Source code for pynao.m_comp_vext_tem

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from pynao.m_ao_matelem import ao_matelem_c
from pynao.m_csphar import csphar
from scipy.fftpack import fft
import math
import warnings
from pynao.m_libnao import libnao
from ctypes import POINTER, c_int, c_int32, c_int64, c_float, c_double

    import numba as nb
    from pynao.m_comp_vext_tem_numba import get_tem_potential_numba
    use_numba = True
except BaseException as e:
    warnings.warn("numba import failed\n" + str(e) + "\n Using plain python")
    use_numba = False

[docs]def comp_vext_tem(nprod, velec, beam_offset, freq, freq_sym, time_range, ao_log=None): """ Compute the external potential created by a moving charge using the fortran routine """ vnorm = np.sqrt(, velec)) vdir = velec/vnorm Vfreq_real = np.zeros((freq.size, nprod), dtype=np.float64) Vfreq_imag = np.zeros((freq.size, nprod), dtype=np.float64) ub = np.argmin(abs(freq_sym - freq[0])) libnao.comp_vext_tem(time_range.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), freq_sym.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int(time_range.size), c_int(freq.size), c_int(ub), c_int(nprod), c_double(vnorm), vdir.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), beam_offset.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), Vfreq_real.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), Vfreq_imag.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) return Vfreq_real + 1.0j*Vfreq_imag
[docs]def comp_vext_tem_pyth(self, ao_log=None, numba_parallel=True): """ Compute the external potential created by a moving charge Python version """ def c2r_lm(conv, clm, clmm, m): """ clm: sph harmonic l and m clmm: sph harmonic l and -m convert from real to complex spherical harmonic for an unique value of l and m """ rlm = 0.0 if m == 0: rlm = conv._c2r[conv._j, conv._j]*clm else: rlm = conv._c2r[m+conv._j, m+conv._j]*clm +\ conv._c2r[m+conv._j, -m+conv._j]*clmm if rlm.imag > 1e-10: print(rlm) raise ValueError("Non nul imaginary paert for c2r conversion") return rlm.real def get_index_lm(l, m): """ return the index of an array ordered as [l=0 m=0, l=1 m=-1, l=1 m=0, l=1 m=1, ....] """ return (l+1)**2 -1 -l + m warnings.warn("Obselete routine use comp_vext_tem") if use_numba: get_time_potential = nb.jit(nopython=True, parallel=numba_parallel)(get_tem_potential_numba) V_time = np.zeros((self.time.size), dtype=np.complex64) aome = ao_matelem_c(self.ao_log.rr, self.ao_log.pp) me = ao_matelem_c(self.ao_log) if ao_log is None else aome.init_one_set(ao_log) atom2s = np.zeros((self.natm+1), dtype=np.int64) for atom,sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): atom2s[atom+1]= atom2s[atom] + me.ao1.sp2norbs[sp] R0 = self.vnorm*self.time[0]*self.vdir + self.beam_offset rr = self.ao_log.rr dr = (np.log(rr[-1])-np.log(rr[0]))/(rr.size-1) dt = self.time[1]-self.time[0] dw = self.freq_symm[1] - self.freq_symm[0] wmin = self.freq_symm[0] tmin = self.time[0] nff = self.freq.size ub = self.freq_symm.size//2 - 1 l2m = [] # list storing m value to corresponding l fact_fft = np.exp(-1.0j*self.freq_symm[ub:ub+nff]*tmin) pre_fact = dt*np.exp(-1.0j*wmin*(self.time-tmin)) for l in range(me.jmx+1): lm = [] for m in range(-l, l+1): lm.append(m) l2m.append(np.array(lm)) for atm, sp in enumerate(self.atom2sp): rcut = self.ao_log.sp2rcut[sp] center = self.atom2coord[atm, :] rmax = np.argmin(abs(rr - rcut)) si = atom2s[atm] fi = atom2s[atm+1] for mu, l in enumerate(self.pb.prod_log.sp_mu2j[sp]): s = self.pb.prod_log.sp_mu2s[sp][mu] f = self.pb.prod_log.sp_mu2s[sp][mu+1] fr_val = self.pb.prod_log.psi_log[sp][mu, :] inte1 = np.sum(fr_val[0:rmax+1]*rr[0:rmax+1]**(l+2)*rr[0:rmax+1]*dr) for k in range(s, f): V_time.fill(0.0) m = l2m[l][k-s] ind_lm = get_index_lm(l, m) ind_lmm = get_index_lm(l, -m) if use_numba: get_time_potential(self.time, R0, self.vnorm, self.vdir, center, rcut, inte1, rr, dr, fr_val, me._c2r, l, m, me._j, ind_lm, ind_lmm, V_time) else: for it, t in enumerate(self.time): R_sub = R0 + self.vnorm*self.vdir*(t - self.time[0]) - center norm = np.sqrt(, R_sub)) if norm > rcut: I1 = inte1/(norm**(l+1)) I2 = 0.0 else: rsub_max = np.argmin(abs(rr - norm)) I1 = np.sum(fr_val[0:rsub_max+1]* rr[0:rsub_max+1]**(l+2)*rr[0:rsub_max+1]) I2 = np.sum(fr_val[rsub_max+1:]* rr[rsub_max+1:]/(rr[rsub_max+1:]**(l-1))) I1 = I1*dr/(norm**(l+1)) I2 = I2*(norm**l)*dr clm_tem = csphar(R_sub, l) clm = (4*np.pi/(2*l+1))*clm_tem[ind_lm]*(I1 + I2) clmm = (4*np.pi/(2*l+1))*clm_tem[ind_lmm]*(I1 + I2) rlm = c2r_lm(me, clm, clmm, m) V_time[it] = rlm + 0.0j V_time *= pre_fact FT = fft(V_time) self.V_freq[:, si + k] = FT[ub:ub+nff]*fact_fft