Source code for pynao.m_ls_part_centers

from __future__ import print_function, division
from numpy import sqrt

[docs]def ls_part_centers(sv, ia1, ia2, ac_rcut_ratio=1.0): """ For a given atom pair, defined with it's atom indices, list of the atoms within a radii: list of participating centers. The subroutine goes over radial orbitals of atoms ia1 and ia2 computes the radii of products, the positions of centers of these products and then goes through atoms choosing these which overlap with the product. """ assert(ac_rcut_ratio>=0.0) st = set() rv1, rv2 = sv.atom2coord[ia1], sv.atom2coord[ia2] d = sqrt(sum((rv1-rv2)**2)) dp2 = d**2 for mu1,rcut1 in enumerate(sv.ao_log.sp_mu2rcut[sv.atom2sp[ia1]]): for mu2,rcut2 in enumerate(sv.ao_log.sp_mu2rcut[sv.atom2sp[ia2]]): if rcut1+rcut2<d: continue for ia3, [rv3,sp] in enumerate(zip(sv.atom2coord, sv.atom2sp)): rcut3 = sv.ao_log.sp2rcut[sv.atom2sp[ia3]] if is_overlapping(rv1,rcut1, rv2,rcut2, rv3,rcut3, ac_rcut_ratio): st.add(ia3) return sorted(list(st))
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[docs]def is_overlapping(rv1,rcut1, rv2,rcut2, rv3,rcut3, ac_rcut_ratio=1.0): """ For a given atom pair (1,2) and a center 3 tell whether function at center overlaps with the product.""" cond12 = sum((rv1-rv2)**2)<(rcut1+rcut2)**2 cond = sum((rv2-rv3)**2)<ac_rcut_ratio**2*(rcut2+rcut3)**2 and sum((rv1-rv3)**2)<ac_rcut_ratio**2*(rcut1+rcut3)**2 return cond and cond12
# # # if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import gto from pynao import system_vars_c from numpy import array mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 3; H 0 0 4', unit='angstrom') sv = system_vars_c(gto=mol) print( ls_part_centers(sv, 0, 1, ac_rcut_ratio=0.7) ) visualize_3c = False if visualize_3c: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab rv1,rcut1 = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 3.0 rv2,rcut2 = array([5.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 3.0 rv3,rcut3 = array([2.5, 0.0, 0.0]), 2.0 axes = pylab.axes() axes.add_patch(pylab.Circle((rv1[0], rv1[1]), radius=rcut1, alpha=.33, color='r', edgecolor='y', lw=3)) axes.add_patch(pylab.Circle((rv2[0], rv2[1]), radius=rcut2, alpha=.33, color='r', edgecolor='y', lw=3)) axes.add_patch(pylab.Circle((rv3[0], rv3[1]), radius=rcut3, alpha=.33, color='blue')) pylab.axis('scaled') print(rv1, rcut1) print(rv2, rcut2) print(rv3, rcut3) print(is_overlapping(rv1,rcut1, rv2,rcut2, rv3,rcut3, 0.75)) #for coo,sp in zip(sv.atom2coord, sv.atom2sp): # axes.add_patch(pylab.Circle((coo[2], coo[1]), radius=sv.ao_log.sp2rcut[sp], alpha=.2)) #pylab.axis('scaled')