Source code for pynao.m_ao_log_hartree

from __future__ import division, print_function
from pynao.m_sbt import sbt_c
import numpy as np
import copy
[docs]def ao_log_hartree_lap_libnao(ao): """ Computes radial parts of Hartree potentials generated by the radial orbitals using Laplace transform (r>, r<) Uses a call to Fortran version of the calculation. Inputs: ------- self: class instance of ao_log_c Output: ------- ao_pot with respective radial parts """ from ctypes import POINTER, c_double, c_int64 from pynao.ao_log import ao_log from pynao.m_libnao import libnao libnao.ao_hartree_lap.argtypes = ( POINTER(c_double), # rr(nr) POINTER(c_int64), # nmult POINTER(c_double), # mu2ff(nr,nmult) POINTER(c_int64), # nr POINTER(c_int64), # mu2j POINTER(c_double)) # mu2vh(nr,nmult) ao_pot = ao_log(ao_log=ao) rr = np.require(ao.rr, dtype=c_double, requirements='C') for sp in range(ao.nspecies): mu2j = np.require(ao.sp_mu2j[sp], dtype=c_int64, requirements='C') ff_rad = np.require(ao.psi_log[sp], dtype=c_double, requirements='C') ff_pot = np.require(ao_pot.psi_log[sp], dtype=c_double, requirements='CW') libnao.ao_hartree_lap( rr.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(ao.sp2nmult[sp]), ff_rad.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(, mu2j.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int64)), ff_pot.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) ao_pot.psi_log[sp] = ff_pot for mu, am in enumerate(ao.sp_mu2j[sp]): ao_pot.psi_log_rl[sp][mu,:] = ao_pot.psi_log[sp][mu,:]/(ao.rr**am) for sp in range(ao.nspecies): ao_pot.sp_mu2rcut[sp].fill(ao.rr[-1]) ao_pot.sp2rcut.fill(ao.rr[-1]) return ao_pot
[docs]def ao_log_hartree_sbt(ao): """ Computes radial parts of Hartree potentials generated by the radial orbitals using the spherical Bessel transform Inputs: ------- self: class instance of ao_log Outputs: -------- ao_pot with respective radial parts """ sbt = sbt_c(ao.rr, ao.pp, lmax=ao.jmx) ao_pot = copy.deepcopy(ao) for sp,mu2ff in enumerate(ao.psi_log): for mu, [ff,am] in enumerate(zip(mu2ff, ao.sp_mu2j[sp])): ao_pot.psi_log[sp][mu,:] = (4*np.pi) * \ sbt.sbt(sbt.sbt( ff, am, 1)/ao.pp**2, am, -1) ao_pot.psi_log_rl[sp][mu,:] = ao_pot.psi_log[sp][mu,:]/(ao.rr**am) for sp in range(ao.nspecies): ao_pot.sp_mu2rcut[sp].fill(ao.rr[-1]) ao_pot.sp2rcut.fill(ao.rr[-1]) return ao_pot
[docs]def ao_log_hartree_lap(ao): """ Computes radial parts of Hartree potentials generated by the radial orbitals using Laplace transform (r>, r<) Inputs: ------- self: class instance of ao_log_c Outputs: -------- ao_pot with respective radial parts """ ao_pot = copy.deepcopy(ao) dr = np.log(ao.rr[1]/ao.rr[0]) vff = np.zeros( for sp, mu2ff in enumerate(ao.psi_log): for mu, [ff,am] in enumerate(zip(mu2ff, ao.sp_mu2j[sp])): ffrr3 = ff*ao.rr**3 vff.fill(0.0) for ir in range( for irp in range( rrl = min(ao.rr[ir], ao.rr[irp])**am rrg = max(ao.rr[ir], ao.rr[irp])**(am+1) vff[ir] = vff[ir] + rrl/rrg * ffrr3[irp] ao_pot.psi_log[sp][mu,:] = (4*np.pi*dr)/(2*am+1.0) * vff ao_pot.psi_log_rl[sp][mu,:] = ao_pot.psi_log[sp][mu,:]/(ao.rr**am) for sp in range(ao.nspecies): ao_pot.sp_mu2rcut[sp].fill(ao.rr[-1]) ao_pot.sp2rcut.fill(ao.rr[-1]) return ao_pot
[docs]def ao_log_hartree(ao, ao_log_hartree_method='lap'): if ao_log_hartree_method.upper()=='LAP': return ao_log_hartree_lap_libnao(ao) if ao_log_hartree_method.upper()=='SBT': return ao_log_hartree_sbt(ao) raise RuntimeError('!method')
if __name__ == '__main__': from pynao.m_system_vars import system_vars_c import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sv = system_vars_c('siesta') ao_h_lap = ao_log_hartree(sv.ao_log, ao_log_hartree_method='lap') ao_h_sbt = ao_log_hartree(sv.ao_log, ao_log_hartree_method='sbt') sp = 0 for mu,[ff_lap,ff_sbt,j] in enumerate(zip(ao_h_lap.psi_log[sp], ao_h_sbt.psi_log[sp], ao_h_sbt.sp_mu2j[sp])): nc = abs(ff_lap).max() if j==0 : plt.plot(ao_h_lap.rr, ff_lap/nc, '--', label=str(mu)+' j='+str(j)) plt.plot(ao_h_lap.rr, ff_sbt/nc, '.-', label=str(mu)+' j='+str(j)) if j>0 : plt.plot(ao_h_lap.rr, ff_lap/nc, '--', label=str(mu)+' j='+str(j)) plt.plot(ao_h_lap.rr, ff_sbt/nc, '.-', label=str(mu)+' j='+str(j)) plt.legend() plt.xlim(0.0,2.0) plt.ylim(0.8,1.1)