from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
def dipole_ni(me, sp1, R1, sp2, R2, **kvargs):
Computes overlap for an atom pair. The atom pair is given by a pair of species indices
and the coordinates of the atoms.
sp1,sp2 : specie indices, and
R1,R2 : respective coordinates in Bohr, atomic units
matrix of orbital overlaps
The procedure uses the numerical integration in coordinate space.
from pynao.m_ao_matelem import build_3dgrid
from pynao.m_ao_eval_libnao import ao_eval_libnao as ao_eval
grids = build_3dgrid(me, sp1, R1, sp2, R2, **kvargs)
ao1 = ao_eval(me.ao1, R1, sp1, grids.coords)
ao1 = ao1 * grids.weights
ko1 = np.einsum('ik,oi->koi', grids.coords, ao1)
ao2 = ao_eval(me.ao1, R2, sp2, grids.coords)
koo2dip = np.einsum("koi,pi->kop", ko1, ao2)
return koo2dip