Source code for pynao.m_fft

    Module to that correct the Discret Fourier Transform 
    in order to get the analytical value.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy

    import numba as nb
    use_numba = True
    use_numba = False

[docs]def get_fft_freq(t): """ return the frequency range of the fft variable, it is a well define array, dw = 2*pi/(N*dt) with N the size of the array """ dt = t[1]-t[0] dw = 2*np.pi/(t.size*dt) w_min = - 2*np.pi*(t.size-1)/(dt*t.size) / 2 arange = np.arange(t.shape[0]) w = arange*dw +w_min return w
######################### # # # 1D FFT # # # #########################
[docs]def FT1(t, f, axis=0, norm='asym', d=0): """ Calculate the FFT of a ND dimensionnal array over the axes axes corresponding to the FT by using numpy fft. FT can include additional damping term to account for iterative broadening. Two normalizations are possible: symmetric ("sym" - with sqrt(2pi) factor in both FT and iFT and asymmetric ("asym") with 1/2pi factor in iFT. The Fourier transform is done on the first dimension. Input: t, ND numpy array containing the time variable f, ND numpy array containing the data to Fourier transform (f(t, x, ....)) norm, string determining the utilized normalization d, float indicating the amount of iterative broadening output: F, ND numpy of the FT along axis """ w = get_fft_freq(t) tmin = t[0] wmin = w[0] dt = t[1] - t[0] dw = w[1] - w[0] N = t.size if d>0: damping = np.exp(-d*t) f *= damping param = dw*dt*N/(2*np.pi) if abs(param-1)>1e-10 : sys.stdout.write('cannot use fft, param != 1\n') sys.stdout.write('param = %s\n' %(param, )) sys.stdout.write('dw = %s\n' % (dw, )) sys.stdout.write('dt = %s\n' % (dt, )) sys.stdout.write('N = %s\n' % (N, )) sys.exit() f_new = dt*f*np.exp(-1.0j*wmin*(t-tmin)) F = np.fft.fft(f_new, axis=axis) F = F*np.exp(-1.0j*(w*tmin)) if norm=='sym': F /= np.sqrt(2*np.pi) return F
[docs]def iFT1(w, F, axis = 0, norm = 'asym', d = 0): """ Calculate the FFT of a 1D dimensionnal array corresponding to the FT by using numpy fft iFT can include additional damping term to account for iterative broadening. Two normalizations are possible: symmetric ("sym" - with sqrt(2pi) factor in both FT and iFT and asymmetric ("asym") with 1/2pi factor in iFT. input: ------ w, 1D numpy array containing the frequency variable from fft_freq F, 1D numpy array containing the data to inverse Fourier transform norm, string determining the utilized normalization d, float indicating the amount of iterative broadening output: ------- F, 1D numpy array containing the iFT """ t = get_fft_freq(w) tmin = t[0] wmin = w[0] dt = t[1] - t[0] dw = w[1] - w[0] N = t.size param = dw*dt*N/2/np.pi if abs(param-1)>1e-10 : print('cannot use fft, param != 1') print('param = ', param) print('dw = ', dw) print('dt = ', dt) print('N = ', N) sys.exit() F_new = np.zeros(F.shape, dtype = np.complex128) if axis != 0: raise ValueError("Not yet implemented, for the moment you must use axis =0") F_new = dw*F*np.exp(1.0j*tmin*(w-wmin)) f = N*np.fft.ifft(F_new, axis = axis) f *= np.exp(1.0j*( wmin*t)) if norm=='sym': f /= np.sqrt(2*np.pi) else: f /= 2*np.pi if d>0: damping = np.exp(-d*t) f /= damping return f
######################### # # # 2D FFT # # # #########################
[docs]def calc_prefactor_2D(x, y, f, wmin, tmin, dt, sign=1.0): if abs(sign) != 1.0: raise ValueError("sign must be 1.0 or -1.0") fmod = np.zeros(f.shape, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(f.shape[0]): for j in range(f.shape[1]): fmod[i, j] = f[i, j]*dt[0]*dt[1]*np.exp(sign*1.0j*(wmin[0]*(x[i]-tmin[0]) + wmin[1]*(y[j]-tmin[1]))) return fmod
[docs]def calc_postfactor_2D(kx, ky, tmin, F, sign=1.0): if abs(sign) != 1.0: raise ValueError("sign must be 1.0 or -1.0") for i in range(F.shape[0]): for j in range(F.shape[1]): F[i, j] *= np.exp(sign*1.0j*(kx[i]*tmin[0] + ky[j]*tmin[1]))
[docs]def FT2(x, y, f): """ 2D Fourier Transform Input Parameters: x, y (1D array): axis range f (2D numpy array of shape (x.size, y.size)): array to FT Output Parameters: F (2D numpy array of shape (x.size, y.size)): FT Example: import numpy as np import pynao.m_fft as fft import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def gauss2D(x, y, a, b): return np.exp(-(a*x**2 + b*y**2)) x = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 100) y = np.linspace(-7.0, 7.0, 200) a = 1.0 b = 2.0 xv, yv = np.meshgrid(y, x) f = gauss2D(xv, yv, a, b) f_FT = fft.FT2(x, y, f) kx = fft.get_fft_freq(x) ky = fft.get_fft_freq(y) if_FT = fft.iFT2(kx, ky, f_FT) plt.imshow(f) plt.colorbar() plt.imshow(if_FT.real) plt.colorbar() """ assert f.shape == (x.size, y.size) kx = get_fft_freq(x) ky = get_fft_freq(y) tmin = np.array([x[0], y[0]]) wmin = np.array([kx[0], ky[0]]) dw = np.array([kx[1]-kx[0], ky[1]-ky[0]]) dt = np.array([x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0]]) N = np.array([x.size, y.size]) param = dw*dt*N/(2*np.pi) if any(abs(param-1) > 1e-10): sys.stdout.write('cannot use fft, param != 1\n') sys.stdout.write('param = %s\n' %(param, )) sys.stdout.write('dw = %s\n' % (dw, )) sys.stdout.write('dt = %s\n' % (dt, )) sys.stdout.write('N = %s\n' % (N, )) sys.exit() if use_numba: calc_pre = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_prefactor_2D) calc_post = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_postfactor_2D) else: calc_pre = calc_prefactor_2D calc_post = calc_postfactor_2D f_new = calc_pre(x, y, f, wmin, tmin, dt, sign=-1.0) F = np.fft.fftn(f_new) calc_post(kx, ky, tmin, F, sign=-1.0) return F/(2*np.pi)
[docs]def iFT2(kx, ky, F): """ 2D Inverse Fourier Transform Input Parameters: kx, ky (1D array): axis range F (2D numpy array of shape (x.size, y.size)): array to IFT Output Parameters: f (2D numpy array of shape (x.size, y.size)): IFT """ assert F.shape == (kx.size, ky.size) x = get_fft_freq(kx) y = get_fft_freq(ky) tmin = np.array([x[0], y[0]]) wmin = np.array([kx[0], ky[0]]) dw = np.array([kx[1]-kx[0], ky[1]-ky[0]]) dt = np.array([x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0]]) N = np.array([kx.size, ky.size]) param = dw*dt*N/(2*np.pi) if any(abs(param-1) > 1e-10): sys.stdout.write('cannot use fft, param != 1\n') sys.stdout.write('param = %s\n' %(param, )) sys.stdout.write('dw = %s\n' % (dw, )) sys.stdout.write('dt = %s\n' % (dt, )) sys.stdout.write('N = %s\n' % (N, )) sys.exit() if use_numba: calc_pre = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_prefactor_2D) calc_post = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_postfactor_2D) else: calc_pre = calc_prefactor_2D calc_post = calc_postfactor_2D F_new = calc_pre(kx, ky, F, tmin, wmin, dw) f = N[0]*N[1]*np.fft.ifftn(F_new) calc_post(x, y, wmin, f) return f/(2*np.pi)
######################### # # # 3D FFT # # # #########################
[docs]def calc_prefactor_3D(x, y, z, f, wmin, tmin, dt, sign=1.0): if abs(sign) != 1.0: raise ValueError("sign must be 1.0 or -1.0") fmod = np.zeros(f.shape, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(f.shape[0]): for j in range(f.shape[1]): for k in range(f.shape[2]): fmod[i, j, k] = f[i, j, k]*dt[0]*dt[1]*dt[2]*\ np.exp(sign*1.0j*(wmin[0]*(x[i]-tmin[0]) +\ wmin[1]*(y[j]-tmin[1]) + wmin[2]*(z[k]-tmin[2]))) return fmod
[docs]def calc_postfactor_3D(kx, ky, kz, tmin, F, sign=1.0): if abs(sign) != 1.0: raise ValueError("sign must be 1.0 or -1.0") for i in range(F.shape[0]): for j in range(F.shape[1]): for k in range(F.shape[2]): F[i, j, k] *= np.exp(sign*1.0j*(kx[i]*tmin[0] + ky[j]*tmin[1] + kz[k]*tmin[2]))
[docs]def FT3(x, y, z, f): """ 3D Fourier Transform Input Parameters: x, y, z (1D array): axis range f (3D numpy array of shape (x.size, y.size, z.size)): array to FT Output Parameters: F (3D numpy array of shape (x.size, y.size, z.size)): FT """ assert f.shape == (x.size, y.size, z.size) kx = get_fft_freq(x) ky = get_fft_freq(y) kz = get_fft_freq(z) tmin = np.array([x[0], y[0], z[0]]) wmin = np.array([kx[0], ky[0], kz[0]]) dw = np.array([kx[1]-kx[0], ky[1]-ky[0], kz[1]-kz[0]]) dt = np.array([x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0], z[1]-z[0]]) N = np.array([x.size, y.size, z.size]) param = dw*dt*N/(2*np.pi) if any(abs(param-1) > 1e-10): sys.stdout.write('cannot use fft, param != 1\n') sys.stdout.write('param = %s\n' %(param, )) sys.stdout.write('dw = %s\n' % (dw, )) sys.stdout.write('dt = %s\n' % (dt, )) sys.stdout.write('N = %s\n' % (N, )) sys.exit() if use_numba: calc_pre = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_prefactor_3D) calc_post = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_postfactor_3D) else: calc_pre = calc_prefactor_3D calc_post = calc_postfactor_3D f_new = calc_pre(x, y, z, f, wmin, tmin, dt, sign=-1.0) F = np.fft.fftn(f_new) calc_post(kx, ky, kz, tmin, F, sign=-1.0) return F/(2*np.pi)**(3/2)
[docs]def iFT3(kx, ky, kz, F): """ 3D Inverse Fourier Transform Input Parameters: kx, ky, kz (1D array): axis range F (3D numpy array of shape (kx.size, ky.size, kz.size)): array to IFT Output Parameters: f (3D numpy array of shape (kx.size, ky.size, kz.size)): IFT """ assert F.shape == (kx.size, ky.size, kz.size) x = get_fft_freq(kx) y = get_fft_freq(ky) z = get_fft_freq(kz) tmin = np.array([x[0], y[0], z[0]]) wmin = np.array([kx[0], ky[0], kz[0]]) dw = np.array([kx[1]-kx[0], ky[1]-ky[0], kz[1]-kz[0]]) dt = np.array([x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0], z[1]-z[0]]) N = np.array([kx.size, ky.size, kz.size]) param = dw*dt*N/(2*np.pi) if any(abs(param-1) > 1e-10): sys.stdout.write('cannot use fft, param != 1\n') sys.stdout.write('param = %s\n' %(param, )) sys.stdout.write('dw = %s\n' % (dw, )) sys.stdout.write('dt = %s\n' % (dt, )) sys.stdout.write('N = %s\n' % (N, )) sys.exit() if use_numba: calc_pre = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_prefactor_3D) calc_post = nb.jit(nopython=True)(calc_postfactor_3D) else: calc_pre = calc_prefactor_3D calc_post = calc_postfactor_3D F_new = calc_pre(kx, ky, kz, F, tmin, wmin, dw) f = N[0]*N[1]*N[2]*np.fft.ifftn(F_new) calc_post(x, y, z, wmin, f) return f/(2*np.pi)**(3/2)
################################# # # # FFT Covolution # # # #################################
[docs]def FTconvolve(f, g, *args, domain='time'): """ Perform a corrected version of the fft convolution from scipy Input arguments: f (1, 2 or 3D array): first term of the product g (1, 2 or 3D array): second term of the product (same dim than f) args (list of 1D array): contains the real space array variable, it must contains at least 1 argument and in maximum 3. the sumber of arguments must match the dimemension of f and g. domain (string): domain in which the inputs are provided ("time" or "frequency") Output arguments: conv (1, 2, or 3D array): convolution product """ if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("you must provide at least one array for the real space variable") elif len(args) == 1: assert f.size == args[0].size assert g.size == args[0].size if domain == 'time': f_FT = FT1(args[0], f) g_FT = FT1(args[0], g) k = get_fft_freq(args[0]) else: f_FT = f g_FT = g k = args[0] return iFT1(k, f_FT*g_FT) elif len(args) == 2: assert f.shape == (args[0].size, args[1].size) assert g.shape == (args[0].size, args[1].size) if domain == 'time': kx = get_fft_freq(args[0]) ky = get_fft_freq(args[1]) f_FT = FT2(args[0], args[1], f) g_FT = FT2(args[0], args[1], g) else: kx = args[0] ky = args[1] f_FT = f g_FT = g return iFT2(kx, ky, f_FT*g_FT) elif len(args) == 3: assert f.shape == (args[0].size, args[1].size, args[2].size) assert g.shape == (args[0].size, args[1].size, args[2].size) if domain == 'time': kx = get_fft_freq(args[0]) ky = get_fft_freq(args[1]) kz = get_fft_freq(args[2]) f_FT = FT3(args[0], args[1], args[2], f) g_FT = FT3(args[0], args[1], args[2], g) else: kx = args[0] ky = args[1] f_FT = f g_FT = g return iFT3(kx, ky, kz, f_FT*g_FT) else: raise ValueError("Only up to 3 real space array are accepted")
################################# # # # FFT Derivative # # # #################################
[docs]def FTderivative(f, *args, domain='time'): """ Calculate derivative using FFT Input arguments: f (1, 2 or 3D array): the array to be differentiated args (list of 1D array): contains the real space array variable, it must contains at least 1 argument and in maximum 1. the number of arguments must match the dimemension of f. Output arguments: deriv (1D array): derivative of f """ if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("you must provide at least one array for the real space variable") elif len(args) == 1: assert f.size == args[0].size if domain == 'time': f_FT = FT1(args[0], f) k = get_fft_freq(args[0]) else: f_FT = f k = args[0] return -1j*iFT1(k, k*f) else: raise ValueError("Higher dimensions than 1D are not available yet")
[docs]def FTextend(omegas,f): """ Computes Fourier transform in the entire domain based on the positive frequency part of FT under assumption that the transformed function is real valued Input arguments: omegas (1, 2 or 3D array): positive frequencies f (1, 2 or 3D array): Fourier transform args (list of 1D array): contains the real space array variable, it must contains at least 1 argument and in maximum 3. the sumber of arguments must match the dimemension of f and g. Output arguments: omegatot (1D array): frequencies spectot (1D array): full Fourier transform """ omegatot=np.concatenate((-omegas[1:],[0],omegas[1:])) spectot=np.concatenate((f[1:].real-1j*f[1:].imag,[f[0]],f[1:].real+1j*f[1:].imag)) arg=np.argsort(omegatot) omegatot=omegatot[arg] spectot=spectot[arg] return omegatot,spectot