Source code for pynao.m_vnucele_coo_subtract

from __future__ import print_function, division

[docs]def vnucele_coo_subtract(sv, **kvargs): """ Computes the matrix elements defined by Vne = H_KS - T - V_H - V_xc which serve as nuclear-electron attraction matrix elements for pseudo-potential DFT calculations Args: sv : (System Variables), this must have arrays of coordinates and species, etc Returns: matrix elements """ tkin = 0.5*(sv.laplace_coo().tocsr()) vhar = sv.vhartree_coo(**kvargs).tocsr() vxc = sv.vxc_lil(**kvargs).tocsr() vne = sv.get_hamiltonian(**kvargs)[0].tocsr()-tkin-vhar-vxc return vne.tocoo()