Source code for pynao.m_xc_scalar_ni

from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from pynao.m_ao_matelem import build_3dgrid
from pynao.m_dens_libnao import dens_libnao
from pynao.m_ao_eval_libnao import ao_eval_libnao as ao_eval
from pyscf.dft import libxc

[docs]def xc_scalar_ni(me, sp1,R1, sp2,R2, xc_code, deriv, **kw): from pyscf.dft.libxc import eval_xc """ Computes overlap for an atom pair. The atom pair is given by a pair of species indices and the coordinates of the atoms. The procedure uses the numerical integration in coordinate space. Input parameters: sp1: int specie index of atom 1 sp2: int specie index of atom 1 R1: 1D np.array, float coordinate of atom 1 R2: 1D np.array, float coordinate of atom 2 Output parameters: mat_ovl: 2D np.array, float matrix of orbital overlaps """ grids = build_3dgrid(me, sp1, R1, sp2, R2, **kw) rho = dens_libnao(grids.coords, THRS = 1e-12 if rho[rho<THRS] = 0.0 elif msk = np.logical_or(rho[:,0]<THRS, rho[:,1]<THRS) rho[msk,0],rho[msk,1] = 0.0, 0.0 exc, vxc, fxc, kxc = libxc.eval_xc(xc_code, rho.T,, deriv=deriv) ao1 = ao_eval(me.ao1, R1, sp1, grids.coords) if deriv==1 : xq = vxc[0] if vxc[0].ndim>1 else vxc[0].reshape((vxc[0].size,1)) elif deriv==2: xq = fxc[0] if fxc[0].ndim>1 else fxc[0].reshape((fxc[0].size,1)) else: print(' deriv ', deriv) raise RuntimeError('!deriv!') ao1 = np.einsum('ax,x,xq->qax', ao1, grids.weights, xq) ao2 = ao_eval(me.ao2, R2, sp2, grids.coords) return np.einsum('qax,bx->qab', ao1, ao2)