Source code for pynao.m_chi0_noxv

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, coo_matrix
from scipy.linalg import blas
from pynao.m_sparsetools import csr_matvec, csc_matvec, csc_matvecs
import math

[docs]def calc_sab(mat1, mat2, vec, GPU=False): """ Perform two matrix-vector multiplication in an row, i.e out = """ if GPU: vdp = return else: vdp = csr_matvec(mat1, vec) return csr_matvec(mat2, vdp)
[docs]def calc_nm2v(mat1, mat2, matin): """ calculate nm2v via two matrix-matrix multiplication in an row """ nb2v = return
[docs]def calc_ab2v(mat1, mat2, matin): """ calculate ab2v via two matrix-matrix multiplication in an row """ nb2v = return
[docs]def div_eigenenergy(ksn2e, ksn2f, vstart, nfermi, comega, spin, use_numba, nm2v_re, nm2v_im, div_numba=None, GPU=False, blockspergrid=None, threadsperblock=None): """ Divide by the energy terms omega - (E_m - E_n) + i*varepsilon See equation 2.81 in Ref 1. Reference: [1]: Plasmon in Nanoparticles: Atomistic Ab initio theory for large Systems, M. Barbry, PhD thesis, 2018 """ if use_numba and div_numba is not None: if GPU: div_numba[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](ksn2e[0, spin], ksn2f[0, spin], nfermi[spin], vstart[spin], comega.real, comega.imag, nm2v_re, nm2v_im) else: div_numba(ksn2e[0, spin], ksn2f[0, spin], nfermi[spin], vstart[spin], comega, nm2v_re, nm2v_im) else: for n, (en, fn) in enumerate(zip(ksn2e[0, spin, :nfermi[spin]], ksn2f[0, spin, :nfermi[spin]])): for m, (em, fm) in enumerate(zip(ksn2e[0, spin, vstart[spin]:], ksn2f[0, spin, vstart[spin]:])): nm2v = nm2v_re[n, m] + 1.0j*nm2v_im[n, m] nm2v = nm2v * (fn - fm) * \ ( 1.0 / (comega - (em - en)) - 1.0 / (comega + (em - en)) ) nm2v_re[n, m] = nm2v.real nm2v_im[n, m] = nm2v.imag # padding m<n i.e. negative occupations' difference for n in range(vstart[spin] + 1, nf): for m in range(n - vstart[spin]): nm2v_re[n, m] = 0.0 nm2v_im[n, m] = 0.0
[docs]def chi0_mv(self, dvin, comega, dnout=None): """ Apply the non-interacting response function Chi_0 to the induced effetive potential delta V_eff. See equation 2.81 and 2.83in Ref 1. Input Parameters: self : tddft_iter or tddft_tem class sp2v : vector describing the effective perturbation [spin*product] --> value comega: complex frequency Reference: [1]: Plasmon in Nanoparticles: Atomistic Ab initio theory for large Systems, M. Barbry, PhD thesis, 2018 """ if dnout is None: dnout = np.zeros_like(dvin, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) sp2v = dvin.reshape((self.nspin,self.nprod)) sp2dn = dnout.reshape((self.nspin,self.nprod)) for spin in range(self.nspin): # real part t1 = timer() temp = calc_sab(self.cc_da, self.v_dab_trans, sp2v[spin].real) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[0] += t2-t1 t1 = timer() nm2v_re = calc_nm2v(self.xocc[spin], self.xvrt[spin].T, temp.reshape(self.norbs, self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[1] += t2-t1 # imag t1 = timer() temp = calc_sab(self.cc_da, self.v_dab_trans, sp2v[spin].imag) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[2] += t2-t1 t1 = timer() nm2v_im = calc_nm2v(self.xocc[spin], self.xvrt[spin].T, temp.reshape(self.norbs, self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[3] += t2-t1 t1 = timer() div_eigenenergy(self.ksn2e, self.ksn2f, self.vstart, self.nfermi, comega, spin, self.use_numba, nm2v_re, nm2v_im, div_numba=self.div_numba) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[4] += t2-t1 # real part t1 = timer() temp = calc_ab2v(self.xvrt[spin], self.xocc[spin].T, nm2v_re) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[5] += t2-t1 t1 = timer() sp2dn[spin] = calc_sab(self.v_dab, self.cc_da_trans, temp.reshape(self.norbs*self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[6] += t2-t1 # imag part t1 = timer() temp = calc_ab2v(self.xvrt[spin], self.xocc[spin].T, nm2v_im) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[7] += t2-t1 t1 = timer() sp2dn[spin] += 1.0j*calc_sab(self.v_dab, self.cc_da_trans, temp.reshape(self.norbs*self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[8] += t2-t1 return dnout
[docs]def chi0_mv_gpu(self, dvin, comega, dnout=None): """ Apply the non-interacting response function Chi_0 to the induced effetive potential delta V_eff. See equation 2.81 and 2.83in Ref 1. Performs the matrix-matrix operation on GPU Input Parameters: self : tddft_iter or tddft_tem class sp2v : vector describing the effective perturbation [spin*product] --> value comega: complex frequency Reference: [1]: Plasmon in Nanoparticles: Atomistic Ab initio theory for large Systems, M. Barbry, PhD thesis, 2018 """ import cupy as cp if dnout is None: dnout = np.zeros_like(dvin, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) sp2v = dvin.reshape((self.nspin,self.nprod)) sp2dn = dnout.reshape((self.nspin,self.nprod)) for spin in range(self.nspin): # real part t1 = timer() temp = calc_sab(self.cc_da, self.v_dab_trans, sp2v[spin].real) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[0] += t2-t1 temp_gpu = cp.asarray(temp) t1 = timer() nm2v_re = calc_nm2v(self.xocc_gpu[spin], self.xvrt_gpu[spin].T, temp_gpu.reshape(self.norbs, self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[1] += t2-t1 # imag t1 = timer() temp = calc_sab(self.cc_da, self.v_dab_trans, sp2v[spin].imag) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[2] += t2-t1 temp_gpu = cp.asarray(temp) t1 = timer() nm2v_im = calc_nm2v(self.xocc_gpu[spin], self.xvrt_gpu[spin].T, temp_gpu.reshape(self.norbs, self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[3] += t2-t1 t1 = timer() div_eigenenergy(self.ksn2e, self.ksn2f, self.vstart, self.nfermi, comega, spin, self.use_numba, nm2v_re, nm2v_im, div_numba=self.div_numba, GPU=True, blockspergrid=self.block_size[spin], threadsperblock=self.grid_size[spin]) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[4] += t2-t1 # real part t1 = timer() temp_gpu = calc_ab2v(self.xvrt_gpu[spin], self.xocc_gpu[spin].T, nm2v_re) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[5] += t2-t1 temp = cp.asnumpy(temp_gpu) t1 = timer() sp2dn[spin] = calc_sab(self.v_dab, self.cc_da_trans, temp.reshape(self.norbs*self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[6] += t2-t1 # imag part t1 = timer() temp_gpu = calc_ab2v(self.xvrt_gpu[spin], self.xocc_gpu[spin].T, nm2v_im) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[7] += t2-t1 temp = cp.asnumpy(temp_gpu) t1 = timer() sp2dn[spin] += 1.0j*calc_sab(self.v_dab, self.cc_da_trans, temp.reshape(self.norbs*self.norbs)) t2 = timer() self.chi0_timing[8] += t2-t1 return dnout