Source code for pynao.m_rsphar

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from pynao.m_fact import sgn, onedivsqrt4pi,rttwo

lmx = 7
l2lmhl = np.array( [0]+[np.sqrt((l-0.5)/l) for l in range(1,lmx+1) ])
l2tlm1 = np.array( [0]+[np.sqrt(2*l-1.0) for l in range(1,lmx+1) ])
l2tlp1 = np.array( [np.sqrt(2*l+1.0) for l in range(lmx+1) ])
lm2aa = np.zeros(((lmx+1)**2))
lm2bb = np.zeros(((lmx+1)**2))

for l in range(lmx+1):
  for m, ind in zip(range(-l,l+1), range(l*(l+1)-l,l*(l+1)+l+1)):
    lm2aa[ind] = np.sqrt(1.0*l**2-m**2)
    lm2bb[ind] = 1.0/np.sqrt(1.0*(l+1)**2-m**2)

[docs] def rsphar(r,lmax,res): """ Computes (all) real spherical harmonics up to the angular momentum lmax Args: r : Cartesian coordinates defining correct theta and phi angles for spherical harmonic lmax : Integer, maximal angular momentum Result: 1-d numpy array of float64 elements with all spherical harmonics stored in order 0,0; 1,-1; 1,0; 1,+1 ... lmax,lmax, althogether 0 : (lmax+1)**2 elements. """ xxpyy = r[0]**2 + r[1]**2 dd=np.sqrt(xxpyy + r[2]**2) if dd < 1e-10: res[:] =0.0 # compatible with numba in contrary to fill method res[0]=onedivsqrt4pi return 0 if r[0]==0.0: phi = 0.5*np.pi if r[1]<0.0 else -0.5*np.pi else: phi = np.arctan( r[1]/r[0] ) if r[0]>=0.0 else np.arctan( r[1]/r[0] )+np.pi res[0]=onedivsqrt4pi if lmax==0: return 0 ss=np.sqrt(xxpyy)/dd cc=r[2]/dd for l in range(1,lmax+1): twol,l2 = l+l,l*l il1,il2 = l2-1,l2+twol res[il2]=-ss*l2lmhl[l]*res[il1] res[il2-1]=cc*l2tlm1[l]*res[il1] if lmax>=2: for m in range(lmax-1): if m<lmax: for l in range(m+1,lmax): ind=l*(l+1)+m zz=(l+l+1)*cc*res[ind]-lm2aa[ind]*res[ind-l-l] res[ind+l+l+2]=zz*lm2bb[ind] for l in range(lmax+1): ll2=l*(l+1) res[ll2] = res[ll2]*l2tlp1[l] for m in range(1,l+1): cs,cc,P = np.sin(m*phi), np.cos(m*phi), res[ll2+m]*sgn[m]*l2tlp1[l]*rttwo res[ll2+m]=cc*P res[ll2-m]=cs*P return 0