Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from numpy import require, zeros, array, where, unravel_index, einsum
from pynao import nao, prod_basis
from pynao import conv_yzx2xyz_c
from pyscf.dft.rks import _dft_common_init_
[docs]class mf(nao): def __init__(self, **kw): """ Constructor a mean field class (store result of a mean-field calc, deliver density matrix etc) """ nao.__init__(self, **kw) if 'mf' in kw: self.init_mo_from_pyscf(**kw) elif 'label' in kw: # init KS orbitals with SIESTA self.k2xyzw = self.xml_dict["k2xyzw"] self.xc_code = 'LDA,PZ' # just a guess... elif 'wfsx_fname' in kw: # init KS orbitals with WFSX file from SIESTA output self.xc_code = 'LDA,PZ' # just a guess... elif 'fireball' in kw: # init KS orbitals with Fireball self.init_mo_coeff_fireball(**kw) self.xc_code = 'GGA,PBE' # just a guess... elif 'gpaw' in kw: self.init_mo_coeff_label(**kw) self.k2xyzw = np.array([[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]]) self.xc_code = 'LDA,PZ' # just a guess, but in case of GPAW there is a field... elif 'openmx' in kw: self.xc_code = 'GGA,PBE' # just a guess... pass else: print(__name__, kw.keys()) raise RuntimeError('unknown constructor') #_dft_common_init_(self) if self.verbosity>0: print(__name__,'\t\t====> self.pseudo: ', self.pseudo) print(__name__,'\t\t====> Number of orbitals: ', self.norbs) self.init_libnao() self.gen_pb = kw['gen_pb'] if 'gen_pb' in kw else True if self.gen_pb: self.pb = pb = prod_basis(nao=self, **kw) self.v_dab = pb.get_dp_vertex_sparse(dtype=self.dtype).tocsr() self.cc_da = cc = pb.get_da2cc_sparse(dtype=self.dtype).tocsr() # CSR for matvec operations # Hopefully, the csr and csc matrix should just be pointers to the COO # must be checked ... self.v_dab_csr = self.v_dab.tocsr() self.cc_da_csr = self.cc_da.tocsr() # CSC for transpose matvec operations # transpose of a CSC gives a CSR matrix # Thus we can use optimized CSR_matvec routine self.v_dab_trans = self.v_dab.tocsc().T self.cc_da_trans = self.cc_da.tocsc().T #self.pb.init_prod_basis_pp_batch(nao=self, **kw) self.nprod = self.cc_da.shape[1] if self.verbosity > 0: print(__name__, \ '\t\t====> Number of dominant and atom-centered products {}'.format(cc.shape))
[docs] def init_mo_from_pyscf(self, **kw): """ Initializing from a previous pySCF mean-field calc. """ from pynao.m_fermi_energy import fermi_energy as comput_fermi_energy from pynao.m_color import color as tc self.telec = kw['telec'] if 'telec' in kw else 0.0000317 # 10K = mf = kw['mf'] self.xc_code = mf.xc if hasattr(mf, 'xc') else 'HF' self.k2xyzw = np.array([[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]]) self.mo_energy = np.asarray(mf.mo_energy) self.nspin = self.mo_energy.ndim assert self.nspin in [1,2] nspin,n=self.nspin,self.norbs self.mo_energy = require( self.mo_energy.reshape((1, nspin, n)), requirements='CW') self.mo_occ = require( mf.mo_occ.reshape((1,nspin,n)), requirements='CW') self.mo_coeff = require(zeros((1,nspin,n,n,1), dtype=self.dtype), requirements='CW') conv = conv_yzx2xyz_c(kw['gto']) aaux = np.asarray(mf.mo_coeff).reshape((nspin,n,n)) for s in range(nspin): self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0] = conv.conv_yzx2xyz_1d(aaux[s], conv.m_xyz2m_yzx).T self.nelec = kw['nelec'] if 'nelec' in kw else np.array([int(s2o.sum()) for s2o in self.mo_occ[0]]) fermi = comput_fermi_energy(self.mo_energy, sum(self.nelec), self.telec) self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] if 'fermi_energy' in kw else fermi
[docs] def init_mo_coeff_fireball(self, **kw): """ Constructor a mean-field class from the preceeding FIREBALL calculation """ from pynao.m_fermi_dirac import fermi_dirac_occupations from pynao.m_fireball_get_eigen_dat import fireball_get_eigen_dat from pynao.m_fireball_hsx import fireball_hsx self.telec = kw['telec'] if 'telec' in kw else self.telec self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] if 'fermi_energy' in kw else self.fermi_energy self.mo_energy = require(fireball_get_eigen_dat(, dtype=self.dtype, requirements='CW') ksn2fd = fermi_dirac_occupations(self.telec, self.mo_energy, self.fermi_energy) self.mo_occ = (3-self.nspin)*ksn2fd if abs(self.nelectron-self.mo_occ.sum())>1e-6: raise RuntimeError("mo_occ wrong?" ) #print(__name__, ' self.nspecies ', self.nspecies) #print(self.sp_mu2j) self.hsx = fireball_hsx(self, **kw)
#print(self.telec) #print(self.mo_energy) #print(self.fermi_energy) #print(__name__, ' sum(self.mo_occ)', sum(self.mo_occ)) #print(self.mo_occ)
[docs] def diag_check(self, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-4): from pynao.m_sv_diag import sv_diag ksn2e = self.mo_energy ac = True for k,kvec in enumerate(self.k2xyzw): for spin in range(self.nspin): e,x = sv_diag(self, kvec=kvec[0:3], spin=spin) eref = ksn2e[k,spin,:] acks = np.allclose(eref,e,atol=atol,rtol=rtol) ac = ac and acks if(not acks): aerr = sum(abs(eref-e))/len(e) print("diag_check: "+bc.RED+str(k)+' '+str(spin)+' '+str(aerr)+bc.ENDC) return ac
[docs] def get_occupations(self, telec=None, ksn2e=None, fermi_energy=None): """ Compute occupations of electron levels according to Fermi-Dirac distribution """ from pynao.m_fermi_dirac import fermi_dirac_occupations Telec = self.hsx.telec if telec is None else telec ksn2E = self.wfsx.ksn2e if ksn2e is None else ksn2e Fermi = self.fermi_energy if fermi_energy is None else fermi_energy ksn2fd = fermi_dirac_occupations(Telec, ksn2E, Fermi) ksn2fd = (3.0-self.nspin)*ksn2fd return ksn2fd
[docs] def init_libnao(self, wfsx=None): """ Initialization of data on libnao site """ from pynao.m_libnao import libnao from pynao.m_sv_chain_data import sv_chain_data from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int64, c_int32, byref if wfsx is None: data = sv_chain_data(self) # (nkpoints, nspin, norbs, norbs, nreim) #print(' data ', sum(data)) size_x = np.array([1, self.nspin, self.norbs, self.norbs, 1], dtype=np.int32) libnao.init_sv_libnao_orbs.argtypes = (POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int32)) libnao.init_sv_libnao_orbs(data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(len(data)), size_x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int32))) self.init_sv_libnao = True else: size_x = np.zeros(len(self.wfsx.x.shape), dtype=np.int32) for i, sh in enumerate(self.wfsx.x.shape): size_x[i] = sh data = sv_chain_data(self) libnao.init_sv_libnao_orbs.argtypes = (POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int32)) libnao.init_sv_libnao_orbs(data.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(len(data)), size_x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int32))) self.init_sv_libnao = True libnao.init_aos_libnao.argtypes = (POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int64)) info = c_int64(-999) libnao.init_aos_libnao(c_int64(self.norbs), byref(info)) if info.value!=0: raise RuntimeError("info!=0") return self
[docs] def vxc_lil(self, **kw): """ Compute matrix elements of exchange-correlation potential """ from pynao.m_vxc_sparse import vxc_lil return vxc_lil(self, deriv=1, **kw)
[docs] def vhartree_pbc(self, dens, **kw): """ Compute Hartree potential for the density given in an equidistant grid """ from pynao.m_vhartree_pbc import vhartree_pbc return vhartree_pbc(self, dens, **kw)
[docs] def vhartree_pbc_coo(self, density_factors=[1,0], **kw): """ Compute matrix elements of Hartree potential for the density given in an equidistant grid """ from pynao.m_vhartree_pbc import vhartree_pbc g = self.mesh3d.get_3dgrid() f = density_factors dens = np.zeros(g.shape) if abs(f[0])>0: dens += f[0]*self.dens_elec(g.coords, self.make_rdm1()).reshape(g.shape) if abs(f[1])>0: dens += f[1]*self.vna(g.coords,sp2v=self.ao_log.sp2chlocal,sp2rcut=self.ao_log.sp2rcut_chlocal).reshape(g.shape) #print(__name__, dens.sum()*self.mesh3d.dv) vh = self.vhartree_pbc(dens) return self.matelem_int3d_coo(g, vh)
[docs] def dens_elec(self, coords, dm): # Compute electronic density for a given density matrix and on a given set of coordinates from pynao.m_dens_libnao import dens_libnao from pynao.m_init_dm_libnao import init_dm_libnao from pynao.m_init_dens_libnao import init_dens_libnao # end of imports if not self.init_sv_libnao : raise RuntimeError('not self.init_sv_libnao') if init_dm_libnao(dm) is None : raise RuntimeError('init_dm_libnao(dm) is None') if init_dens_libnao()!=0 : raise RuntimeError('init_dens_libnao()!=0') return dens_libnao(coords, self.nspin)
[docs] def exc(self, dm=None, xc_code=None, **kw): # Compute exchange-correlation energies from pynao.m_exc import exc dm = self.make_rdm1() if dm is None else dm xc_code = self.xc_code if xc_code is None else xc_code return exc(self, dm, xc_code, **kw)
[docs] def get_init_guess(self, mol=None, key=None): """ Compute an initial guess for the density matrix. """ from pyscf.scf.hf import init_guess_by_minao if hasattr(self, 'mol'): dm = init_guess_by_minao(self.mol) else: dm = self.make_rdm1() # the loaded ks orbitals will be used if dm.shape[0:2]==(1,1) and dm.shape[4]==1 : dm = dm.reshape((self.norbs,self.norbs)) return dm
[docs] def get_hamiltonian(self): # Returns the stored matrix elements of current hamiltonian return self.hsx.spin2h4_csr
[docs] def dos(self, comegas, **kw): """ Ordinary Density of States (from the current mean-field eigenvalues) """ from pynao.scf_dos import scf_dos return scf_dos(self, comegas, **kw)
[docs] def pdos(self, comegas, **kw): """ Partial Density of States (resolved in angular momentum of atomic orbitals) """ from pynao.m_dos_pdos_ldos import pdos return pdos(self, comegas, **kw)
[docs] def lsoa_dos(self, comegas, **kw): """ Partial Density of States (contributions from a given list of atoms) """ from pynao.m_dos_pdos_ldos import lsoa_dos return lsoa_dos(self, comegas, **kw)
[docs] def gdos(self, comegas, **kw): """ Some molecular orbital population analysis """ from pynao.m_dos_pdos_ldos import gdos return gdos(self, comegas, **kw)
[docs] def read_wfsx(self, fname, **kw): """ An occasional reading of the SIESTA's .WFSX file """ from pynao.m_siesta_wfsx import siesta_wfsx_c from pynao.m_siesta2blanko_denvec import _siesta2blanko_denvec from pynao.m_fermi_dirac import fermi_dirac_occupations self.wfsx = siesta_wfsx_c(fname=fname, **kw) assert self.nkpoints == self.wfsx.nkpoints assert self.norbs == self.wfsx.norbs assert self.nspin == self.wfsx.nspin orb2m = self.get_orb2m() for k in range(self.nkpoints): for s in range(self.nspin): for n in range(self.norbs): _siesta2blanko_denvec(orb2m, self.wfsx.x[k,s,n,:,:]) self.mo_coeff = require(self.wfsx.x, dtype=self.dtype, requirements='CW') self.mo_energy = require(self.wfsx.ksn2e, dtype=self.dtype, requirements='CW') self.telec = kw['telec'] if 'telec' in kw else self.hsx.telec self.nelec = kw['nelec'] if 'nelec' in kw else self.hsx.nelec self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] if 'fermi_energy' in kw else self.fermi_energy ksn2fd = fermi_dirac_occupations(self.telec, self.mo_energy, self.fermi_energy) self.mo_occ = (3-self.nspin)*ksn2fd return self
[docs] def plot_contour(self, w=0.0): """ Plot contour with poles of Green's function in the self-energy SelfEnergy(w) = G(w+w')W(w') with respect to w' = Re(w')+Im(w') Poles of G(w+w') are located: w+w'-(E_n-Fermi)+i*eps sign(E_n-Fermi)==0 ==> w'= (E_n-Fermi) - w -i eps sign(E_n-Fermi) """ try : import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Arc, Arrow except: print('no matplotlib?') return fig,ax = plt.subplots() fe = self.fermi_energy ee = self.mo_energy iee = 0.5-np.array(ee>fe) eew = ee-fe-w ax.plot(eew, iee, 'r.', ms=10.0) pp = list() pp.append(Arc((0,0),4,4,angle=0, linewidth=2, theta1=0, theta2=90, zorder=2, color='b')) pp.append(Arc((0,0),4,4,angle=0, linewidth=2, theta1=180, theta2=270, zorder=2, color='b')) pp.append(Arrow(0,2,0,-4,width=0.2, color='b', hatch='o')) pp.append(Arrow(-2,0,4,0,width=0.2, color='b', hatch='o')) for p in pp: ax.add_patch(p) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.grid(True, which='both') ax.axhline(y=0, color='k') ax.axvline(x=0, color='k') plt.ylim(-3.0,3.0)
[docs] def get_vertex_pov(self): """ Computes the occupied-virtual-product basis vertex""" assert hasattr(self, 'pb') pab = self.pb.get_ac_vertex_array() pov = list() nprd = pab.shape[0] for s,occ in enumerate(self.mo_occ): no = np.count_nonzero(occ>0.0) nv = np.count_nonzero(occ==0.0) assert nv+no==self.mo_coeff.shape[-2] pov.append(np.zeros([nprd,no,nv], dtype=self.dtype)) pov[s] = np.einsum('oa,pab,vb->pov', self.mo_coeff[0,s,0:no,:,0], pab, self.mo_coeff[0,s,no:,:,0]) return pov
[docs] def nonin_osc_strength(self): from scipy.sparse import spmatrix """ Computes the non-interacting oscillator strengths and energies """ x,y,z = map(spmatrix.toarray, self.dipole_coo()) i2d = array((x,y,z)) n = self.mo_occ.shape[-1] p = zeros((len(comega)), dtype=np.complex128) # result to accumulate for s in range(self.nspin): o,e,cc = self.mo_occ[0,s],self.mo_energy[0,s],self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0] oo1,ee1 = np.subtract.outer(o,o).reshape(n*n), np.subtract.outer(e,e).reshape(n*n) idx = unravel_index( np.intersect1d(where(oo1<0.0), where(ee1<eemax)), (n,n)) ivrt,iocc = array(list(set(idx[0]))), array(list(set(idx[1]))) voi2d = einsum('nia,ma->nmi', einsum('iab,nb->nia', i2d, cc[ivrt]), cc[iocc]) t2osc = 2.0/3.0*einsum('voi,voi->vo', voi2d, voi2d) t2w = np.subtract.outer(e[ivrt],e[iocc]) t2o = -np.subtract.outer(o[ivrt],o[iocc]) for iw,w in enumerate(comega): p[iw] += 0.5*(t2osc*((t2o/(w-t2w))-(t2o/(w+t2w)))).sum() return p
[docs] def polariz_nonin_ave_matelem(self, comega): from scipy.sparse import spmatrix """ Computes the non-interacting optical polarizability via the dipole matrix elements.""" x,y,z = map(spmatrix.toarray, self.dipole_coo()) i2d = array((x,y,z)) n = self.mo_occ.shape[-1] eemax = max(comega.real)+20.0*max(comega.imag) p = zeros((len(comega)), dtype=np.complex128) # result to accumulate #print(__name__, 'Fermi energy', self.fermi_energy) #np.set_printoptions(linewidth=1000) for s in range(self.nspin): o,e,cc = self.mo_occ[0,s],self.mo_energy[0,s],self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0] #print(o[:10]) #print(e[:10]) oo1,ee1 = np.subtract.outer(o,o).reshape(n*n), np.subtract.outer(e,e).reshape(n*n) idx = unravel_index( np.intersect1d(where(oo1<0.0), where(ee1<eemax)), (n,n)) ivrt,iocc = array(list(set(idx[0]))), array(list(set(idx[1]))) voi2d = einsum('nia,ma->nmi', einsum('iab,nb->nia', i2d, cc[ivrt]), cc[iocc]) t2osc = 2.0/3.0*einsum('voi,voi->vo', voi2d, voi2d) t2w = np.subtract.outer(e[ivrt],e[iocc]) t2o = -np.subtract.outer(o[ivrt],o[iocc]) for iw,w in enumerate(comega): p[iw] += 0.5*(t2osc*((t2o/(w-t2w))-(t2o/(w+t2w)))).sum() return p
[docs] def spin_square(self, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): from functools import reduce mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff if mo_coeff is None else mo_coeff mo_occ = self.mo_occ if mo_occ is None else mo_occ if self.nspin==1: mo_a = mo_coeff[0,0,mo_occ[0,0]>0,:,0] mo_b = mo_coeff[0,0,mo_occ[0,0]>1,:,0] elif self.nspin==2: mo_a = mo_coeff[0,0,mo_occ[0,0]>0,:,0] mo_b = mo_coeff[0,1,mo_occ[0,1]>0,:,0] nocc_a, nocc_b = mo_a.shape[0], mo_b.shape[0] over = self.overlap_coo().toarray() s = reduce(, (mo_a, over, mo_b.T)) ssxy = (nocc_a+nocc_b) * 0.5 - (s.conj()*s).sum() ssz = (nocc_b-nocc_a)**2 * 0.25 ss = (ssxy + ssz).real s = np.sqrt(ss+0.25) - 0.5 return ss, s*2+1
# # Example of reading pySCF mean-field calculation. # if __name__=="__main__": from pyscf import gto, scf as scf_gto from pynao import nao, mf """ Interpreting small Gaussian calculation """ mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0; Be 1 0 0', basis='ccpvdz') # coordinates in Angstrom! dft = scf_gto.RKS(mol) dft.kernel() sv = mf(mf=dft, gto=dft.mol, rcut_tol=1e-9, nr=512, rmin=1e-6) print(sv.ao_log.sp2norbs) print(sv.ao_log.sp2nmult) print(sv.ao_log.sp2rcut) print(sv.ao_log.sp_mu2rcut) print( print(sv.ao_log.rr[0:4], sv.ao_log.rr[-1:-5:-1]) print(sv.ao_log.psi_log[0].shape, sv.ao_log.psi_log_rl[0].shape) print(dir(sv.pb)) print(sv.pb.norbs) print(sv.pb.npdp) print(sv.pb.c2s[-1])