Source code for pynao.m_report

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import time, socket, getpass
from pynao.m_siesta_units import siesta_conv_coefficients

HARTREE2EV = siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev"]

[docs]def report_gw(self): """ Prints the energy levels of mean-field and G0W0 """ import sys, re if not hasattr(self, 'mo_energy_gw'): if (self.__class__.__name__ == 'gw'): self.kernel_gw() elif (self.__class__.__name__ == 'gw_iter'): self.kernel_gw_iter() emfev = self.mo_energy[0].T * HARTREE2EV egwev = self.mo_energy_gw[0].T * HARTREE2EV file_name= ''.join(self.get_symbols()) with open('report_'+file_name+'.out', 'w') as out_file: out_file.write('Job started on {}, @ {}-{}.\n'.format(time.strftime("%c", time.localtime(self.start_time)), socket.gethostname(), getpass.getuser())) if self.nspin == 1: print('\n','='*50,'\n','='*12,'|G0W0 eigenvalues (eV)|','='*13,'\n','='*50) out_file.write('='*15+'|G0W0 eigenvalues (eV)|'+'='*15+'\n') line = "\n n %14s %14s %7s " % ("E_mf", "E_gw", "occ") print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") EFERMI, EHOMO, ELUMO = get_energy_levels_FHL(self, egwev) for ie, (emf, egw, f) in enumerate(zip(emfev,egwev, self.mo_occ[0].T)): line = "%5d %14.7g %14.7g %7.2g" % (ie, emf[0], egw[0], f[0]) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = '\nFermi energy (eV):%16.7g'%(EFERMI) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = 'G0W0 HOMO energy (eV):%16.7g' % (EHOMO[0]) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = 'G0W0 LUMO energy (eV):%16.7g' % (ELUMO[0]) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = 'G0W0 HOMO-LUMO gap (eV):%16.7g' %(ELUMO[0] - EHOMO[0]) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") elif self.nspin == 2: print('\n','='*85,'\n','='*30,'|G0W0 eigenvalues (eV)|','='*30,'\n','='*85) out_file.write('='*31+'|G0W0 eigenvalues (eV)|'+'='*31+'\n') line = "\n n %14s %14s %7s | %14s %14s %7s" % ("E_mf_up", "E_gw_up", "occ_up", "E_mf_down", "E_gw_down", "occ_down") print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") EFERMI, EHOMO, ELUMO = get_energy_levels_FHL(self, egwev) for ie, (emf, egw, f) in enumerate(zip(emfev, egwev, self.mo_occ[0].T)): line = "%5d %14.7g %14.7g %7.2g | %14.7g %14.7g %7.2g" % (ie, emf[0], egw[0], f[0], emf[1], egw[1], f[1]) print(line) out_file.write (line + "\n") line = '\nFermi energy (eV):%16.7g'%(EFERMI) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = 'G0W0 HOMO energy (eV):%16.7f %16.7g'%(EHOMO[0], EHOMO[1]) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = 'G0W0 LUMO energy (eV):%16.7f %16.7g' % (ELUMO[0], ELUMO[1]) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = 'G0W0 HOMO-LUMO gap (eV):%16.7f %16.7g' % (ELUMO[0] - EHOMO[0], ELUMO[1] - EHOMO[1]) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") else: raise RuntimeError('not implemented...') line = 'G0W0 Total energy (eV):%16.7g' % (self.etot_gw*HARTREE2EV) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") for s in range(self.nspin): swap = self.argsort[s][self.start_st[s]:self.finish_st[s]] if (np.allclose(swap,np.sort(swap))==False): line = "Warning: Spin {}, swapping in QP orbital energies has happened!".format(s+1) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") line = 'Energy-sorted MO indices: \t {}'.format(swap) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n") out_file.write('\n=====| Timings of main algorithms |=====') timing, steps = report_gw_t(self,ret=True) for i in zip(timing, steps): if (round(i[0],3) != 0): out_file.write('\n{:20.19s}:{:14.2f} secs'.format(i[1],i[0])) elapsed_time = self.time_gw[-1]-self.time_gw[0] out_file.write('\n'+'-'*20+'\nTotal spent time :{:14.2f} secs\n'.format (elapsed_time)) finish_t = elapsed_time + self.start_time line = '\nJOB DONE! \t {}'.format(time.strftime("%c", time.localtime(finish_t))) print(line) out_file.write(line + "\n")
[docs]def report_mfx(self, dm1=None): """ This collects the h_core, Hartree (K) and Exchange(J) and Fock expectation value with given density matrix. """ #import re #import sys #file_name= ''.join(self.get_symbols()) #sys.stdout=open('report_mf_'+file_name+'.out','w') if hasattr(self, 'mf'): report_mocc(self) if dm1 is None: dm1 = self.make_rdm1() if dm1.ndim==5 : dm1=dm1[0,...,0] assert dm1.shape == (self.nspin, self.norbs, self.norbs), "Given density matrix has wrong dimension" H = self.get_hcore() ecore = (H*dm1).sum() co = self.get_j() fock = self.get_fock() exp_h = np.zeros((self.nspin, self.norbs)) exp_co = np.zeros((self.nspin, self.norbs)) exp_x = np.zeros((self.nspin, self.norbs)) exp_f = np.zeros((self.nspin, self.norbs)) if not hasattr(self, 'kmat'): self.kmat = self.get_k() if self.nspin==1: x = -0.5* self.kmat mat_h =[0,0,:,:,0], H) exp_h = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_h, self.mo_coeff[0,0,:,:,0]) mat_co =[0,0,:,:,0], co) exp_co = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_co, self.mo_coeff[0,0,:,:,0]) mat_x =[0,0,:,:,0], x) exp_x = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_x, self.mo_coeff[0,0,:,:,0]) mat_f =[0,0,:,:,0], fock) exp_f = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_f, self.mo_coeff[0,0,:,:,0]) print('\n','='*20,'| Restricted HF expectation values (eV) |','='*20) print('%2s %13s %13s %13s %13s %13s %3s'%('no.','<H_core>','<K> ','<Sigma_x>','Fock ','MF energy ','occ')) for i, (a,b,c,d,e,f) in enumerate(zip(exp_h.T*HARTREE2EV,exp_co.T*HARTREE2EV, exp_x.T*HARTREE2EV,exp_f.T*HARTREE2EV,self.mo_energy.T*HARTREE2EV, self.mo_occ[0].T)): if (i==self.nfermi[0]): print('-'*83) print(' %3d %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %3d'%(i, a,b,c,d,e,f)) Vha = 0.5*(co*dm1).sum() EX = 0.5*(x*dm1).sum() elif self.nspin==2: x = -self.kmat cou = co[0]+co[1] Vha = 0.5*(cou*dm1).sum() for s in range(self.nspin): mat_h =[0,s,:,:,0], H) exp_h[s] = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_h, self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0]) mat_co =[0,s,:,:,0], cou) exp_co[s] = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_co, self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0]) mat_x =[0,s,:,:,0], x[s]) exp_x[s] = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_x, self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0]) mat_f =[0,s,:,:,0], fock[s]) exp_f[s] = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat_f, self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0]) print('\n','='*59,'| Unrestricted HF expectation values (eV) |','='*60) print('%2s %13s %13s %13s %13s %13s %3s |%13s %13s %13s %13s %13s %3s '%('no.','<H_core>','<K> ','<Sigma_x>','Fock ','MF energy ','occ','<H_core>','<K> ','<Sigma_x>','Fock ','MF energy','occ')) for i , (a,b,c,d,e,f) in enumerate(zip(exp_h.T*HARTREE2EV,exp_co.T*HARTREE2EV, exp_x.T*HARTREE2EV,exp_f.T*HARTREE2EV,self.mo_energy.T*HARTREE2EV, self.mo_occ[0].T)): if (i==self.nfermi[0] or i==self.nfermi[1]): print('-'*163) print(' %3d %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %3d | %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %13.6f %3d'%(i, a[0],b[0],c[0],d[0],e[0],f[0],a[1],b[1],c[1],d[1],e[1],f[1])) EX = 0.5*(x*dm1).sum() if hasattr(self, 'mf'): print('\nmean-field Nucleus-Nucleus (Ha):%16.6f'%(self.energy_nuc())) print('mean-field Core energy (Ha):%16.6f'%(ecore)) print('mean-field Exchange energy (Ha):%16.6f'%(EX)) print('mean-field Hartree energy (Ha):%16.6f'%(Vha)) print('mean-field Total energy (Ha):%16.6f'%( if (self.nspin==2): sp = self.spin/2 s_ref = sp*(sp+1) ss = print('<S^2> and 2S+1 :%16.7f %16.7f'%(ss[0],ss[1])) print('Instead of :%16.7f %16.7f'%(s_ref, 2*sp+1)) elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time print('\nMean-field running time is: {}'.format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapsed_time))))
[docs]def report_mocc (self): '''Lists indeces of occupied and virtual orbitals in a limited range''' m, l = min(self.start_st),max(self.finish_st) if (self.nspin==1): print('==|Occupations|==\nno. occ') for i in range(m,l,1): print('{:3d} {:3.1f}'.format(i,self.mo_occ[0,0,i])) elif (self.nspin==2): print('===|Occupations|===\nno. occ occ') for i in range(m,l,1): print('{:3d} {:3.1f} {:3.1f}'.format(i,self.mo_occ[0,0,i],self.mo_occ[0,1,i]))
[docs]def sigma_xc(self): """ This calculates the Exchange expectation value and correlation part of self energy, when: self.get_k() = Exchange operator/energy mat1 is product of this operator and molecular coefficients and it will be diagonalized in expval by einsum Sigma_c = E_GW - E_HF """ if not hasattr(self, 'kmat'): self.kmat = self.get_k() if self.nspin==1: mat = -0.5*self.kmat mat1 =[0,0,:,:,0], mat) expval = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat1, self.mo_coeff[0,0,:,:,0]).reshape((1,self.norbs)) print('===| Expectationvalues of Exchange energy(eV) |===\n %3s %16s %3s'%('no.','<Sigma_x> ','occ')) for i, (a,b) in enumerate(zip(expval.T*HARTREE2EV,self.mo_occ[0].T)): #self.h0_vh_x_expval[0,:self.nfermi[0]+5] to limit the virual states if (i==self.nfermi[0]): print('-'*50) print (' %3d %16.6f %3d'%(i,a[0], b[0])) elif self.nspin==2: mat = -self.kmat expval = np.zeros((self.nspin, self.norbs)) for s in range(self.nspin): mat1 =[0,s,:,:,0], mat[s]) expval[s] = np.einsum('nb,nb->n', mat1, self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0]) print('========| Expectationvalues of Exchange energy(eV) |========\n %3s %16s %3s | %13s %4s'%('no.','<Sigma_x>','occ','<Sigma_x>','occ')) for i , (a,b) in enumerate(zip(expval.T* HARTREE2EV,self.mo_occ[0].T)): if (i==self.nfermi[0] or i==self.nfermi[1]): print('-'*60) print(' %3d %16.6f %3d | %13.6f %3d'%(i, a[0],b[0],a[1], b[1])) if hasattr(self,'mo_energy_gw'): sigma_gw_c = self.mo_energy_gw - self.mo_energy #sigma_gw_c= np.asanyarray([gw.mo_energy_gw[0,s,nn] - gw.mo_energy[0,s,nn] for s,nn in enumerate(gw.nn) ]) #Only corrected by GW not scisorres if self.nspin==1: print('\n===| Correlation contribution of GW@HF (eV) |===\n %3s %16s %3s'%('no.','<Sigma_c> ','occ')) for i, (a,b) in enumerate(zip(sigma_gw_c.T*HARTREE2EV,self.mo_occ[0].T)): #self.h0_vh_x_expval[0,:self.nfermi[0]+5] to limit the virual states if (i==self.nfermi[0]): print('-'*48) print (' %3d %16.6f %3d'%(i,a[0], b[0])) elif self.nspin==2: print('\n========| Correlation contribution of GW@HF (eV) |=========\n %3s %16s %3s | %13s %4s'%('no.','<Sigma_c>','occ','<Sigma_c>','occ')) for i , (a,b) in enumerate(zip(sigma_gw_c.T* HARTREE2EV,self.mo_occ[0].T)): if (i==self.nfermi[0] or i==self.nfermi[1]): print('-'*60) print(' %3d %16.6f %3d | %13.6f %3d'%(i, a[0],b[0],a[1], b[1]))
[docs]def report_gw_t(self, ret=None): """Lists spent time within main GW calculation""" steps = ['initialize NAO', #01 'get_h0_vh_x_expval',' 1-get_K', ' 2-get_J',#23-45-67 'G0W0_eigvals',' 1-snmw2sf',' 1-1-XVX',' 1-2-chi_0', #89-1011-1213-1415 ' 2-corr_int_tot', #1617 ' 3-corr_res_tot',' 3-1-chi_0', #1819-2021 ' 4-veffmatvec', #2223 'scissor', #2425 'etot_gw'] #2627 timing = list(self.time_gw[1::2]- self.time_gw[0:-1:2]) print('\n=====| Timings of main algorithms |=====') for i in zip(timing, steps): if (round(i[0],3) != 0): print('{:20.19s}:{:14.2f} secs'.format(i[1],i[0])) print('-'*20,'\nTotal spent time :{:14.2f} secs'.format (self.time_gw[-1]-self.time_gw[0]),'\n') if ret: return timing, steps
[docs]def get_energy_levels_FHL(self, egwev): """ Return the values of the Fermi, HOMO and LUMO energies in eV """ EFermi = self.fermi_energy*HARTREE2EV EHOMO = np.zeros((self.nspin), dtype=self.dtype) ELUMO = np.zeros((self.nspin), dtype=self.dtype) for spin in range(self.nspin): for ilevel, El in enumerate(egwev[:, spin]): if El > EFermi: break EHOMO[spin] = egwev[ilevel-1, spin] ELUMO[spin] = egwev[ilevel, spin] return EFermi, EHOMO, ELUMO
# # Example of reporting expectation values of mean-field calculations. # if __name__=='__main__': import numpy as np from pyscf import gto, scf from pynao import gw as gw_c mol = gto.M(verbose=0, atom='O 0.0, 0.0, 0.622978 ; O 0.0, 0.0, -0.622978', basis='cc-pvdz', spin=2, charge=0) gto_mf = scf.UHF(mol) gto_mf.kernel() gw = gw_c(mf=gto_mf, gto=mol, verbosity=3, niter_max_ev=1, kmat_algo='sm0_sum') #gw.report_mf() # prints the energy levels of mean-field components # gives G0W0 spectra