Source code for pynao.m_siesta_xml_print

from pynao.m_color import color as bc
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pynao.m_siesta_xml import pref

[docs]def siesta_xml_print(label="siesta"): fname = label+".xml" try : tree = ET.parse(fname) except: raise SystemError(fname+" cannot be parsed: calculation did not finish?") roo = tree.getroot() fin=roo.find(pref+"module[@title='Finalization']") mol=fin.find(pref+"molecule") coo=mol.find(pref+"atomArray") print(bc.RED+"children of roo[t]"+bc.ENDC) for child in roo: print(child.tag, child.attrib, child.text, len(child)) print(bc.RED+"children of fin"+bc.ENDC) for child in fin: print(len(child), child.tag, child.attrib, child.text, len(child)) print(bc.RED+"children of mol"+bc.ENDC) for child in mol: print(len(child), child.tag, child.attrib, child.text) print(bc.RED+"children of coo"+bc.ENDC+" (only attrib)") for child in coo: print(len(child), child.attrib) return 0