Source code for pynao.m_numba_utils

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from pynao.m_fact import sgn, onedivsqrt4pi

    numba functions to performs some basics operations

[docs]@nb.jit(nopython=True) def ls_contributing_numba(atom2coord, ia2dist): for ia in range(atom2coord.shape[0]): rvec = atom2coord[ia, :] ia2dist[ia] = np.sqrt(, rvec))
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[docs]@nb.jit(nopython=True) def csphar_numba(r,lmax): """ Computes (all) complex spherical harmonics up to the angular momentum lmax Args: r : Cartesian coordinates defining correct theta and phi angles for spherical harmonic lmax : Integer, maximal angular momentum Result: 1-d numpy array of complex128 elements with all spherical harmonics stored in order 0,0; 1,-1; 1,0; 1,+1 ... lmax,lmax, althogether 0 : (lmax+1)**2 elements. """ x=r[0] y=r[1] z=r[2] dd=np.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) res = np.zeros(((lmax+1)**2), dtype=np.complex128) res[0] = onedivsqrt4pi if dd < 1.0e-10 : ll=(lmax+1)**2 return res if x == 0.0 : phi=0.5*np.pi if y<0.0: phi=-phi else: phi = np.arctan( y/x ) if x<0.0: phi=phi+np.pi ss=np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)/dd cc=z/dd if lmax<1 : return res for l in range(1,lmax+1): al=1.0*l il2=(l+1)**2-1 il1=l**2-1 res[il2] = -ss*np.sqrt((al-0.5)/al)*res[il1] res[il2-1] = cc*np.sqrt(2.0*al-1.0)*res[il1] if lmax>1: for m in range(lmax-1): if m<lmax: for l in range(m+1,lmax): ind=l*(l+1)+m aa=1.0*(l**2-m**2) bb=1.0*((l+1)**2-m**2) zz=(l+l+1.0)*cc*res[ind].real-np.sqrt(aa)*res[ind-2*l].real res[ind+2*(l+1)]=zz/np.sqrt(bb) for l in range(lmax+1): ll2=l*(l+1) rt2lp1=np.sqrt(l+l+1.0) for m in range(l+1): cs=np.sin(m*phi)*rt2lp1 cc=np.cos(m*phi)*rt2lp1 res[ll2+m]=np.complex(cc,cs)*res[ll2+m] res[ll2-m]=sgn[m]*np.conj(res[ll2+m]) return res
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[docs]def comp_coeffs_numba(gammin_jt, dg_jt, nr, r, i2coeff): """ Interpolation of a function given on the logarithmic mesh (see m_log_mesh how this is defined) 6-point interpolation on the exponential mesh (James Talman) Args: r : radial coordinate for which we want the intepolated value Result: Array of weights to sum with the functions values to obtain the interpolated value coeff and the index k where summation starts sum(ff[k:k+6]*coeffs) """ if r<=0.0: i2coeff[:] = 0.0 i2coeff[0] = 1 return 0 lr = np.log(r) k = int((lr-gammin_jt)/dg_jt) k = min(max(k,2), nr-4) dy = (lr-gammin_jt-k*dg_jt)/dg_jt i2coeff[0] = -dy*(dy**2-1.0)*(dy-2.0)*(dy-3.0)/120.0 i2coeff[1] = +5.0*dy*(dy-1.0)*(dy**2-4.0)*(dy-3.0)/120.0 i2coeff[2] = -10.0*(dy**2-1.0)*(dy**2-4.0)*(dy-3.0)/120.0 i2coeff[3] = +10.0*dy*(dy+1.0)*(dy**2-4.0)*(dy-3.0)/120.0 i2coeff[4] = -5.0*dy*(dy**2-1.0)*(dy+2.0)*(dy-3.0)/120.0 i2coeff[5] = dy*(dy**2-1.0)*(dy**2-4.0)/120.0 return k-2