Source code for pynao.lsofcsr

from __future__ import print_function, division
from numpy import zeros,extract, array
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from timeit import default_timer as timer

[docs]def lsofcsr(coo3, dtype=float, shape=None, axis=0): """ Generate a list of csr matrices out of a 3-dimensional coo format Args: coo3 : must be a tuple (data, (i1,i2,i3)) in analogy to the tuple (data, (rows,cols)) for a common coo format shape : a tuple of dimensions if they are known or cannot be guessed correctly from the data axis : index (0,1 or 2) along which to construct the list of sparse arrays Returns: list of csr matrices """ (d, it) = coo3 assert len(it)==3 for ia in it: assert len(d)==len(ia) shape = [max(ia)+1 for ia in it] if shape is None else shape #print( len(d) ) #print( shape ) iir = [i for i in range(len(shape)) if i!=axis] #print(__name__, iir) #print(__name__, type(it), type(it[0]==0)) #print(__name__, it[0]==0) lsofcsr = [0] * shape[axis] sh = [shape[i] for i in iir] for i in range(shape[axis]): mask = it[axis]==i csrm = csr_matrix( (extract(mask,d), (extract(mask,it[iir[0]]),extract(mask,it[iir[1]]) )), shape=sh, dtype=dtype) csrm.eliminate_zeros() lsofcsr[i] = csrm #print(__name__, 'ttot', ttot) return lsofcsr
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[docs]class lsofcsr_c(): def __init__(self, coo3, dtype=float, shape=None, axis=0): self.lsofcsr = lsofcsr(coo3, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, axis=axis) self.shape = shape self.axis = axis self.dtype = dtype def __getitem__(self, i): return self.lsofcsr[i] def __len__(self): return len(self.lsofcsr)
[docs] def toarray(self): vab_arr = zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) if self.axis==2 : for b,m in enumerate(self): vab_arr[:,:,b]=m.toarray() elif self.axis==1: for b,m in enumerate(self): vab_arr[:,b,:]=m.toarray() elif self.axis==0: for b,m in enumerate(self): vab_arr[b,:,:]=m.toarray() else: print('??? self.axis ', self.axis) raise RuntimeError('!impl') return vab_arr