Source code for pynao.nao

from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys
import warnings
from timeit import default_timer as timer

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix , csr_matrix
from scipy.linalg import norm

from pynao.m_color import color as bc
from pynao.m_system_vars_dos import system_vars_dos, system_vars_pdos
from pynao.m_siesta2blanko_csr import _siesta2blanko_csr
from pynao.m_siesta2blanko_denvec import _siesta2blanko_denvec
from pynao.m_siesta_ion_add_sp2 import _siesta_ion_add_sp2
from pynao.ao_log import ao_log
from pynao.mesh_affine_equ import mesh_affine_equ
from pynao.m_siesta_units import siesta_conv_coefficients

[docs]def get_orb2m(sv): orb2m = np.empty(sv.norbs, dtype='int64') orb = 0 for atom,sp in enumerate(sv.atom2sp): for mu,j in enumerate(sv.sp_mu2j[sp]): for m in range(-j,j+1): orb2m[orb],orb = m,orb+1 return orb2m
[docs]def get_orb2j(sv): orb2j = np.empty(sv.norbs, dtype='int64') orb = 0 for atom,sp in enumerate(sv.atom2sp): for mu,j in enumerate(sv.sp_mu2j[sp]): for m in range(-j, j+1): orb2j[orb],orb = j,orb+1 return orb2j
[docs]def overlap_check(sv, tol=1e-5, **kvargs): over = sv.overlap_coo(**kvargs).tocsr() diff = abs(sv.hsx.s4_csr-over).sum() summ = abs(sv.hsx.s4_csr+over).sum() ac = diff/summ<tol if not ac: print(diff, summ) return ac
[docs]class SystemNotCentered(Exception): pass
[docs]def check_system_centered(coordinates, raise_error=True, eps=1.0, verbose=2): """ Check if the system is centered. Non centered system can lead at wrong induced density, particularly for large system. See `issue <>`_ for further details. Input parameters: coordinates ([Natoms, 3] float array): Coordinate of the atoms in a.u. raise_error (bool): Set to False to skip the check eps (float): Threshold for the check, by default 1.0 a.u. """ center = np.mean(coordinates, axis=0) message = """ System not centered. Induced density will be improperly calculated. Coordinates of the center: ({0:.3e}, {1:.3e}, {2:.3e}) Norm: {3:.3e} a.u. Threshold: {4:.3e} a.u. Use options forceCenterSystem=False to discard this check You can use the option forceCenterSystemEps to adjust the threshold of the check. """.format(center[0], center[1], center[2], norm(center), eps) if norm(center) > eps: if raise_error: raise SystemNotCentered(message) else: if verbose > 1: warnings.warn(message)
[docs]class nao(): def __init__(self, **kw): """nao class object. Constructor of NAO class Initialize the system """ self.dtype = kw['dtype'] if 'dtype' in kw else np.float64 if self.dtype == np.float32: self.dtypeComplex = np.complex64 elif self.dtype == np.float64: self.dtypeComplex = np.complex128 else: raise ValueError("dtype can be only float32 or float64") import scipy if int(scipy.__version__[0]) < 1: raise ValueError("Scipy version = {} < 1".format(scipy.__version__)) try: import numba use_numba_def = True except: use_numba_def = False self.use_numba = kw['use_numba'] if 'use_numba' in kw else use_numba_def self.numba_parallel = kw["numba_parallel"] if "numba_parallel" in kw else True self.verbosity = kw['verbosity'] if 'verbosity' in kw else 0 self.verbose = self.verbosity if self.verbosity > 5: print("{}\t====> nao.__init__: verbosity={}".format(__name__, self.verbosity)) if 'gto' in kw: self.init_gto(**kw) self.init_libnao_orbs() elif 'xyz_list' in kw: self.init_xyz_list(**kw) elif 'label' in kw: self.init_label(**kw) self.init_libnao_orbs() elif 'wfsx_fname' in kw: # init atomic orbitals with WFSX file from SIESTA output self.init_wfsx_fname(**kw) self.init_libnao_orbs() elif 'gpaw' in kw: self.init_gpaw(**kw) self.init_libnao_orbs() elif 'openmx' in kw: self.init_openmx(**kw) #self.init_libnao_orbs() elif 'fireball' in kw: self.init_fireball(**kw) else: print(__name__, kw.keys()) raise RuntimeError('unknown init method') self.pseudo = hasattr(self, 'sp2ion') self._keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()) # check if the center of the atoms coordinates (Not center of mass) # if close enough to the origin force_center = kw["forceCenterSystem"] if "forceCenterSystem" in kw.keys() else True force_center_eps = kw["forceCenterSystemEps"] if "forceCenterSystemEps" in kw.keys() else 1.0 check_system_centered(self.atom2coord, raise_error=force_center, eps=force_center_eps, verbose=self.verbose) # new pyscf keys self.elements = [] for sp in self.atom2sp: self.elements.append(self.sp2symbol[sp])
[docs] def init_gto(self, **kw): """ Interpret previous PySCF calculation """ from pyscf.lib import logger gto = kw['gto'] self.stdout = sys.stdout self.symmetry = False self.symmetry_subgroup = None self.cart = False self._nelectron = gto.nelectron self._built = True self.max_memory = 20000 self.spin = gto.spin #print(__name__, 'dir(gto)', dir(gto), gto.nelec) # this can be wrong and has to be redetermined at in the mean-field class (mf) self.nspin = 1 if gto.spin==0 else 2 self.label = kw['label'] if 'label' in kw else 'pyscf' # Only some data must be copied, not the whole object. # Otherwise, an eventual deepcopy(...) may fail. self.mol = gto self.natm = self.natoms = gto.natm a2s = [gto.atom_symbol(ia) for ia in range(gto.natm) ] self.sp2symbol = sorted(list(set(a2s))) self.nspecies = len(self.sp2symbol) self.atom2sp = np.empty((gto.natm), dtype=np.int64) for ia, sym in enumerate(a2s): self.atom2sp[ia] = self.sp2symbol.index(sym) self.sp2charge = [-999]*self.nspecies for ia, sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): self.sp2charge[sp]=gto.atom_charge(ia) self.ao_log = ao_log(**kw) self.atom2coord = np.zeros((self.natm, 3)) for ia,coord in enumerate(gto.atom_coords()): # must be in Bohr already? self.atom2coord[ia,:] = coord self.atom2s = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom, sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): self.atom2s[atom+1] = self.atom2s[atom]+self.ao_log.sp2norbs[sp] self.norbs = self.norbs_sc = self.atom2s[-1] self.ucell = 30.0*np.eye(3) self.atom2mu_s = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom,sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): self.atom2mu_s[atom+1] = self.atom2mu_s[atom] + self.ao_log.sp2nmult[sp] self._atom = gto._atom self.basis = gto.basis ### implement when needed self.init_libnao() self.nbas = self.atom2mu_s[-1] # total number of radial orbitals self.mu2orb_s = np.zeros((self.nbas+1), dtype=np.int64) for sp, mu_s in zip(self.atom2sp,self.atom2mu_s): for mu, j in enumerate(self.ao_log.sp_mu2j[sp]): self.mu2orb_s[mu_s+mu+1] = self.mu2orb_s[mu_s+mu] + 2*j+1 self.sp_mu2j = self.ao_log.sp_mu2j self.nkpoints = 1 return self
[docs] def init_xyz_list(self, **kw): """ This is simple constructor which only initializes geometry info """ from pyscf.lib import logger from pyscf.lib.parameters import ELEMENTS as chemical_symbols self.verbose = self.verbosity #logger.NOTE # To be similar to Mole object... better note, get messy after self.stdout = sys.stdout self.symmetry = False self.symmetry_subgroup = None self.cart = False self.label = kw['label'] if 'label' in kw else 'pyscf' atom = kw['xyz_list'] atom2charge = [atm[0] for atm in atom] self.atom2coord = np.array([atm[1] for atm in atom]) self.sp2charge = list(set(atom2charge)) self.sp2symbol = [chemical_symbols[z] for z in self.sp2charge] self.atom2sp = [self.sp2charge.index(charge) for charge in atom2charge] self.natm=self.natoms=len(self.atom2sp) self.atom2s = None self.nspin = 1 self.nbas = self.natm self.state = 'should be useful for something' return self
[docs] def init_fireball(self, **kw): from pynao.m_fireball_import import fireball_import from timeit import default_timer as timer """ Initialise system var using only the fireball files (standard output in particular is needed) System variables: ----------------- chdir (string): calculation directory """ fireball_import(self, **kw) return self
[docs] def init_wfsx_fname(self, **kw): """ Initialise system var starting with a given WFSX file """ from pynao.m_tools import read_xyz from pynao.m_fermi_energy import fermi_energy from pynao.m_siesta_xml import siesta_xml from pynao.m_siesta_wfsx import siesta_wfsx_c from pynao.m_siesta_ion_xml import siesta_ion_xml from pynao.m_siesta_hsx import siesta_hsx_c from timeit import default_timer as timer self.label = label = kw['label'] if 'label' in kw else 'siesta' = cd = kw['cd'] if 'cd' in kw else '.' fname = kw['wfsx_fname'] if 'wfsx_fname' in kw else None self.wfsx = siesta_wfsx_c(fname=fname, **kw) self.hsx = siesta_hsx_c(fname=cd+'/'+self.label+'.HSX', **kw) self.norbs_sc = self.wfsx.norbs if self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc is None else len(self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc) self.natm = self.natoms = max(self.wfsx.orb2atm) self.norbs = len(self.wfsx.orb2atm) self.norbs_sc = self.norbs self.nspin = self.wfsx.nspin self.ucell = 30.0*np.eye(3) self.nkpoints = self.wfsx.nkpoints self.sp2ion = [] for sp in self.wfsx.sp2strspecie: self.sp2ion.append(siesta_ion_xml(cd+'/'+sp+'.ion.xml')) _siesta_ion_add_sp2(self, self.sp2ion) #self.ao_log = ao_log_c().init_ao_log_ion(self.sp2ion, **kw) self.ao_log = ao_log(sp2ion=self.sp2ion, **kw) self.kb_log = ao_log(sp2ion=self.sp2ion, fname='kbs', **kw) strspecie2sp = {} # initialise a dictionary with species string as a key associated to the specie number for sp, strsp in enumerate(self.wfsx.sp2strspecie): strspecie2sp[strsp] = sp # list of atoms associated to them specie number self.atom2sp = np.empty((self.natm), dtype=np.int64) for o, atom in enumerate(self.wfsx.orb2atm): self.atom2sp[atom-1] = strspecie2sp[self.wfsx.orb2strspecie[o]] self.atom2s = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom, sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): self.atom2s[atom+1] = self.atom2s[atom] + self.ao_log.sp2norbs[sp] # atom2mu_s list of atom associated to them multipletts (radial orbitals) self.atom2mu_s = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom, sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): self.atom2mu_s[atom+1] = self.atom2mu_s[atom] + self.ao_log.sp2nmult[sp] # total number of radial orbitals self.nbas = self.atom2mu_s[-1] self.mu2orb_s = np.zeros((self.nbas+1), dtype=np.int64) for sp,mu_s in zip(self.atom2sp,self.atom2mu_s): for mu,j in enumerate(self.ao_log.sp_mu2j[sp]): self.mu2orb_s[mu_s+mu+1] = self.mu2orb_s[mu_s+mu] + 2*j+1 #t1 = timer() orb2m = self.get_orb2m() _siesta2blanko_csr(orb2m, self.hsx.s4_csr, self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc) for s in range(self.nspin): _siesta2blanko_csr(orb2m, self.hsx.spin2h4_csr[s], self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc) for k in range(self.nkpoints): for s in range(self.nspin): for n in range(self.norbs): _siesta2blanko_denvec(orb2m, self.wfsx.x[k,s,n,:,:]) # Get self.atom2coord via .xml or .xyz files try: self.xml_dict = siesta_xml(cd+'/'+self.label+'.xml') self.atom2coord = self.xml_dict['atom2coord'] self.fermi_energy = self.xml_dict['fermi_energy'] except: print(__name__, 'no siesta.xml file --> excepting with file') a2sym,a2coord = read_xyz(cd+'/'+self.label+'.xyz') self.atom2coord = a2coord*1.8897259886 # cross-check of loaded .xyz file: atom2sym_ref = np.array([self.sp2ion[sp]['symbol'].strip() \ for atom,sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp)]) for ia,(a1,a2) in enumerate(zip(a2sym,atom2sym_ref)): if a1!=a2: raise RuntimeError('.xyz wrong? %d %s %s '% (ia, a1,a2)) self.fermi_energy = fermi_energy(self.wfsx.ksn2e, self.hsx.nelec, self.hsx.telec) self.sp2symbol = [str(ion['symbol'].replace(' ', '')) for ion in self.sp2ion] self.sp2charge = self.ao_log.sp2charge # Trying to be similar to mole object from pySCF self._xc_code = 'LDA,PZ' # estimate how ? self._nelectron = self.hsx.nelec self.cart = False self.spin = self.nspin-1 self.stdout = sys.stdout self.symmetry = False self.symmetry_subgroup = None self._built = True self.max_memory = 20000 self.incore_anyway = False self._atom = [(self.sp2symbol[sp], list(self.atom2coord[ia,:])) \ for ia,sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp)] self.state = 'should be useful for something' return self
[docs] def init_label(self, **kw): from pynao.m_siesta_xml import siesta_xml from pynao.m_siesta_wfsx import siesta_wfsx_c from pynao.m_siesta_ion_xml import siesta_ion_xml from pynao.m_siesta_hsx import siesta_hsx_c """ Initialise system var using only the siesta files (siesta.xml in particular is needed) System variables: ----------------- label (string): calculation label chdir (string): calculation directory xml_dict (dict): information extracted from the xml siesta output, see m_siesta_xml wfsx: class use to extract the information about wavefunctions, see m_siesta_wfsx hsx: class to store a sparse representation of hamiltonian and overlap, see m_siesta_hsx norbs_sc (integer): number of orbital ucell (array, float): unit cell sp2ion (list): species to ions, list of the species associated to the information from the ion files, see m_siesta_ion_xml ao_log: Atomic orbital on an logarithmic grid, see m_ao_log atom2coord (array, float): array containing the coordinates of each atom. natm, natoms (integer): number of atoms norbs (integer): number of orbitals nspin (integer): number of spin nkpoints (integer): number of kpoints fermi_energy (float): Fermi energy atom2sp (list): atom to specie, list associating the atoms to their specie number atom2s: atom -> first atomic orbital in a global orbital counting atom2mu_s: atom -> first multiplett (radial orbital) in a global counting of radial orbitals sp2symbol (list): list associating the species to their symbol sp2charge (list): list associating the species to their charge state (string): this is an internal information on the current status of the class """ self.label = label = kw['label'] if 'label' in kw else 'siesta' = cd = kw['cd'] if 'cd' in kw else '.' self.xml_dict = siesta_xml(cd+'/'+self.label+'.xml') self.wfsx = siesta_wfsx_c(**kw) self.hsx = siesta_hsx_c(fname=cd+'/'+self.label+'.HSX', **kw) self.norbs_sc = self.wfsx.norbs if self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc is None else len(self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc) if 'ucell' in kw: uc = kw['ucell'] self.ucell = uc if type(uc)==np.ndarray else uc*np.eye(3) if self.verbosity > 0: print(__name__, "ucell: \n{}".format(self.ucell)) kw.pop('ucell') else: self.ucell = self.xml_dict["ucell"] self.atom2coord = self.xml_dict['atom2coord'] self.natm = self.natoms = len(self.xml_dict['atom2sp']) orig = self.atom2coord.sum(axis=0)/self.natoms self.mesh3d = mesh_affine_equ(ucell=self.ucell, origin=orig, **kw) ##### The parameters as fields self.sp2ion = [] for sp in self.wfsx.sp2strspecie: self.sp2ion.append(siesta_ion_xml(cd+'/'+sp+'.ion.xml')) _siesta_ion_add_sp2(self, self.sp2ion) self.ao_log = ao_log(sp2ion=self.sp2ion, **kw) self.kb_log = ao_log(sp2ion=self.sp2ion, fname='kbs', rr=self.ao_log.rr, pp=self.ao_log.pp) self.norbs = self.wfsx.norbs self.nspin = self.wfsx.nspin self.nkpoints = self.wfsx.nkpoints self.fermi_energy = self.xml_dict['fermi_energy'] strspecie2sp = {} # initialise a dictionary with species string as key # associated to the specie number for sp,strsp in enumerate(self.wfsx.sp2strspecie): strspecie2sp[strsp] = sp # list of atoms associated to them specie number self.atom2sp = np.empty((self.natm), dtype=np.int64) for o,atom in enumerate(self.wfsx.orb2atm): self.atom2sp[atom-1] = strspecie2sp[self.wfsx.orb2strspecie[o]] self.atom2s = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom,sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): self.atom2s[atom+1] = self.atom2s[atom] + self.ao_log.sp2norbs[sp] # atom2mu_s list of atom associated to them multipletts (radial orbitals) self.atom2mu_s = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom, sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): self.atom2mu_s[atom+1] = self.atom2mu_s[atom] + self.ao_log.sp2nmult[sp] orb2m = self.get_orb2m() _siesta2blanko_csr(orb2m, self.hsx.s4_csr, self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc) for s in range(self.nspin): _siesta2blanko_csr(orb2m, self.hsx.spin2h4_csr[s], self.hsx.orb_sc2orb_uc) #t1 = timer() for k in range(self.nkpoints): for s in range(self.nspin): for n in range(self.norbs): _siesta2blanko_denvec(orb2m, self.wfsx.x[k,s,n,:,:]) #t2 = timer(); print(t2-t1, 'rsh wfsx'); t1 = timer() self.sp2symbol = [str(ion['symbol'].replace(' ', '')) for ion in self.sp2ion] self.sp2charge = self.ao_log.sp2charge # Trying to be similar to mole object from pySCF self._xc_code = 'LDA,PZ' # estimate how ? self._nelectron = self.hsx.nelec self.cart = False self.spin = self.nspin-1 self.stdout = sys.stdout self.symmetry = False self.symmetry_subgroup = None self._built = True self.max_memory = 20000 self.incore_anyway = False # total number of radial orbitals self.nbas = self.atom2mu_s[-1] self.mu2orb_s = np.zeros((self.nbas+1), dtype=np.int64) for sp, mu_s in zip(self.atom2sp, self.atom2mu_s): for mu, j in enumerate(self.ao_log.sp_mu2j[sp]): self.mu2orb_s[mu_s+mu+1] = self.mu2orb_s[mu_s+mu] + 2*j+1 self._atom = [(self.sp2symbol[sp], list(self.atom2coord[ia,:])) \ for ia,sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp)] self.init_mo_coeff_label(**kw) self.spin = self.magnetization self.state = 'should be useful for something' return self
[docs] def init_mo_coeff_label(self, **kw): """ Constructor a mean-field class from the preceeding SIESTA calculation """ self.mo_coeff = np.require(self.wfsx.x, dtype=self.dtype, requirements='CW') self.telec = kw['telec'] if 'telec' in kw else self.hsx.telec # using this key for number of unpaired self.magnetization = kw['magnetization'] if 'magnetization' in kw else None if self.nspin==1: self.nelec = kw['nelec'] if 'nelec' in kw else np.array([self.hsx.nelec]) elif (self.nspin==2 and self.magnetization==None): self.nelec =kw['nelec'] if 'nelec' in kw else np.array([int(self.hsx.nelec/2), int(self.hsx.nelec/2)]) elif (self.nspin==2 and self.magnetization!=None): if 'nelec' in kw: self.nelec = kw['nelec'] else: ne = self.hsx.nelec nalpha = (ne + self.magnetization) // 2 nbeta = nalpha - self.magnetization if nalpha + nbeta != ne: raise RuntimeError('Electron number %d and spin %d are not consistent\n' 'Note mol.spin = 2S = Nalpha - Nbeta, not 2S+1' % (ne, self.magnetization)) self.nelec = np.array([nalpha, nbeta]) if self.verbosity > 0: print(__name__, 'not sure here: self.nelec', self.nelec) else: raise RuntimeError('0>nspin>2?') # possibility to redefine Fermi energy if 'fermi_energy' in kw: self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] check_occupation(self) if 'fermi_energy' in kw and self.verbosity>0: po = np.get_printoptions() np.set_printoptions(precision=2, linewidth=1000) print(__name__, "mo_occ:\n{}".format(self.mo_occ)) np.set_printoptions(**po)
[docs] def make_rdm1(self, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): # from pyscf.scf.hf import make_rdm1 -- different index order here if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = self.mo_occ[0,:,:] if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff[0,:,:,:,0] dm = np.zeros((1,self.nspin,self.norbs,self.norbs,1)) for s in range(self.nspin): xocc = mo_coeff[s,mo_occ[s]>0,:] focc = mo_occ[s,mo_occ[s]>0] dm[0,s,:,:,0] = * focc, xocc) return dm
[docs] def init_gpaw(self, **kw): """ Use the data from a GPAW LCAO calculations as input to initialize system variables. """ try: import ase import gpaw except: raise ValueError("ASE and GPAW must be installed for using system_vars_gpaw") from pynao.m_system_vars_gpaw import system_vars_gpaw return system_vars_gpaw(self, **kw)
[docs] def init_openmx(self, **kw): from pynao.m_openmx_import_scfout import openmx_import_scfout from timeit import default_timer as timer """ Initialise system var using only the OpenMX output (label.scfout in particular is needed) System variables: ----------------- label (string): calculation label chdir (string): calculation directory xml_dict (dict): information extracted from the xml siesta output, see m_siesta_xml wfsx: class use to extract the information about wavefunctions, see m_siesta_wfsx hsx: class to store a sparse representation of hamiltonian and overlap, see m_siesta_hsx norbs_sc (integer): number of orbital ucell (array, float): unit cell sp2ion (list): species to ions, list of the species associated to the information from the pao files ao_log: Atomic orbital on an logarithmic grid, see m_ao_log atom2coord (array, float): array containing the coordinates of each atom. natm, natoms (integer): number of atoms norbs (integer): number of orbitals nspin (integer): number of spin nkpoints (integer): number of kpoints fermi_energy (float): Fermi energy atom2sp (list): atom to specie, list associating the atoms to their specie number atom2s: atom -> first atomic orbital in a global orbital counting atom2mu_s: atom -> first multiplett (radial orbital) in a global counting of radial orbitals sp2symbol (list): list soociating the species to their symbol sp2charge (list): list associating the species to their charge state (string): this is an internal information on the current status of the class """ #label='openmx', cd='.', **kvargs openmx_import_scfout(self, **kw) self.state = 'must be useful for something already' return self
# More functions for similarity with Mole
[docs] def atom_symbol(self, ia): return self.sp2symbol[self.atom2sp[ia]]
[docs] def atom_symbols(self): return np.array([self.sp2symbol[sp] for sp in self.atom2sp])
[docs] def atom_charge(self, ia): return self.sp2charge[self.atom2sp[ia]]
[docs] def atom_charges(self): return np.array([self.sp2charge[sp] for sp in self.atom2sp], dtype='int64')
[docs] def atom_coord(self, ia): return self.atom2coord[ia,:]
[docs] def atom_coords(self): return self.atom2coord
[docs] def nao_nr(self): return self.norbs
[docs] def atom_nelec_core(self, ia): return self.sp2charge[self.atom2sp[ia]]-self.ao_log.sp2valence[self.atom2sp[ia]]
[docs] def ao_loc_nr(self): return self.mu2orb_s[0:self.natm]
[docs] def intor_symmetric(self, intor, comp=None): print(__name__, intor, comp) if intor=='int1e_kin': return 0.5*self.laplace_coo().toarray() elif intor=='int1e_nuc': return self.vnucele_coo().toarray() else: raise RuntimeError('unknown intor '+intor)
[docs] def get_init_guess(self, key=None): """ Compute an initial guess for the density matrix. ???? """ from pyscf.scf.hf import init_guess_by_minao if hasattr(self, 'mol'): dm = init_guess_by_minao(self.mol) else: # the loaded ks orbitals will be used dm = self.make_rdm1() if dm.shape[0:2]==(1,1) and dm.shape[4]==1: dm = dm.reshape((self.norbs,self.norbs)) return dm
init_guess_by_minao = get_init_guess # More functions for convenience (see PDoS)
[docs] def get_orb2j(self): return get_orb2j(self)
[docs] def get_orb2m(self): return get_orb2m(self)
[docs] def overlap_coo(self, **kw): """ Compute overlap matrix for the molecule """ from pynao.m_overlap_coo import overlap_coo return overlap_coo(self, **kw)
[docs] def overlap_lil(self, **kw): """ Compute overlap matrix in list of lists format """ from pynao.m_overlap_lil import overlap_lil return overlap_lil(self, **kw)
[docs] def laplace_coo(self): """ Compute matrix of Laplace brakets for the whole molecule """ from pynao.m_overlap_coo import overlap_coo from pynao.m_laplace_am import laplace_am return overlap_coo(self, funct=laplace_am)
[docs] def vnucele_coo(self, **kw): if self.pseudo: return self.vnucele_coo_pseudo(**kw) else: return self.vnucele_coo_coulomb(**kw)
[docs] def vnucele_coo_coulomb(self, **kw): g = self.build_3dgrid_ae(**kw) vnuc = self.comp_vnuc_coulomb(g.coords) return self.matelem_int3d_coo(g, vnuc)
[docs] def vnucele_coo_pseudo(self, **kw): """ Compute matrix elements of attraction by forces from pseudo atom """ vna = self.vna_coo(**kw) vnl = self.vnl_coo() return (vna+vnl).tocoo()
[docs] def vnl_coo(self): """ Non-local part of the Hamiltonian due to Kleinman-Bylander projectors """ from pynao.m_overlap_am import overlap_am from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix sop = self.overlap_coo(ao_log=self.ao_log, ao_log2=self.kb_log, funct=overlap_am).tocsr() nkb = sop.shape[1] vkb_dia = dia_matrix( ( self.get_vkb(), [0] ), shape = (nkb,nkb) ) return ((sop*vkb_dia)*sop.T).tocoo()
[docs] def get_vkb(self): """ Compose the vector of Kleinman-Bylander energies v^p = v^KB_ln, where p is a global projector index """ atom2s, kb = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=int), self.kb_log for atom, sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): atom2s[atom+1]=atom2s[atom]+kb.sp2norbs[sp] vkb = np.zeros(atom2s[-1]) for sp, gs in zip(self.atom2sp,atom2s): for v, s, f in zip(kb.sp_mu2vkb[sp], kb.sp_mu2s[sp], kb.sp_mu2s[sp][1:]): vkb[gs+s:gs+f] = v return vkb
[docs] def dipole_coo(self, **kw): """ Compute dipole matrix elements for the given system """ from pynao.m_dipole_coo import dipole_coo return dipole_coo(self, **kw)
[docs] def overlap_check(self, **kw): """ Works for pyscf and after init_siesta_xml() """ if hasattr(self, 'mol'): from pyscf import gto, scf tol = kw.get('tol', 1e-7) result = True ovlp_pyscf = self.get_ovlp() ovlp_nao = self.overlap_coo(**kw).toarray() diff = (abs(ovlp_nao - ovlp_pyscf)).sum() summ = (abs(ovlp_nao + ovlp_pyscf)).sum() if diff/summ > tol or diff/ovlp_nao.size > tol: result = False check = result,'tol:{}, MAX:{}'.format(tol,np.max(np.abs(ovlp_nao - ovlp_pyscf))), diff/summ else: tol = kw.get('tol', 1e-5) ovlp_nao = self.overlap_coo(**kw).tocsr() diff = (self.hsx.s4_csr - ovlp_nao).sum() summ = (self.hsx.s4_csr + ovlp_nao).sum() result = diff/summ < tol check = result, 'tol:{}'.format(tol), diff/summ return check
[docs] def energy_nuc(self, charges=None, coords=None): """ Potential energy of electrostatic repulsion of point nuclei """ from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist chrg = self.atom_charges() if charges is None else charges crds = self.atom_coords() if coords is None else coords identity = np.identity(len(chrg)) return ((chrg[:,None]*chrg[None,:])*(1.0/(cdist(crds, crds)+identity)-identity)).sum()*0.5
[docs] def build_3dgrid_pp(self, level=3): """ Build a global grid and weights for a molecular integration (integration in 3-dimensional coordinate space) """ from pyscf import dft from pynao.m_gauleg import gauss_legendre grid = dft.gen_grid.Grids(self) grid.level = level # precision as implemented in pyscf grid.radi_method=gauss_legendre atom2rcut=np.zeros(self.natoms) for ia,sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): atom2rcut[ia] = self.ao_log.sp2rcut[sp] return grid
[docs] def build_3dgrid_ae(self, level=3): """ Build a global grid and weights for a molecular integration (integration in 3-dimensional coordinate space) """ from pyscf import dft grid = dft.gen_grid.Grids(self) grid.level = level # precision as implemented in pyscf return grid
[docs] def ucell_mom(self): return (2*np.pi)*np.linalg.inv(self.ucell.T) # reciprocal unit cell
[docs] def comp_aos_den(self, coords): """ Compute the atomic orbitals for a given set of (Cartesian) coordinates. """ from pynao.m_aos_libnao import aos_libnao if not self.init_sv_libnao_orbs: raise RuntimeError('not self.init_sv_libnao') return aos_libnao(coords, self.norbs)
[docs] def comp_aos_csr(self, coords, tol=1e-8, ram=160e6): """ Compute the atomic orbitals for a given set of (Cartesian) coordinates. The sparse format CSR is used for output and the computation is organized block-wise. Thence, larger molecules can be tackled right away Input parameters: coords: 2D np.array, float set of Cartesian coordinates tol: float tolerance for dropping the values ram: float size of the allowed block (in bytes) Output parameters: co2v: sparse csr matrix (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix), float CSR matrix of shape (coordinate, atomic orbital) """ from pynao.m_aos_libnao import aos_libnao from pyscf import lib if not self.init_sv_libnao_orbs: raise RuntimeError('not self.init_sv_libnao') assert coords.shape[-1] == 3 nc, no = len(coords), self.norbs bsize = int(min(max(ram / (no*8.0), 1), nc)) co2v = csr_matrix((nc,no)) for s, f in lib.prange(0, nc, bsize): ca2o = aos_libnao(coords[s:f], no) # compute values of atomic orbitals ab = np.where(abs(ca2o)>tol) co2v += csr_matrix((ca2o[ab].reshape(-1), (ab[0]+s, ab[1])), shape=(nc,no)) return co2v
[docs] def comp_aos_py(self, coords): """ Compute the atomic orbitals for a given set of (Cartesian) coordinates. """ res = np.zeros((len(coords), self.norbs)) for sp, rc, s, f in zip(self.atom2sp, self.atom2coord, self.atom2s, self.atom2s[1:]): oc2v = self.ao_log.ao_eval(rc, sp, coords) res[:,s:f] = oc2v.T return res
[docs] def comp_vnuc_coulomb(self, coords): ncoo = coords.shape[0] vnuc = np.zeros(ncoo) for R,sp in zip(self.atom2coord, self.atom2sp): dd, Z = cdist(R.reshape((1,3)), coords).reshape(ncoo), self.sp2charge[sp] vnuc = vnuc - Z / dd return vnuc
[docs] def vna(self, coords, **kw): """ Compute the neutral-atom potential V_NA(coords) for a set of Cartesian coordinates coords. The subroutine could be also used for computing the non-linear core corrections or some other atom-centered fields. """ sp2v = kw['sp2v'] if 'sp2v' in kw else self.ao_log.sp2vna sp2rcut = kw['sp2rcut'] if 'sp2rcut' in kw else self.ao_log.sp2rcut_vna atom2coord = kw['atom2coord'] if 'atom2coord' in kw else self.atom2coord nc = coords.shape[0] vna = np.zeros(nc) for ia,(R,sp) in enumerate(zip(atom2coord, self.atom2sp)): # This can be done better via preparation of a special atom2sp excluding ghost atoms if sp2v[sp] is None: continue #print(__name__, ia, sp, sp2rcut[sp]) dd = cdist(R.reshape((1,3)), coords).reshape(nc) vnaa = self.ao_log.interp_rr(sp2v[sp], dd, rcut=sp2rcut[sp]) vna = vna + vnaa return vna
[docs] def vna_coo(self, **kw): """ Compute matrix elements of a potential which is given as superposition of central fields from each nuclei """ g = self.build_3dgrid_ae(**kw) vna = self.vna(g.coords, **kw) return self.matelem_int3d_coo(g, vna)
[docs] def matelem_int3d_coo(self, g, v): """ Compute matrix elements of a potential v given on the 3d grid g using blocks along the grid """ from pyscf import lib bsize = int(min(max(160e6 / (self.norbs*8.0), 1), g.size)) #print(__name__, bsize, g.size*self.norbs*8) v_matelem = np.zeros((self.norbs, self.norbs)) va = v.reshape(-1) wgts = g.weights if type(g.weights)==np.ndarray else np.repeat(g.weights, g.size) for s, f in lib.prange(0,g.size,bsize): # compute values of atomic orbitals ca2o = self.comp_aos_den(g.coords[s:f]) v_w = (wgts[s:f]*va[s:f]).reshape((f-s,1)) cb2vo = ca2o*v_w v_matelem +=,cb2vo) return coo_matrix(v_matelem)
[docs] def matelem_int3d_coo_ref(self, g, v): """ Compute matrix elements of a potential v given on the 3d grid g """ # compute values of atomic orbitals ca2o = self.comp_aos_den(g.coords) v_w = (g.weights*v.reshape(g.size)).reshape((g.size,1)) cb2vo = ca2o*v_w v_matelem =,cb2vo) return coo_matrix(v_matelem)
[docs] def init_libnao_orbs(self): """ Initialization of data on libnao site """ from pynao.m_libnao import libnao from pynao.m_sv_chain_data import sv_chain_data from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int64, c_int32, byref data = sv_chain_data(self) size_x = np.array([1,self.nspin,self.norbs,self.norbs,1], dtype=np.int32) libnao.init_sv_libnao_orbs.argtypes = (POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int32)) libnao.init_sv_libnao_orbs(data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(len(data)), size_x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int32))) self.init_sv_libnao_orbs = True libnao.init_aos_libnao.argtypes = (POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int64)) info = c_int64(-999) libnao.init_aos_libnao(c_int64(self.norbs), byref(info)) if info.value!=0: raise RuntimeError("info!=0") return self
@property def nelectron(self): if self._nelectron is None: return tot_electrons(self) else: return self._nelectron
[docs] def get_symbols (self): atm_list = [ self.sp2symbol[sp] for sp in self.atom2sp ] return atm_list
[docs]def check_occupation(self): """ Check that the calculated number of electron obtained from siesta wfsx correspond to the expected number of electrons """ from pynao.m_fermi_energy import fermi_energy self.mo_energy, self.mo_occ, nelec_occ = get_nelec_occ(self, correction=1.0) if not np.allclose(self.nelec, nelec_occ, atol=1e-4): # try to correct conversion issue between constante definition in siesta # and Scipy, i.e., telec, and fermi_energy energy are converted from Siesta # to Hartree (from eV and Rydberg respectively), however, wfsx are already # in Hartree, and the constant definition differs self.mo_energy, self.mo_occ, nelec_occ = \ get_nelec_occ(self, correction=1.0/siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev_siesta_corr"]) if not np.allclose(self.nelec, nelec_occ, atol=1e-4): fermi_guess = fermi_energy(self.wfsx.ksn2e, self.hsx.nelec, self.hsx.telec) fname_occ = "molecular_orbitals_occupations.npy" fname_energy = "molecular_orbitals_energies.npy", self.mo_occ), self.mo_energy) # molecular_orbitals_occupations.npy 0.0009500000160187483 [55] # [55.967094] -0.09051392545973884 -0.08997633362242571 # molecular_orbitals_energies.npy mess = """ occupations: Calculated number of electrons differ from the expected one Probably an issue with your DFT calculations check file {0} for molecular orbital occupation and file {6} for molecular orbital energies telec: {1:.6f} nelec expected: {2:.6f} nelec(occ): {3:.6f} Fermi guess: {4:.6e} Fermi: {5:.6e} """.format(fname_occ, self.telec, self.nelec[0], nelec_occ[0], fermi_guess, self.fermi_energy, fname_energy) raise ValueError(mess)
[docs]def get_nelec_occ(self, correction=1.0): """ calculate the number of electrons from WFSX file """ from pynao.m_fermi_energy import fermi_energy from pynao.m_fermi_dirac import fermi_dirac_occupations mo_energy = np.require(self.wfsx.ksn2e*correction, dtype=self.dtype, requirements='CW') ksn2fd = fermi_dirac_occupations(self.telec, mo_energy, self.fermi_energy) mo_occ = (3 - self.nspin)*ksn2fd nelec_occ = np.einsum('ksn->s', mo_occ)/self.nkpoints return mo_energy, mo_occ, nelec_occ
# # Example of reading pySCF orbitals. # if __name__=="__main__": from pyscf import gto from pynao import nao import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Interpreting small Gaussian calculation # coordinates in Angstrom! mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0; Be 1 0 0', basis='ccpvtz') sv = nao(gto=mol, rcut_tol=1e-8, nr=512, rmin=1e-5) print('sv.ao_log.sp2norbs:',sv.ao_log.sp2norbs) print('sv.ao_log.sp2nmult:',sv.ao_log.sp2nmult) print('sv.ao_log.sp2rcut',sv.ao_log.sp2rcut) print('sv.ao_log.sp_mu2rcut',sv.ao_log.sp_mu2rcut) print('', print('sv.ao_log.rr[0:4], sv.ao_log.rr[-1:-5:-1]',sv.ao_log.rr[0:4], sv.ao_log.rr[-1:-5:-1]) print('sv.ao_log.psi_log[0].shape, sv.ao_log.psi_log_rl[0].shape',sv.ao_log.psi_log[0].shape, sv.ao_log.psi_log_rl[0].shape) sp = 0 for mu,[ff,j] in enumerate(zip(sv.ao_log.psi_log[sp], sv.ao_log.sp_mu2j[sp])): nc = abs(ff).max() if j==0 : plt.plot(sv.ao_log.rr, ff/nc, '--', label=str(mu)+' j='+str(j)) if j>0 : plt.plot(sv.ao_log.rr, ff/nc, label=str(mu)+' j='+str(j)) plt.legend() #plt.xlim(0.0, 10.0)