Source code for pynao.m_siesta_utils

from __future__ import division
import os
import subprocess

[docs] def get_siesta_command(label, directory=''): # Setup the siesta command. command = None for cmd_str in ["SIESTA_COMMAND", "ASE_SIESTA_COMMAND"]: command = os.environ.get(cmd_str) if command is not None: break if command is None: mess = "The 'SIESTA_COMMAND' or 'ASE_SIESTA_COMMAND' environment are not defined." raise ValueError(mess) runfile = directory + label + '.fdf' outfile = label + '.out' if "PREFIX" in command: if len(directory) > 0: raise ValueError("command ASE_SIESTA_COMMAND does not handle directory parameter") command = command.replace('PREFIX', label) else: try: command = command % (runfile, outfile) except TypeError: raise ValueError( "The 'SIESTA_COMMAND' environment must " + "be a format string" + " with two string arguments.\n" + "Example : 'siesta < ./%s > ./%s'.\n" + "Got '%s'" % command) return command
[docs] def get_pseudo(sp, suffix=''): """ return the path to the pseudopotential of a particular specie """ pseudo_path = os.environ['SIESTA_PP_PATH'] if pseudo_path is None: raise ValueError('The SIESTA_PP_PATH environement is not defined.') fname = pseudo_path + '/' + sp+suffix + '.psf' if os.path.isfile(fname): return fname else: raise ValueError('pseudopotential ' + fname + ' does not exist.')
[docs] def runbash(cmd): """ Run a bash command with subprocess, fails if ret != 0 """ ret =, shell=True) if ret != 0: raise ValueError(cmd + ": failed with the error {0}".format(ret))
[docs] def install_siesta(): from os.path import expanduser home = expanduser("~") os.chdir(home) siesta_version = "4.1-b2""rm -r siesta-" + siesta_version + "*", shell=True) runbash("wget"\ + siesta_version + ".tar.gz") runbash("tar -xvzf siesta-" + siesta_version + ".tar.gz") os.chdir("siesta-" + siesta_version + "/Obj/") runbash("sh ../Src/") runbash("cp gfortran.make arch.make") runbash("make -j") cwd = os.getcwd() siesta_dir = cwd pseudo_path = cwd + "/pseudo" os.mkdir(pseudo_path) os.chdir(pseudo_path) species = ['H', 'O', 'Na'] # seems to not work anymore ?? # pseudo_src =" + sp +"_html/" pseudo_src = "" for sp in species: runbash("wget " + pseudo_src + sp +".psf") os.chdir(home) f = open(home + "/siesta_pseudo_path.txt", "w") f.write(pseudo_path) f.close() f = open(home + "/siesta_dir.txt", "w") f.write(siesta_dir) f.close() f = open(home + "/siesta_command.txt", "w") f.write("'siesta < %s |tee %s'\n") f.close()