Source code for pynao.m_siesta_units

Units conversion for Siesta outputs

Used the definition from Scipy
import scipy.constants as cte

[docs]def get_conversion_factors(definition_year=2014): """ Possibility to used different definition of the physicale constants as defined by the CODATA By default, PyNAO used the definitions from the year 2014 (even if they are not the latest values). This is because the tests for PyNAO were set up with this definition. Changing the year may make some tests fails. References ---------- Theoretical and experimental publications relevant to the fundamental constants and closely related precision measurements published since the mid 1980s, but also including many older papers of particular interest, some of which date back to the 1800s. To search bibliography visit """ if definition_year != 2014: mess = """ The PyNAO tests are set up with the physical constant definition of the year 2014. Changing the year will makes some tests failing. """ warnings.warn(mess) if definition_year == 2002: phy_constant = cte.codata._physical_constants_2002 elif definition_year == 2006: phy_constant = cte.codata._physical_constants_2006 elif definition_year == 2010: phy_constant = cte.codata._physical_constants_2010 elif definition_year == 2014: phy_constant = cte.codata._physical_constants_2014 elif definition_year == 2018: phy_constant = cte.codata._physical_constants_2018 else: raise ValueError("unknow year definition") siesta_conv_coefficients = { "ha2ev": phy_constant["Hartree energy in eV"][0], "ry2ha": 0.5, "bohr2ang": phy_constant["Bohr radius"][0]*1.0e10, "autime2s": phy_constant["atomic unit of time"][0], "fs2autime": 1.0e-15 / phy_constant["atomic unit of time"][0], "inverseev2fs": phy_constant["Hartree energy in eV"][0] * phy_constant["atomic unit of time"][0] * 1.0e15 } # siesta seems to use fundamental constantes of poor accuracy ?? siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev_siesta_corr"] = \ siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev"]/27.21163 # Get the inverse relations for key in ["ha2ev", "ry2ha", "bohr2ang"]: val = siesta_conv_coefficients[key] units = key.split("2") new_key = "{}2{}".format(units[1], units[0]) siesta_conv_coefficients[new_key] = 1.0/val return siesta_conv_coefficients
siesta_conv_coefficients = get_conversion_factors()