Source code for pynao.m_siesta_wfsx

from __future__ import print_function, division
from ctypes import POINTER, c_int64, c_float, c_double, c_char_p, create_string_buffer
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from numpy import zeros, empty 
from pynao.m_libnao import libnao

# interfacing with fortran subroutines 
libnao.siesta_wfsx_book_size.argtypes = (c_char_p, POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int64))
libnao.siesta_wfsx_book_read.argtypes = (c_char_p, POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_int64))
libnao.siesta_wfsx_dread.argtypes = (c_char_p, POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int64))
libnao.siesta_wfsx_sread.argtypes = (c_char_p, POINTER(c_int64), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_int64))
# END of interfacing with fortran subroutines 

[docs]def siesta_wfsx_book_read_py(fname, nreim): """ Creates buffer for integer data from .WFSX files """ name = create_string_buffer(fname.encode()) bufsize = c_int64(-999) ios = c_int64(22) libnao.siesta_wfsx_book_size(name, c_int64(nreim), bufsize, ios) if ios.value!=0 : return None idat = empty(bufsize.value, dtype=np.int64) libnao.siesta_wfsx_book_read(name, c_int64(nreim), idat.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int64)), ios) if ios.value!=0 : return None return idat
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[docs]def siesta_wfsx_dread(w, nreim): ddata = empty(w.nkpoints*w.nspin*w.norbs + + w.nkpoints*3) ios = c_int64(-999) libnao.siesta_wfsx_dread(create_string_buffer(w.fname.encode()), c_int64(nreim), ddata.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), ios) if ios.value!=0 : raise RuntimeError('ios!=0 %d'%(ios.value)) return ddata
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[docs]def siesta_wfsx_sread(w, sdata, nreim): name = create_string_buffer(w.fname.encode()) bufsize = w.nkpoints*w.nspin*w.norbs**2*w.nreim ios = c_int64(-999) libnao.siesta_wfsx_sread(name, c_int64(nreim), sdata.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), ios) if ios.value!=0 : raise RuntimeError('ios!=0 %d'%(ios.value))
[docs]class siesta_wfsx_c(): def __init__(self, **kw): #, label='siesta', chdir='.', fname=None, force_gamma=None label = kw['label'] if 'label' in kw else 'siesta' chdir = kw['cd'] if 'cd' in kw else '.' fname = kw['fname'] if 'fname' in kw else None force_gamma = kw['force_gamma'] if 'force_gamma' in kw else None nreim = -999 if force_gamma is not None: if force_gamma : nreim = 1 if fname is None : self.label = label ends = ['fullBZ.WFSX', 'WFSX'] for end in ends: fname = chdir+'/'+label+'.'+end idat = siesta_wfsx_book_read_py(fname, nreim) if idat is None : print(fname, ' skip') continue self.fname = fname break else: self.fname = fname idat = siesta_wfsx_book_read_py(fname, nreim) if idat is None : raise RuntimeError('No .WFSX file found') i = 0 self.nkpoints = idat[i]; i=i+1 self.nspin = idat[i]; i=i+1 self.norbs = idat[i]; i=i+1 self.gamma = idat[i]>0 if force_gamma is None else force_gamma; i=i+1 self.orb2atm = idat[i:i+self.norbs]; i=i+self.norbs self.orb2ao = idat[i:i+self.norbs]; i=i+self.norbs self.orb2n = idat[i:i+self.norbs]; i=i+self.norbs if(self.gamma) : self.nreim = 1; else: self.nreim = 2; # list of caracter that could be used to split the psf file name splen = idat[i]; i=i+1 self.orb2strspecie = [] for j in range(self.norbs): splabel = '' for k in range(splen): splabel = splabel + chr(idat[i]); i=i+1 splabel = splabel.replace(" ", "") ch = splabel self.orb2strspecie.append(ch) self.sp2strspecie = [] for strsp in self.orb2strspecie: if strsp not in self.sp2strspecie: self.sp2strspecie.append(strsp) symlen = idat[i]; i=i+1 self.orb2strsym = [] for j in range(self.norbs): symlabel = '' # make oneliner here (to oneline) for k in range(symlen): symlabel = symlabel + chr(idat[i]); i=i+1 self.orb2strsym.append(symlabel.strip()) ### Read double precision data ddata = siesta_wfsx_dread(self, self.nreim) self.ksn2e = empty((self.nkpoints,self.nspin,self.norbs)) self.k2xyz = empty((self.nkpoints,3)) i = 0 for k in range(self.nkpoints): for s in range(self.nspin): for n in range(self.norbs): self.ksn2e[k,s,n] = ddata[i]; i=i+1 for k in range(self.nkpoints): for j in range(3): self.k2xyz[k,j] = ddata[i]; i=i+1 ### Read single precision data self.x = np.require(zeros((self.nkpoints,self.nspin,self.norbs,self.norbs,self.nreim), dtype=np.float32), requirements='CW') siesta_wfsx_sread(self, self.x, self.nreim)