Source code for pynao.m_kmat_den

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg.blas as blas
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from pynao.m_sparsetools import csr_matvec, csc_matvec, spmat_denmat

[docs]def kmat_den(mf, dm=None, algo=None, **kw): """ Computes the matrix elements of Fock exchange operator Args: mf : (System Variables), this must have arrays of coordinates and species, etc Returns: matrix elements """ pb, hk = mf.add_pb_hk(**kw) dm = mf.make_rdm1() if dm is None else dm n = mf.norbs if mf.nspin == 1: dm = dm.reshape((n,n)) elif mf.nspin == 2: dm = dm.reshape((mf.nspin,n,n)) else: print(nspin) raise RuntimeError('nspin>2?') algol = algo.lower() if algo is not None else 'sm0_sum' if mf.verbosity>1 and algol != 'sm0_sum': print(__name__, "\t====> Fock exchange algorithm '{}'.\f".format(algol)) gen_spy_png = kw['gen_spy_png'] if 'gen_spy_png' in kw else False print(__name__, algol) if algol=='fci': mf.fci_den = abcd2v = mf.fci_den if hasattr(mf, 'fci_den') else pb.comp_fci_den(hk) kmat = np.einsum('abcd,...bc->', abcd2v, dm) elif algol=='ac_vertex_fm': pab2v = pb.get_ac_vertex_array() pcd = np.einsum('pq,qcd->pcd', hk, pab2v) pac = np.einsum('pab,...bc->...pac', pab2v, dm) kmat = np.einsum('...pac,pcd->', pac, pcd) elif algol=='dp_vertex_fm': dab2v = pb.get_dp_vertex_array() da2cc = pb.get_da2cc_den() dq2v = np.einsum('dp,pq->dq', da2cc, hk) pcd = np.einsum('dq,dab->qab', dq2v, dab2v) dac = np.einsum('dab,...bc->...dac', dab2v, dm) pac = np.einsum('...dac,dp->...pac', dac, da2cc) kmat = np.einsum('...pac,pcd->', pac, pcd) elif algol=='dp_vertex_loops_fm': dab2v = pb.get_dp_vertex_array() da2cc = pb.get_da2cc_den() dq2v = np.einsum('dp,pq->dq', da2cc, hk) kmat = np.zeros_like(dm) for d in range(n): pc2 = np.einsum('dq,da->qa', dq2v, dab2v[:,:,d]) for a in range(n): dc = np.einsum('db,...bc->...dc', dab2v[:,a,:], dm) pc1 = np.einsum('...dc,dp->...pc', dc, da2cc) kmat[...,a,d] = np.einsum('...pc,pc->...', pc1, pc2) elif algol=='dp_vertex_loops_sm': """ This algorithm uses some sparsity, but it has O(N^4) complexity because the pc1 and pc2 auxilaries are stored in the dense format. Moreover, pc1 and pc2 auxiliaries in atom-centered product basis generate rather dense matrices. Therefore, it is desirable to use dominant products to store/treat these auxiliaries. """ dab2v = pb.get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse(axis=1) da2cc = pb.get_da2cc_sparse().tocsr() qd2v = (da2cc * hk).transpose() kmat = np.zeros_like(dm) if len(dm.shape) == 3: # if spin index is present for d in range(n): #pc2 = einsum('dq,da->qa', dq2v, dab2v_den[:,:,d]) #print(da2cc.shape, hk.shape, qd2v.shape, dab2v[d].shape) pc2 = (qd2v * dab2v[d]) for s in range(mf.nspin): for a in range(n): #dc = einsum('db,bc->dc', dab2v_den[:,a,:], dm[s]) dc = (dab2v[a] * dm[s]) pc1 = (da2cc.T * dc) kmat[s,a,d] = (pc1*pc2).sum() elif len(dm.shape)==2: # if spin index is absent for d in range(n): pc2 = (qd2v * dab2v[d]) for a in range(n): dc = (dab2v[a] * dm) pc1 = (da2cc.T * dc) kmat[a,d] = (pc1*pc2).sum() else: print(dm.shape) raise RuntimeError('to impl dm.shape') elif algol == 'sm0_prd': if gen_spy_png: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() dab2v = pb.get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse(axis=0) da2cc = pb.get_da2cc_sparse().tocsr() kmat = np.zeros_like(dm) nnd,nnp = da2cc.shape if len(dm.shape)==3: # if spin index is present for s in range(mf.nspin): for mu,a_ap2v in enumerate(dab2v): cc = da2cc[mu].toarray().reshape(nnp) q2v = cc, hk ) a_bp = sparse.csr_matrix(a_ap2v * dm[s]) for nu,bp_b2v in enumerate(dab2v): q2cc = da2cc[nu].toarray().reshape(nnp) v = (q2cc * q2v).sum() ab2sigma = (a_bp * bp_b2v * v) if ab2sigma.count_nonzero()>0: kmat[s][ab2sigma.nonzero()] += elif len(dm.shape)==2: # if spin index is absent for mu,a_ap2v in enumerate(dab2v): cc = da2cc[mu].toarray().reshape(nnp) q2v = cc, hk ) a_bp = sparse.csr_matrix(a_ap2v * dm) if gen_spy_png: plt.spy(a_bp.toarray()) fname = "spy-v-dm-{:06d}.png".format(mu); print(fname) plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight'); plt.close() for nu,bp_b2v in enumerate(dab2v): q2cc = da2cc[nu].toarray().reshape(nnp) v = (q2cc * q2v).sum() ab2sigma = (a_bp * bp_b2v * v) if gen_spy_png: plt.spy(ab2sigma.toarray()) fname = "spy-v-dm-v-{:06d}-{:06d}.png".format(mu,nu); print(fname) plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight'); plt.close() if ab2sigma.count_nonzero()>0 : kmat[ab2sigma.nonzero()] += else: print(dm.shape) raise RuntimeError('?dm.shape?') elif algol == 'sm0_sum': """ This algorithm is using two sparse representations of the product vertex V^ab_mu. The algorithm was not realized before and it seems to be superior to the algorithm sm0_prd (see above). """ if len(dm.shape) == 3: # if spin index is present kmat = np.zeros_like(dm) print(kmat.shape) for spin in range(mf.nspin): #kmat[s][ab2vdhv.nonzero()] += kmat[spin, :, :] = sm0_sum(pb, mf, hk, dm[spin]) elif len(dm.shape) == 2: # if spin index is absent kmat = sm0_sum(pb, mf, hk, dm) else: print(dm.shape) raise RuntimeError('?dm.shape?') else: print('algo=', algo) raise RuntimeError('unknown algorithm') return kmat
[docs]def sm0_sum(pb, mf, hk, dm): """ This algorithm is using two sparse representations of the product vertex V^ab_mu. The algorithm was not realized before and it seems to be superior to the algorithm sm0_prd (see above). """ # C60 # [ 15.85272067 288.39123102 153.34696097 578.67634735 128.22075884 583.69870308 22.44895533] # 2 alpha-NPD # [ 19.57798671 1186.84709886 279.20988026 136.44827988 2879.76712975 291.75671738 1538.04936546 99.47608311] # [ 21.2088159 1186.7482362 279.53348225 59.28001652 388.78893778 3198.20760651 76.97475073 ] if hasattr(mf, 'dab2v'): dab2v = mf.dab2v else: mf.dab2v = dab2v = pb.get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse(axis=0) da2cc = mf.cc_da_csr kmat = np.zeros_like(dm) (nnd, nnp) = da2cc.shape n = dm.shape[-1] tt = np.zeros(8) ttt = np.zeros(7) for mu, a_ap2v in enumerate(dab2v): tt[0] = timer(); # 1D; dense, could be sparse ... cc = da2cc[mu].toarray().reshape(nnp) tt[1] = timer(); # this could be done directly q2v = tt[2] = timer(); # slower term .. #nu2v = nu2v = csr_matvec(da2cc, q2v) tt[3] = timer(); # a_ap2v: sparse a_bp2vd = spmat_denmat(a_ap2v, dm) tt[4] = timer(); bp_b2hv = csr_matvec(mf.v_dab_trans, nu2v).reshape((n, n)) tt[5] = timer(); # This retuned a seg fault for large system ?? # ab2vdhv = spmat_denmat(a_bp2vd, bp_b2hv) ab2vdhv = tt[6] = timer() kmat += ab2vdhv tt[7] = timer() ttt += tt[1:8]-tt[0:7] if mf.verbosity>1: print(__name__,'\t\t====> Time consumed on Fock matrix', [round(t, 3) for t in ttt]) return kmat
#return np.require(np.asarray(kmat), dtype=kmat.dtype, requirements=['A', 'O', 'W', 'C']) if __name__=='__main__': from pyscf import gto, scf from pynao import nao, scf as scf_nao mol = gto.M(atom='''O 0.0, 0.0, 0.622978 ; O 0.0, 0.0, -0.622978''', basis='ccpvtz',spin=2) mf = scf.UHF(mol) mf.kernel() nao_hf = scf_nao (mf=mf, gto=mol, verbosity=1) dm = nao_hf.make_rdm1() algori =['fci', 'ac_vertex_fm', 'dp_vertex_fm', 'dp_vertex_loops_fm', 'dp_vertex_loops_sm','sm0_prd', 'sm0_sum'] fci = kmat_den(nao_hf, dm=dm, algo='fci') for k in range (1,len(algori)): kmat = np.zeros_like(dm) t1 = timer() kmat = kmat_den(nao_hf, dm=dm, algo=algori[k]) t2 = timer() print('Comparison between {} and reference:\t{},\ttime {:.5f} sec\n'.format( algori[k], np.allclose(fci, kmat, atol=1e-06), t2-t1))