Source code for pynao.m_tddft_iter_gpu

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int, c_int64, c_float, c_int, c_long
from scipy.linalg import blas
from pynao.m_sparsetools import csr_matvec, csc_matvec, csc_matvecs
import sys

try: # to import gpu library
  from pyscf.lib import misc
  libnao_gpu = misc.load_library("libnao_gpu")
  GPU_import = True
  GPU_import = False

[docs] class tddft_iter_gpu_c(): def __init__(self, GPU, X4, ksn2f, ksn2e, norbs, nfermi, nprod, vstart): """ Input Parameters: ----------------- GPU: variable to set up GPU calculations. It can take several forms * None : if GPU=None, no GPU will be use * True : if GPU is True, then calculation will be using GPUs with default setup * False : Identic to None * dictionary: a dictionary containing the different parameters for the gpu setup, the keys are, * use, booleean to know if wew will use GPU calculations * device: integer to use a certain GPU if there is more than one """ if (isinstance(GPU, dict) or GPU == True) and GPU_import: list_kw = ["use", "device", "gpu count"] default = [True, 0, self.countGPUs()] self.GPU = dict() if isinstance(GPU, dict): for key, val in zip(list_kw, default): if key in GPU.keys(): self.GPU[key] = GPU[key] else: self.GPU[key] = val elif GPU: # GPU is True for key, val in zip(list_kw, default): self.GPU[key] = val else: raise ValueError("wrong input for GPU") if not self.GPU["use"]: self.GPU = None # lets keep None for the next else: print(self.GPU) if isinstance(self.GPU["device"], int): if self.GPU["device"] < self.GPU["gpu count"] and \ self.GPU["device"] >= 0: self.setDevice(self.GPU["device"]) else: mess = """ GPU['device'] = {0} but there is only {1} gpus on this system. """.format(self.GPU["device"], self.GPU["gpu count"]) raise ValueError(mess) else: raise ValueError("GPU['device'] must be an integer, no multi GPU support at the moment.") self.norbs = norbs self.nfermi = nfermi[0] # taking only the first spin, will need to be corrected self.nprod = nprod self.vstart = vstart[0] self.nvirt = self.norbs-self.vstart self.block_size = np.array([32, 32], dtype=np.int32) # threads by block self.grid_size = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.int32) # number of blocks dimensions = [nfermi, nprod] for i in range(2): if dimensions[i] <= self.block_size[i]: self.block_size[i] = dimensions[i] self.grid_size[i] = 1 else: self.grid_size[i] = dimensions[i]/self.block_size[i] + 1 #print(X4.shape) #print(ksn2e.shape) #print(ksn2f.shape) #print(self.nfermi, self.norbs, self.nprod, self.vstart, self.nvirt) libnao_gpu.init_tddft_iter_gpu( X4.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), c_int(self.norbs), ksn2e[0, 0, :].ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), ksn2f[0, 0, :].ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), c_int(self.nfermi), c_int(self.nprod), c_int(self.vstart)) elif (isinstance(GPU, dict) or GPU == True) and not GPU_import: if isinstance(GPU, dict): if GPU["use"]: raise ValueError("GPU lib failed to initialize!") else: self.GPU = None else: raise ValueError("GPU lib failed to initialize!") else: self.GPU = None
[docs] def countGPUs(self): """ Return the number of devices available for the calculations """ return libnao_gpu.CountDevices()
[docs] def setDevice(self, gpu_id): libnao_gpu.SetDevice(c_int(gpu_id))
[docs] def getDevice(self): return libnao_gpu.GetDevice()
[docs] def cpy_sab_to_device(self, sab, Async=-1): """ Async can take the following values: * 0 default stream * 1 real stream * 2 imag stream * -1 or any other value: Not using Async, just blocking memcpy """ libnao_gpu.memcpy_sab_host2device(sab.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), c_int(Async))
[docs] def cpy_sab_to_host(self, sab, Async=-1): """ Async can take the following values: * 0 default stream * 1 real stream * 2 imag stream * -1 or any other value: Not using Async, just blocking memcpy """ libnao_gpu.memcpy_sab_device2host(sab.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), c_int(Async))
[docs] def calc_nb2v_from_sab(self, reim): libnao_gpu.calc_nb2v_from_sab(c_int(reim))
[docs] def calc_nm2v_real(self): libnao_gpu.get_nm2v_real()
[docs] def calc_nm2v_imag(self): libnao_gpu.get_nm2v_imag()
[docs] def calc_nb2v_from_nm2v_real(self): libnao_gpu.calc_nb2v_from_nm2v_real()
[docs] def calc_nb2v_from_nm2v_imag(self): libnao_gpu.calc_nb2v_from_nm2v_imag()
[docs] def calc_sab(self, reim): libnao_gpu.get_sab(c_int(reim))
[docs] def div_eigenenergy_gpu(self, comega): libnao_gpu.div_eigenenergy_gpu(c_double(comega.real), c_double(comega.imag), self.block_size.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)), self.grid_size.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)))
[docs] def clean_gpu(self): libnao_gpu.free_device()