docs] def generate_png_spy_dp_vertex(self): """ Produces pictures of the dominant product vertex in a common black-and-white way """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() dab2v = self.get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse() for i,ab2v in enumerate(dab2v): plt.spy(ab2v.toarray()) fname = "spy-v-{:06d}.png".format(i) print(fname) plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return 0
[docs] def generate_png_chess_dp_vertex(self): """ Produces pictures of the dominant product vertex a chessboard convention """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.ioff() dab2v = self.get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse() for i, ab in enumerate(dab2v): fname = "chess-v-{:06d}.png".format(i) print('Matrix No.#{}, Size: {}, Type: {}'.format(i+1, ab.shape, type(ab)), fname) if type(ab) != 'numpy.ndarray': ab = ab.toarray() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.imshow(ab, interpolation='nearest', plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def reshape_COO(a, shape): """ Reshape the sparse matrix (a) and returns a coo_matrix with favourable shape. """ from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix if not hasattr(shape, '__len__') or len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError('`shape` must be a sequence of two integers') c = a.tocoo() nrows, ncols = c.shape size = nrows * ncols new_size = shape[0] * shape[1] if new_size != size: raise ValueError('total size of new array must be unchanged') flat_indices = ncols * c.row + c.col new_row, new_col = divmod(flat_indices, shape[1]) b = coo_matrix((, (new_row, new_col)), shape=shape) return b
if __name__=='__main__': from pynao import prod_basis_c, nao from pynao.m_overlap_coo import overlap_coo from pyscf import gto # coordinates in Angstrom! mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 0.5; H 0 0.5 0', basis='ccpvdz') sv = nao(gto=mol) print(sv.atom2s) s_ref = overlap_coo(sv).todense() pb = prod_basis_c() pb.init_prod_basis_pp_batch(sv) mom0,mom1=pb.comp_moments() pab2v = pb.get_ac_vertex_array() s_chk = einsum('pab,p->ab', pab2v,mom0) print(abs(s_chk-s_ref).sum()/s_chk.size, abs(s_chk-s_ref).max())