Source code for pynao.m_kernel_utils

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import numba as nb
from pynao.m_vxc_sparse import vxc_csr_spin1, vxc_csr_spin2

[docs]def kernel_initialization(self, **kw): """ Load the kernel from file or compute it Inputs: self: scf ( or tddft_iter ( class the contructor that needs kernel initialization. Should contains all the necessary field to initialize the kernel kernel_format: string the storage format of the kernel, can be * pack: store the kernel as a 1D array (lower part of the matrix) * sparse: store the lower part of the kernel in a sparse format. load_kernel: bool Load the kernel from file (pack format only) """ if self.verbosity > 2: print("{}\t====> kernel initialization".format(__name__)) if "xc_code" not in kw.keys(): raise ValueError("xc_code not in kw") kernel_format = kw['kernel_format'] if 'kernel_format' in kw else "pack" threshold = kw['kernel_threshold'] if 'kernel_threshold' in kw else 1.0e-14 load = kw["load_kernel"] if "load_kernel" in kw else False xc_code = kw["xc_code"] xc = xc_code.split(',')[0] if load: if xc != 'RPA' and self.nspin != 1: raise RuntimeError('not sure it would work') if kernel_format != "pack": raise ValueError("only pack kernel format can be loaded") params = {} keys = ["kernel_fname", "kernel_file_format", "kernel_path_hdf5"] for key in keys: if key in kw.keys(): params[key] = kw[key] kernel, kernel_dim = load_kernel_pack(self.nprod, self.dtype, **params) else: if kernel_format == "pack": # lower triangular kernel, kernel_dim = self.pb.comp_coulomb_pack(dtype=self.dtype) elif kernel_format == "sparse": kernel, kernel_dim = self.pb.comp_coulomb_sparse(dtype=self.dtype, threshold=threshold) else: raise ValueError("unknow kernel_format {}".format(kernel_format)) assert self.nprod == kernel_dim, "{} {}".format(self.nprod, kernel_dim) if self.verbosity > 2: print("{}\t====> Hartree kernel calculated".format(__name__)) # List of POINTERS !!! # of kernel [[(up,up), (up,dw)], [(dw,up), (dw,dw)]] TAKE CARE!!! if xc == 'RPA' or xc == 'HF': if self.nspin == 1: ss2kernel = [[kernel]] elif self.nspin == 2: ss2kernel = [[kernel, kernel], [kernel, kernel]] elif xc == 'LDA' or xc == 'GGA': kernel, ss2kernel = get_VXC_kernel(self, self.nspin, kernel, **kw) else: print(' xc_code', xc_code, xc, xc_code.split(',')) raise RuntimeError('unkn xc_code') if self.verbosity > 2 and kernel_format == "sparse": print("{}\t====> kernel size: {}; nnz: {}".format(__name__, kernel.shape[0]*kernel.shape[1], kernel.nnz)) if kernel_format == "sparse": kernel_diag = kernel.diagonal() ss2kernel_diag = [] if self.nspin == 2: for spin1 in range(self.nspin): ss2kernel_diag.append([]) for spin2 in range(self.nspin): ss2kernel_diag[spin1].append(ss2kernel[spin1][spin2].diagonal()) else: kernel_diag = None ss2kernel_diag = None return kernel_dim, kernel, kernel_diag, ss2kernel, ss2kernel_diag
[docs]def get_VXC_kernel(self, Nspin, kernel, **kw): """ Get the exchange-correlation part of the kernel and add it to Hartree kernel Input parameters: self: scf ( or tddft_iter ( class the contructor that needs kernel initialization. Should contains all the necessary field to initialize the kernel Nspin: int Spin number kernel: 1D np.array or sparse matrix The Hartree kernel kernel_format: string the storage format of the kernel, can be * pack: store the kernel as a 1D array (lower part of the matrix) * sparse: store the lower part of the kernel in a sparse format. kernel_threshold: float Threshold used for sparse kernel in order to drop small matrix element and increase the sparsity of the matrix """ from pynao.m_vxc_pack import vxc_pack from pynao.m_vxc_sparse import vxc_csr_spin1, vxc_csr_spin2 if self.verbosity > 2: print("{}\t====> get_VXC_kernel".format(__name__)) kernel_format = kw['kernel_format'] if 'kernel_format' in kw else "pack" threshold = kw['kernel_threshold'] if 'kernel_threshold' in kw else 1.0e-14 if Nspin == 1: ss2kernel = [[None]] if kernel_format == "pack": vxc_pack(self, deriv=2, ao_log=self.pb.prod_log, kernel=kernel, **kw) elif kernel_format == "sparse": kernel += vxc_csr_spin1(self, deriv=2, ao_log=self.pb.prod_log, threshold=threshold, **kw) else: raise ValueError("unknow kernel_format {}".format(kernel_format)) elif Nspin == 2: if kernel_format == "pack": kkk = vxc_pack(self, deriv=2, ao_log=self.pb.prod_log, **kw) + kernel ss2kernel = [[kkk[0], kkk[1]], [kkk[1], kkk[2]]] elif kernel_format == "sparse": kkk = vxc_csr_spin2(self, deriv=2, ao_log=self.pb.prod_log, threshold=threshold, **kw) ss2kernel = [[kernel + kkk[0], kernel + kkk[1]], [kernel + kkk[1], kernel + kkk[2]]] else: raise ValueError("unknow kernel_format {}".format(kernel_format)) return kernel, ss2kernel
[docs]@nb.jit(nopython=True) def get_diagonal_triangle_matrix(arr, n): diag = np.zeros((n)) idx = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1): if i == j: diag[i] = arr[idx] idx += 1 return diag
[docs]def load_kernel_pack(nprod, dtype, kernel_fname="", kernel_file_format="npy", kernel_path_hdf5=""): """ Loads the kernel from file in a pack format and initializes field Inputs parameters: nprod: int kernel shape is (nprod, nprod) dtype: numpy data type data type of the saved kernel, should be np.float32 or np.float64 kernel_fname: string file name of the kernel kernel_file_format: string format of the file: txt, npy or hdf5 kernel_path_hdf5: string where to find the kernel in the hdf5 file Outputs parameters: kernel: 1D np.array, float the loaded kernel in pack format, size nprod*(nprod + 1)//2 kernel_dim: tuple, int the dimension (shape) of the unpacked kernel, (nprod, nprod) """ if kernel_file_format == "npy": kernel = dtype(np.load(kernel_fname)) elif kernel_file_format == "txt": kernel = np.loadtxt(kernel_fname, dtype=dtype) elif kernel_file_format == "hdf5": import h5py if not kernel_path_hdf5: raise ValueError("kernel_path_hdf5 not set while trying to read kernel from hdf5 file.") kernel = h5py.File(kernel_fname, "r")[kernel_path_hdf5][()] else: raise ValueError("Wrong format for loading kernel, must be: npy, txt or hdf5, got " \ + kernel_file_format) if len(kernel.shape) > 1: raise ValueError("The kernel must be saved in packed format in order to be loaded!") assert nprod*(nprod+1)//2 == kernel.size, \ "wrong size for loaded kernel: %r %r "%(nprod*(nprod+1)//2, kernel.size) kernel_dim = nprod return kernel, kernel_dim
[docs]def apply_kernel_nspin1_pack(spmv, nprod, kernel, dn, dtype=np.float64): """ Perform the matrix vector multiplication for the pack kernel with chi0_mv in the iterative procedure Input parameters: spmv: blas function from scipy.linalg.blas can be blas.sspmv for float or blas.dspmv for double nprod: int the dimension of the kernel matrix, i.e., (nprod, nprod) kernel: 1D np.array, float or double the kernel in pack format dn: 1D np.array, complex the resulting vector from chi0_mv dtype: numpy data type the data type of the kernel, np.float32 or np.float64 Output parameters: vcre: 1D np.array, float the real part of the matrix vector multiplication vcim: 1D np.array, float the imaginary part of the matrix vector multiplication """ daux = np.zeros(nprod, dtype=dtype) vcreim = [] for dnreim in [dn.real, dn.imag]: daux[:] = np.require(dnreim, dtype=dtype, requirements=["A","O"]) vcreim.append(spmv(nprod, 1.0, kernel, daux)) return vcreim[0], vcreim[1]
[docs]def apply_kernel_nspin2_pack(spmv, nprod, nspin, ss2kernel, dn, dtype=np.float64): """ Perform the matrix vector multiplication for the pack kernel with chi0_mv in the iterative procedure for polarized spin calculation Input parameters: spmv: blas function from scipy.linalg.blas can be blas.sspmv for float or blas.dspmv for double nprod: int the dimension of the kernel matrix, i.e., (nprod, nprod) nspin: int the number of spin ss2kernel: list the spin dependent kernel in pack format ss2kernel = [[kkk[0], kkk[1]], [kkk[1], kkk[2]] dn: 1D np.array, complex the resulting vector from chi0_mv dtype: numpy data type the data type of the kernel, np.float32 or np.float64 Output parameters: vcre: 2D np.array, float or double the real part of the matrix vector multiplication per spin vcim: 2D np.array, float or double the imaginary part of the matrix vector multiplication per spin """ vcre = np.zeros((2, nspin, nprod), dtype=dtype) daux = np.zeros((nprod), dtype=dtype) s2dn = dn.reshape((nspin, nprod)) for spin1 in range(nspin): for spin2 in range(nspin): for ireim, sreim in enumerate(('real', 'imag')): daux[:] = np.require(getattr(s2dn[spin2], sreim), dtype=dtype, requirements=["A","O"]) vcre[ireim, spin1] += spmv(nprod, 1.0, ss2kernel[spin1][spin2], daux) return vcre[0].reshape(-1), vcre[1].reshape(-1)
[docs]def apply_kernel_nspin1_sparse(nprod, kernel, kernel_diag, dn, dtype=np.float64): """ Perform the matrix vector multiplication for the sparse kernel with chi0_mv in the iterative procedure Input parameters: nprod: int the dimension of the kernel matrix, i.e., (nprod, nprod) kernel: scipy csr_matrix, flat or double the kernel in sparse format dn: 1D np.array, complex the resulting vector from chi0_mv dtype: numpy data type the data type of the kernel, np.float32 or np.float64 Output parameters: vcre: 1D np.array, float or double the real part of the matrix vector multiplication vcim: 1D np.array, float or double the imaginary part of the matrix vector multiplication """ daux = np.zeros(nprod, dtype=dtype) vcreim = [] for dnreim in [dn.real, dn.imag]: daux[:] = np.require(dnreim, dtype=dtype, requirements=["A","O"]) # Sparse triangular kermel matrix # The matrix vector multiplication writes as # # + - Asparse_tri.diagonal()*x vcreim.append( + - kernel_diag*daux) return vcreim[0], vcreim[1]
[docs]def apply_kernel_nspin2_sparse(nprod, nspin, ss2kernel, ss2kernel_diag, dn, dtype=np.float64): """ Perform the matrix vector multiplication for the sparse kernel with chi0_mv in the iterative procedure for polarized spin calculation Input parameters: nprod: int the dimension of the kernel matrix, i.e., (nprod, nprod) nspin: int the number of spin ss2kernel: list the spin dependent kernel in sparse csr_matrix format ss2kernel = [[kkk[0], kkk[1]], [kkk[1], kkk[2]] dn: 1D np.array, complex the resulting vector from chi0_mv dtype: numpy data type the data type of the kernel, np.float32 or np.float64 Output parameters: vcre: 2D np.array, float or double the real part of the matrix vector multiplication per spin vcim: 2D np.array, float or double the imaginary part of the matrix vector multiplication per spin """ vcre = np.zeros((2, nspin, nprod), dtype=dtype) daux = np.zeros((nprod), dtype=dtype) s2dn = dn.reshape((nspin, nprod)) for spin1 in range(nspin): for spin2 in range(nspin): for ireim, sreim in enumerate(('real', 'imag')): daux[:] = np.require(getattr(s2dn[spin2], sreim), dtype=dtype, requirements=["A","O"]) vcre[ireim, spin1] += ss2kernel[spin1][spin2].dot(daux) + \ ss2kernel[spin1][spin2] - \ ss2kernel_diag[spin1][spin2]*daux return vcre[0].reshape(-1), vcre[1].reshape(-1)