Source code for pynao.gw_iter

from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys, copy
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import time
import numpy as np
from pynao import scf, gw
from pynao.m_siesta_units import siesta_conv_coefficients
from pynao.m_gw_chi0_noxv import gw_chi0_mv, gw_chi0_mv_gpu
from pynao.m_sparsetools import spmat_denmat

[docs]def profile(fnc): """ Profiles any function in following class just by adding @profile above function """ import cProfile, pstats, io def inner (*args, **kwargs): pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() retval = fnc (*args, **kwargs) pr.disable() s = io.StringIO() sortby = 'cumulative' #Ordered ps = pstats.Stats(pr,stream=s).strip_dirs().sort_stats(sortby) n=20 #reduced the list to be monitored ps.print_stats(n) #ps.dump_stats("") print(s.getvalue()) return retval return inner
[docs]class gw_iter(gw): """gw_iter object. Iterative G0W0 with integration along imaginary axis. References: 1. Koval P. and al., Toward Efficient GW Calculations Using Numerical Atomic Orbitals: Benchmarking and Application to Molecular Dynamics Simulations, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 8 """ def __init__(self, **kw): gw.__init__(self, **kw) self.gw_xvx_algo = kw['gw_xvx_algo'] if 'gw_xvx_algo' in kw else "ac_blas" self.use_preconditioner = kw['use_preconditioner'] if 'use_preconditioner' in kw else False self.limited_nbnd = kw['limited_nbnd'] if 'limited_nbnd' in kw else False if (self.limited_nbnd and min (self.vst) < 50 ): print('Too few virtual states, limited_nbnd ignored!') self.limited_nbnd= False self.pass_dupl = kw['pass_dupl'] if 'pass_dupl' in kw else False self.lgmres_time_per_step = [] # Store the ac product basis if necessary (ac_sparse) self.v_pab = None if self.GPU: #self.chi0_mv = gw_chi0_mv_gpu(self, dvin, comega) self.chi0_mv = gw_chi0_mv_gpu else: self.chi0_mv = gw_chi0_mv for k in kw.keys(): if k not in [i for i in self.__dict__.keys() if i[:1] != '_']: print('\n WARNING: given attribute .{} is not defined!'.format(k))
[docs] def si_c_iter(self,ww): """ This computes the correlation part of the screened interaction using LinearOpt and lgmres lgmres method is much slower than np.linalg.solve !! """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator si0 = np.zeros((ww.size, self.nprod, self.nprod), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) k_c_opt = LinearOperator((self.nprod, self.nprod), matvec=self.gw_vext2veffmatvec, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for iw,w in enumerate(ww): self.comega_current = w for m in range(self.nprod): k_c = self.kernel_sq[m] b = self.apply_rf0(k_c, self.comega_current, self.chi0_mv) a = si0[iw,m,:],exitCode = self.krylov_solver(k_c_opt, a, **self.krylov_options) if exitCode != 0: print("Krylov has not achieved convergence: exitCode = {}".format(exitCode)) return si0
[docs] def si_c_check (self, tol = 1e-5): """ This compares np.solve and LinearOpt-lgmres methods for solving linear equation (1-v\chi_{0}) * W_c = v\chi_{0}v """ import time ww = 1j*self.ww_ia t = time.time() si0_1 = self.si_c(ww) #method 1: numpy.linalg.solve t1 = time.time() - t print('numpy: {} sec'.format(t1)) t2 = time.time() si0_2 = self.si_c2(ww) #method 2: scipy.sparse.linalg.lgmres t3 = time.time() - t2 print('lgmres: {} sec'.format(t3)) summ = abs(si0_1 + si0_2).sum() diff = abs(si0_1 - si0_2).sum() if diff/summ < tol and diff/si0_1.size < tol: print('OK! scipy.lgmres methods and np.linalg.solve have identical results') else: print('Results (W_c) are NOT similar!') return [[diff/summ] , [np.amax(abs(diff))] ,[tol]]
[docs] def gw_xvx(self, algo=None): """ calculates basis products \Psi(r')\Psi(r') = XVX[spin,(nn, norbs, nprod)] = X_{a}^{n}V_{\nu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} using 4-methods: 1- direct multiplication by using and np.einsum via swapping between axis 2- using atom-centered product basis 3- using atom-centered product basis and BLAS multiplication 4- using sparse atom-centered product basis and BLAS multiplication 5- using dominant product basis 6- using sparse dominant product basis """ algol = algo.lower() if algo is not None else 'ac_blas' print("gw_xvx algo: ", algol) # 1-direct multiplication with np and einsum if algol=='simple': from pynao.m_gw_xvx import gw_xvx_ac_simple xvx = gw_xvx_ac_simple(self) # 2-atom-centered product basis elif algol=='ac': from pynao.m_gw_xvx import gw_xvx_ac xvx = gw_xvx_ac(self) # 3-atom-centered product basis and BLAS elif algol=='ac_blas': from pynao.m_gw_xvx import gw_xvx_ac_blas xvx = gw_xvx_ac_blas(self) # 4-sparse-atom-centered product basis and BLAS elif algol=='ac_sparse': from pynao.m_gw_xvx import gw_xvx_ac_sparse xvx = gw_xvx_ac_sparse(self) # 5-dominant product basis elif algol=='dp': from pynao.m_gw_xvx import gw_xvx_dp xvx = gw_xvx_dp(self) # 6-dominant product basis with scipy sparse COO format elif algol=='dp_coo': from pynao.m_gw_xvx import gw_xvx_dp_ndcoo xvx = gw_xvx_dp_ndcoo(self) # 7-using sparcity of dominant product basis and Numba library elif algol=='dp_sparse': from pynao.m_gw_xvx import gw_xvx_dp_sparse xvx = gw_xvx_dp_sparse(self) else: raise ValueError("Unknow algo {}".format(algol)) return xvx
[docs] def dupl_E (self, spin, thrs=None): """ This returns index of states whose eigenenergy has difference less than thrs with former state """ #it's in Hartree, self.tol_ev is too stringent!! thrs=1e-05 if thrs is None else thrs dup=[] #diff between mf's eigenvalues del_E = np.diff(self.ksn2e[0,spin]) #print('number of values with difference less than {}: {}'.format(thrs, sum(i < thrs for i in del_E)) #index of elements less than thrs for x, val in enumerate(del_E): if (val < thrs): dup.append(x+1) return dup
[docs] def precond_lgmres (self, omega=None): """ For a simple V_eff, this calculates linear operator of M = (1-chi_0(omega) = kc_opt)^-1, as a preconditioner for lgmres """ from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla omega = 1j*10.0 if omega is None else omega v = np.ones(self.nprod, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) vX = self.apply_rf0(v, omega, self.chi0_mv) vX2 = 1 - vX.real l = np.zeros((self.nprod,self.nprod), dtype=self.dtype) np.fill_diagonal(l, vX2) #from numpy.linalg import pinv #M=pinv(l) l = csc_matrix (l) M_x = lambda x: spla.spsolve(l, x) M = spla.LinearOperator((self.nprod, self.nprod), M_x) return M
[docs] def get_snmw2sf_iter(self, nbnd=None, optimize="greedy"): """ This computes a matrix elements of W_c: <\Psi(r)\Psi(r) | W_c(r,r',\omega) |\Psi(r')\Psi(r')>. sf[spin,n,m,w] = X^n V_mu X^m W_mu_nu X^n V_nu X^m, where n runs from s...f, m runs from 0...norbs, w runs from 0...nff_ia, spin=0...1 or 2. 1- XVX is calculated using dominant product: gw_xvx('dp_coo') 2- I_nm = W XVX = (1-v\chi_0)^{-1}v\chi_0v 3- S_nm = XVX W XVX = XVX * I_nm """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator if self.GPU: self.initialize_chi0_matvec_GPU() self.time_gw[10] = timer(); ww = 1j*self.ww_ia if not hasattr(self, 'xvx'): self.xvx = self.gw_xvx(self.gw_xvx_algo) snm2i = [] # convert k_c as full matrix into Operator k_c_opt = LinearOperator((self.nprod,self.nprod), matvec=self.gw_vext2veffmatvec, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) x0 = None if self.use_preconditioner: M0 = self.precond_lgmres () else: M0 = None for s in range(self.nspin): sf_aux = np.zeros((len(self.nn[s]), self.norbs, self.nprod), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) inm = np.zeros((len(self.nn[s]), self.norbs, len(ww)), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) dup = self.dupl_E(s) if self.pass_dupl: print('duplicate states:', dup) # w is complex plane for iw, w in enumerate(ww): self.comega_current = w #M0 = self.precond_lgmres (w) chi0mv_ncalls_ite = self.rf0_ncalls if self.verbosity>3: print("spin: {}; freq: {}; nn = {}; norbs = {}".format(s+1, iw, len(self.nn[s]), self.norbs)) t1 = timer() for n in range(len(self.nn[s])): for m in range(self.norbs): if (self.pass_dupl and m in dup): #copies sf for m whose mf's energy is almost similar, how about n?? sf_aux[n,m,:]= copy.deepcopy(sf_aux[n,m-1,:]) if self.verbosity > 3: print('m#{} copied_duplicate, pass_dupl'.format(m)) else: # v XVX #print(self.kernel_sq.dtype, self.xvx[s].dtype) a =[s][n,m,:]) #print(a.dtype) #print("start lgmres") # \chi_{0}v XVX by using matrix vector tt1 = timer() b = self.apply_rf0(a, self.comega_current, self.chi0_mv) tt2 = timer() self.time_gw[15] += tt2 - tt1 # v\chi_{0}v XVX, this should be equals to bxvx in last approach a = #considers only part v\chi_{0}v XVX for virtual states above nbnd if ( self.limited_nbnd and m >= nbnd[s]): sf_aux[n,m,:] = a if self.verbosity > 3: print('m#{} skiped LGMRS, limited_nbnd'.format(m)) else: # initial guess works pretty well!! if self.use_initial_guess_ite_solver: if iw == 0: x0 = None else: x0 = copy.deepcopy(prev_sol[n, m, :]) sf_aux[n,m,:], exitCode = \ self.krylov_solver(k_c_opt, a, x0=x0, M=M0, **self.krylov_options) if exitCode != 0: print("Krylov solver has not achieved convergence: exitCode = {}".format(exitCode)) t2 = timer() if self.use_initial_guess_ite_solver: prev_sol = copy.deepcopy(sf_aux) chi0mv_ncalls_ite = self.rf0_ncalls - chi0mv_ncalls_ite if self.verbosity>3: print("time for lgmres loop: ", round(t2-t1,2)) self.lgmres_time_per_step.append(round(t2-t1,2)) print("number call chi0_mv: ", chi0mv_ncalls_ite) print("Average call chi0_mv: ", int(chi0mv_ncalls_ite/(len(self.nn[s])*self.norbs))) # I = XVX I_aux inm[:,:,iw] = np.einsum('nmp,nmp->nm', self.xvx[s], sf_aux, optimize=optimize) snm2i.append(np.real(inm)) print("Total call chi0_mv: ", self.rf0_ncalls) self.time_gw[11] = timer(); return snm2i
[docs] def gw_vext2veffmatvec(self, vin): t1 = timer() dn0 = self.apply_rf0(vin, self.comega_current, self.chi0_mv) t2 = timer() self.time_gw[23] += t2 - t1 vcre, vcim = self.gw_applykernel(dn0) return vin - (vcre + 1.0j*vcim) #1 - v\chi_0
[docs] def gw_vext2veffmatvec2(self, vin): dn0 = self.apply_rf0(vin, self.comega_current, self.chi0_mv) vcre,vcim = self.gw_applykernel(dn0) return 1- (vin - (vcre + 1.0j*vcim)) #1- (1-v\chi_0)
[docs] def chi0_mv(self, dvin, comega): self.rf0_ncalls += 1 if self.GPU: return gw_chi0_mv_gpu(self, dvin, comega) else: return gw_chi0_mv(self, dvin, comega)
[docs] def gw_applykernel(self, dn): """ Apply the kernel to chi0_mv, i.e, matrix vector multiplication. The kernel is stored in pack or pack sparse format. Input parameters: dn: 1D np.array, complex the results of chi0_mv product, i.e, chi0*delta_V_ext Output parameters: vcre: 1D np.array, float The real part of the resulting matvec product vcim: 1D np.array, float The imaginary part of the resulting matvec product """ import pynao.m_kernel_utils as kutils # Somehow, gw_applykernel uses only nspin1 version? # Gw should use only the spin-independent Hartree kernel. if self.kernel_format == "pack": return kutils.apply_kernel_nspin1_pack(self.spmv, self.nprod, self.kernel, dn, dtype=self.dtype) elif self.kernel_format == "sparse": return kutils.apply_kernel_nspin1_sparse(self.nprod, self.kernel, self.kernel_diag, dn, dtype=self.dtype) else: raise ValueError("unknown sparse format {}".format(self.kernel_format))
[docs] def gw_comp_veff(self, vext, comega=1j*0.0): """ This computes an effective field (scalar potential) given the external scalar potential as follows: (1-v\chi_{0})V_{eff} = V_{ext} = X_{a}^{n}V_{\mu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} * v\chi_{0}v * X_{a}^{n}V_{nu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} returns V_{eff} as list for all n states(self.nn[s]). """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator if self.GPU: self.initialize_chi0_matvec_GPU() self.comega_current = comega veff_op = LinearOperator((self.nprod,self.nprod), matvec=self.gw_vext2veffmatvec, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) b = np.require(vext, dtype=self.dtypeComplex, requirements='C') resgm, info = self.krylov_solver(veff_op, b, **self.krylov_options) if info != 0: print("Krylov solver has not achieved convergence: exitCode = {}".format(info)) return resgm
[docs] def check_veff(self, optimize="greedy"): """ This checks the equality of effective field (scalar potential) given the external scalar potential obtained from lgmres(linearopt, v_ext) and np.solve(dense matrix, vext). """ from numpy.linalg import solve ww = 1j*self.ww_ia rf0 = self.rf0(ww) #V_{\mu}^{ab} if self.v_pab is None: v_pab = self.pb.get_ac_vertex_array(matformat="dense", dtype=self.dtype) else: v_pab = self.v_pab for s in range(self.nspin): v_eff = np.zeros((len(self.nn[s]), self.nprod), dtype=self.dtype) v_eff_ref = np.zeros((len(self.nn[s]), self.nprod), dtype=self.dtype) # X_{a}^{n} xna = self.mo_coeff[0,s,self.nn[s],:,0] # X_{b}^{m} xmb = self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0] # X_{a}^{n}V_{\mu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} xvx = np.einsum('na,pab,mb->nmp', xna, v_pab, xmb, optimize=optimize) for iw,w in enumerate(ww): # v\chi_{0} k_c =[iw,:,:]) # v\chi_{0}v b = #(1-v\chi_{0}) k_c = np.eye(self.nprod)-k_c #v\chi_{0}v * X_{a}^{n}V_{\nu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} bxvx = np.einsum('pq,nmq->nmp', b, xvx, optimize=optimize) #V_{ext}=X_{a}^{n}V_{\mu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} * v\chi_{0}v * X_{a}^{n}V_{\nu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} xvxbxvx = np.einsum ('nmp,nlp->np', xvx, bxvx, optimize=optimize) for n in range (len(self.nn[s])): # compute v_eff in tddft_iter class as referance v_eff_ref[n,:] = self.gw_comp_veff(xvxbxvx[n,:]) # linear eq. for finding V_{eff} --> (1-v\chi_{0})V_{eff}=V_{ext} v_eff[n,:]=solve(k_c, xvxbxvx[n,:]) # compares both V_{eff} if np.allclose(v_eff, v_eff_ref, atol=1e-4): return v_eff else: err = np.sum(abs(v_eff - v_eff_ref)) raise ValueError("sum(abs(v_eff - v_eff_ref)) = {} > 1.0e-4".format(err))
[docs] def gw_corr_int_iter(self, sn2w, eps=None): """ This computes an integral part of the GW correction at GW class while uses get_snmw2sf_iter """ if self.GPU: self.initialize_chi0_matvec_GPU() if not hasattr(self, 'snmw2sf'): if self.restart: from pynao.m_restart import read_rst_h5py self.snmw2sf, msg = read_rst_h5py(value='screened_interactions', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5') print(msg) else: if self.limited_nbnd: #considers 70% of virtual states nbnd = [int(self.nfermi[s] + self.vst[s]*0.7) \ for s in range(self.nspin)] self.snmw2sf = self.get_snmw2sf_iter(nbnd) print('Limited number of virtual states are considered in full matrix of W_c') else: self.snmw2sf = self.get_snmw2sf_iter() if self.write_R: self.write_data(step = 'W_c') return self.gw_corr_int(sn2w, eps=None)
[docs] def gw_corr_res_iter(self, sn2w): """ This computes a residue part of the GW correction at energies in iterative procedure """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator if not hasattr(self, 'xvx'): self.xvx = self.gw_xvx(self.gw_xvx_algo) t1 = timer() sn2res = [np.zeros_like(n2w, dtype=self.dtype) for n2w in sn2w ] k_c_opt = LinearOperator((self.nprod,self.nprod), matvec=self.gw_vext2veffmatvec, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) prev_sol = None M0 = self.precond_lgmres () for spin, ww in enumerate(sn2w): #x = self.mo_coeff[0, spin, :, :, 0] for nl, (n, w) in enumerate(zip(self.nn[spin], ww)): lsos = self.lsofs_inside_contour(self.ksn2e[0, spin ,:], w, self.dw_excl) zww = np.array([pole[0] for pole in lsos]) if self.verbosity > 3: stw = np.array([pole[1] for pole in lsos]) print('spin {}, states located inside contour: {}'.format(spin ,str(stw))) #xv =[n]) for pole, z_real in zip(lsos, zww): self.comega_current = z_real #M0 = self.precond_lgmres (z_real) #xvx =[pole[1]]) a =[spin][nl, pole[1], :]) tt1 = timer() b = self.apply_rf0(a, self.comega_current, self.chi0_mv) tt2 = timer() self.time_gw[21] += tt2 - tt1 a = si_xvx, exitCode = self.krylov_solver(k_c_opt, a, **self.krylov_options) if exitCode != 0: print("Krylov solver has not achieved convergence: exitCode = {}".format(exitCode)) if self.use_initial_guess_ite_solver: #if nl > 0: print('prev_sol ,si_xvx', (abs(prev_sol - si_xvx).sum())) prev_sol = si_xvx contr = self.xvx[spin][nl, pole[1], :].dot(si_xvx) sn2res[spin][nl] += pole[2]*contr.real t2 = timer() self.time_gw[19] += t2 - t1 return sn2res
[docs] def g0w0_eigvals_iter(self): """ This computes the G0W0 corrections to the eigenvalues """ self.time_gw[8] = timer(); #self.ksn2e = self.mo_energy sn2eval_gw = [np.copy(self.ksn2e[0,s,nn]) for s,nn in enumerate(self.nn)] sn2eval_gw_prev = copy.copy(sn2eval_gw) # self.nn_conv - list of states to converge self.nn_conv = [] for nocc_0t,nocc_conv,nvrt_conv in zip(self.nocc_0t, self.nocc_conv, self.nvrt_conv): self.nn_conv.append( range(max(nocc_0t-nocc_conv,0), min(nocc_0t+nvrt_conv,self.norbs))) # iterations to converge the qp-energies if self.verbosity>0: print('='*48,'| G0W0_iter corrections of eigenvalues |','='*48) mess = """ MAXIMUM number of iterations (Input file): {}, Number of grid points (frequency): {}, Number of states to be corrected: {}, Tolerance to convergence: {}\n GW corection for eigenvalues STARTED: """.format(self.niter_max_ev, self.nff_ia, len(self.nn[0]), self.tol_ev) print(mess) perv1 = [np.zeros(len(self.nn[s])) for s in range(self.nspin)] perv2 = [np.zeros(len(self.nn[s])) for s in range(self.nspin)] sn2i_conv = False sn2r_conv = False #perv3 = np.array([]) for i in range(self.niter_max_ev): if sn2i_conv: sn2i = perv1 else: sn2i = self.gw_corr_int_iter(sn2eval_gw) if sn2r_conv: sn2r = perv2 else: sn2r = self.gw_corr_res_iter(sn2eval_gw) if (all([np.allclose(x, y, atol = self.tol_ev) for x, y in zip(sn2i, perv1)])): sn2i_conv = True if (self.verbosity > 3): print('Integral part converged!') if (all([np.allclose(x, y, atol = self.tol_ev) for x, y in zip(sn2r, perv2)])): sn2r_conv = True if (self.verbosity > 3): print('Residual part converged!') #states = self.gw_corr_res_states(sn2eval_gw) #if (self.verbosity > 3 and np.array_equal(states, perv3)): # print('States inside contour are identical') perv1 = sn2i perv2 = sn2r #perv3 = states sn2eval_gw = [] for s,(evhf,n2i,n2r,nn) in enumerate(zip(self.h0_vh_x_expval, sn2i, sn2r, self.nn)): sn2eval_gw.append(evhf[nn]+n2i+n2r) sn2mismatch = np.zeros((self.nspin,self.norbs)) for s, nn in enumerate(self.nn): sn2mismatch[s,nn] = sn2eval_gw[s][:]-sn2eval_gw_prev[s][:] sn2eval_gw_prev = copy.copy(sn2eval_gw) err = 0.0 for s,nn_conv in enumerate(self.nn_conv): err += abs(sn2mismatch[s,nn_conv]).sum()/len(nn_conv) if self.verbosity > 0: np.set_printoptions(linewidth=1000, suppress=True, precision=5) print('Iteration #{:3d}, Relative Error: {:.8f}, Time spent up to now: {:.1f} secs'.format(i+1, err, timer()-self.time_gw[0])) if self.verbosity > 1: #print(sn2mismatch) for s,n2ev in enumerate(sn2eval_gw): print('Spin{}: {}'.format(s+1, n2ev[:]*siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev"])) if err < self.tol_ev: if self.verbosity > 0: print('-'*42, ' | Convergence has been reached at iteration#{} | '.format(i+1), '-'*42,'\n') break if err >= self.tol_ev and i+1 == self.niter_max_ev: if self.verbosity > 0: print('='*28, ' | TAKE CARE! Convergence to tolerance {} not achieved after {}-iterations | '.format(self.tol_ev,self.niter_max_ev), '='*28,'\n') self.time_gw[9] = timer(); return sn2eval_gw
[docs] def make_mo_g0w0_iter(self): """ This creates the fields mo_energy_g0w0, and mo_coeff_g0w0 """ if not hasattr(self, 'h0_vh_x_expval'): if self.restart: from pynao.m_restart import read_rst_h5py self.kmat , msg= read_rst_h5py(value='K_matrix', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5', arr=True) self.jmat , msg= read_rst_h5py(value='J_matrix', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5', arr=True) self.h0_vh_x_expval , msg= read_rst_h5py(value='H0_EXP', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5', arr=True) msg = 'RESTART: self.kmat, self.kmat and and self.h0_vh_x_expval read from RESTART.hdf5' print(msg) else: self.h0_vh_x_expval = self.get_h0_vh_x_expval() if self.write_R: self.write_data(step = 'H0EXP') if self.verbosity > 2: self.report_mf() self.time_gw[12] = timer(); if not hasattr(self, 'xvx'): if self.restart: from pynao.m_restart import read_rst_h5py self.xvx , msg= read_rst_h5py(value='XVX', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5') print(msg) else: self.xvx = self.gw_xvx(self.gw_xvx_algo) self.time_gw[13] = timer(); if not hasattr(self,'sn2eval_gw'): # Comp. GW-corrections self.sn2eval_gw=self.g0w0_eigvals_iter() # Update mo_energy_gw, mo_coeff_gw after the computation is done self.mo_energy_gw = np.copy(self.mo_energy) self.mo_coeff_gw = np.copy(self.mo_coeff) self.argsort = [] self.time_gw[24] = timer(); for s, nn in enumerate(self.nn): self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,nn] = self.sn2eval_gw[s] nn_occ = [n for n in nn if n<self.nocc_0t[s]] nn_vrt = [n for n in nn if n>=self.nocc_0t[s]] scissor_occ = (self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,nn_occ] - \ self.mo_energy[0,s,nn_occ]).sum()/len(nn_occ) scissor_vrt = (self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,nn_vrt] - \ self.mo_energy[0,s,nn_vrt]).sum()/len(nn_vrt) #print(scissor_occ, scissor_vrt) mm_occ = list(set(range(self.nocc_0t[s]))-set(nn_occ)) mm_vrt = list(set(range(self.nocc_0t[s],self.norbs)) - set(nn_vrt)) self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,mm_occ] +=scissor_occ self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,mm_vrt] +=scissor_vrt #print(self.mo_energy_g0w0) argsrt = np.argsort(self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,:]) self.argsort.append(argsrt) if self.verbosity > 2: order = self.argsort[s][self.start_st[s]:self.finish_st[s]] print(__name__, '\t\t====> Spin {}: energy-sorted MO indices: {}'.format(str(s+1),order)) self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,:] = np.sort(self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,:]) for n,m in enumerate(argsrt): self.mo_coeff_gw[0,s,n] = self.mo_coeff[0,s,m] self.time_gw[25] = timer(); self.xc_code = 'GW' if self.verbosity > 4: print(__name__,'\t\t====> Performed xc_code: {}\n '.format(self.xc_code)) print('\nConverged GW-corrected eigenvalues (Ha):\n', [self.mo_energy_gw[0,s][self.start_st[s]:self.finish_st[s]] for s in range(self.nspin)]) if self.write_R: self.write_data(step='G0W0') self.write_chi0_mv_timing("gw_iter_chi0_mv.txt") return self.etot_gw()
# This line is odd !!! kernel_gw_iter = make_mo_g0w0_iter
if __name__=='__main__': from pyscf import gto, scf from pynao import gw_iter mol = gto.M(atom='''O 0.0, 0.0, 0.622978 ; O 0.0, 0.0, -0.622978''', basis='ccpvtz',spin=2) mf = scf.UHF(mol) mf.kernel() gw = gw_iter(mf=mf, gto=mol, verbosity=1, niter_max_ev=1, nff_ia=5, nvrt=1, nocc=1, use_initial_guess_ite_solver=False, limited_nbnd=False, pass_dupl=False, write_R = False) gw_ref = gw.get_snmw2sf() gw_it = gw.get_snmw2sf_iter() #if limited_nbnd: #nbnd = [int(gw.nfermi[s] + gw.vst[s]*0.7) for s in range(gw.nspin)] #gw_it = gw.get_snmw2sf_iter(nbnd) print('Comparison between matrix element of W obtained from gw_iter and gw classes: ', np.allclose(gw_it, gw_ref, atol=1.0e-4)) print([abs(gw_it[s]-gw_ref[s]).sum() for s in range(gw.nspin)]) sn2w = [np.copy(gw.ksn2e[0,s,nn]) for s,nn in enumerate(gw.nn)] t1 = timer() sn2r_it = gw.gw_corr_res_iter(sn2w) t2 = timer() sn2r_ref = gw.gw_corr_res(sn2w) t3 = timer() print('Comparison between energies in residue part obtained from gw_iter and gw classes: ', np.allclose(sn2r_it, sn2r_ref, atol=1.0e-4)) print([abs(sn2r_it[s]-sn2r_ref[s]).sum() for s in range(gw.nspin)]) print('iter Vs. ref', t2-t1, t3-t2) #gw.kernel_gw_iter()