Source code for pynao.m_sf2f_rf

from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys, numpy as np
from numpy import complex128, zeros

[docs]def sf2f_rf(ff, eps, w2f, wab2sf): from pynao.m_lorentzian import lorentzian """ Get a function F(w) from it's spectral function A(w) in case of response-like function/spectral function ff -- frequencies list or array at which the function F(w) needs to be computed. eps -- broadening w2f -- frequencies at which the spectral function is given wab2sf -- the collection of spectral functions """ f2f = zeros([len(ff)]+list(wab2sf.shape[1:]), dtype=complex128) for i,f in enumerate(ff): for w,fp in enumerate(w2f): f2f[i] += wab2sf[w]*lorentzian(f, fp, eps) return f2f