Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys, numpy as np
from copy import copy
from pynao.m_pack2den import pack2den_u, pack2den_l
from pynao.m_rf0_den import rf0_den, rf0_den_numba, rf0_cmplx_ref_blk, rf0_cmplx_ref, rf0_cmplx_vertex_dp
from pynao.m_rf0_den import rf0_cmplx_vertex_ac, si_correlation, si_correlation_numba
from pynao.m_rf_den import rf_den
from pynao.m_rf_den_pyscf import rf_den_pyscf
from pynao.log_mesh import funct_log_mesh
from pynao.m_siesta_units import siesta_conv_coefficients
from pynao.m_valence import get_str_fin
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import time
from numpy import stack, dot, zeros, einsum, pi, log, array, require
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from pynao import scf

    import numba as nb
    use_numba = True
    use_numba = False

def __LINE__():
      return sys._getframe(1).f_lineno

[docs]class gw(scf): """ G0W0 with integration along imaginary axis """ def __init__(self, **kw): """ Constructor G0W0 class """ # how to exclude from the input the dtype and xc_code ? self.start_time = time.time() self.time_gw = np.zeros(28) self.time_gw[0] = timer(); scf.__init__(self, **kw) self.xc_code_scf = copy(self.xc_code) self.niter_max_ev = kw['niter_max_ev'] if 'niter_max_ev' in kw else 15 self.tol_ev = kw['tol_ev'] if 'tol_ev' in kw else 1e-6 self.perform_gw = kw['perform_gw'] if 'perform_gw' in kw else False self.rescf = kw['rescf'] if 'rescf' in kw else False self.bsize = kw['bsize'] if 'bsize' in kw else min(40, self.norbs) self.tdscf = kw['tdscf'] if 'tdscf' in kw else None self.frozen_core = kw['frozen_core'] if 'frozen_core' in kw else None self.write_R = kw['write_R'] if 'write_R' in kw else False self.restart = kw['restart'] if 'restart' in kw else False if self.write_R: from pynao.m_restart import check_res check_res (filename = 'RESTART.hdf5') if sum(self.nelec) == 1: raise RuntimeError('Not implemented H, sorry :-) Look into scf/ for HF1e class...') if self.nspin==1: self.nocc_0t = nocc_0t = np.array([int((self.nelec+1)/2)]) elif self.nspin==2: self.nocc_0t = nocc_0t = self.nelec else: raise RuntimeError('nspin>2?') if 'nocc' in kw: s2nocc = [kw['nocc']] if type(kw['nocc'])==int else kw['nocc'] self.nocc = array([min(i,j) for i,j in zip(s2nocc,nocc_0t)]) else : self.nocc = array([min(6,j) for j in nocc_0t]) if 'nvrt' in kw: s2nvrt = [kw['nvrt']] if type(kw['nvrt'])==int else kw['nvrt'] self.nvrt = array([min(i,j) for i,j in zip(s2nvrt,self.norbs-nocc_0t)]) else : self.nvrt = array([min(6,j) for j in self.norbs-nocc_0t]) #self.start_st,self.finish_st = self.nocc_0t-self.nocc, self.nocc_0t+self.nvrt frozen_core = kw['frozen_core'] if 'frozen_core' in kw else self.frozen_core if frozen_core is not None: st_fi = get_str_fin (self, algo=frozen_core, **kw) self.start_st, self.finish_st = st_fi[0], st_fi[1] else: self.start_st = self.nocc_0t-self.nocc self.finish_st = self.nocc_0t+self.nvrt # list of states self.nn = [range(self.start_st[s], self.finish_st[s]) for s in range(self.nspin)] self.vst= [self.norbs - self.nfermi[s] for s in range(self.nspin)] if 'nocc_conv' in kw: s2nocc_conv = [kw['nocc_conv']] if type(kw['nocc_conv'])==int else kw['nocc_conv'] self.nocc_conv = array([min(i,j) for i,j in zip(s2nocc_conv,nocc_0t)]) else : self.nocc_conv = self.nocc if 'nvrt_conv' in kw: s2nvrt_conv = [kw['nvrt_conv']] if type(kw['nvrt_conv'])==int else kw['nvrt_conv'] self.nvrt_conv = array([min(i,j) for i,j in zip(s2nvrt_conv,self.norbs-nocc_0t)]) else : self.nvrt_conv = self.nvrt print(__name__, __LINE__()) if self.rescf: # here is rescf with HF functional tacitly assumed self.kernel_scf() print(__name__, __LINE__()) self.nff_ia = kw['nff_ia'] if 'nff_ia' in kw else 32 #number of grid points self.tol_ia = kw['tol_ia'] if 'tol_ia' in kw else 1e-10 (wmin_def,wmax_def,tmin_def,tmax_def) = self.get_wmin_wmax_tmax_ia_def(self.tol_ia) self.wmin_ia = kw['wmin_ia'] if 'wmin_ia' in kw else wmin_def self.wmax_ia = kw['wmax_ia'] if 'wmax_ia' in kw else wmax_def self.tmin_ia = kw['tmin_ia'] if 'tmin_ia' in kw else tmin_def self.tmax_ia = kw['tmax_ia'] if 'tmax_ia' in kw else tmax_def self.tt_ia, self.ww_ia = funct_log_mesh(self.nff_ia, self.tmin_ia, self.tmax_ia, self.wmax_ia) #print('self.tmin_ia, self.tmax_ia, self.wmax_ia') #print(self.tmin_ia, self.tmax_ia, self.wmax_ia) #print(self.ww_ia[0], self.ww_ia[-1]) print(__name__, __LINE__()) self.dw_ia = self.ww_ia*(log(self.ww_ia[-1])-log(self.ww_ia[0]))/(len(self.ww_ia)-1) self.dw_excl = self.ww_ia[0] assert self.cc_da.shape[1]==self.nprod self.kernel_sq = self.hkernel_den #self.v_dab_ds = self.pb.get_dp_vertex_doubly_sparse(axis=2) self.x = require(self.mo_coeff[0,:,:,:,0], dtype=self.dtype, requirements='CW') if self.perform_gw: self.kernel_gw() self.snmw2sf_ncalls = 0 print(__name__, __LINE__()) if self.verbosity > 0: mess = """====> Number of: * occupied states = {}, * states up to fermi level= {}, * vitual states = {}, * norbital = {}, * nspin = {}, * magnetization = {}, * states to be corrected from {} to {}.""".format(nocc_0t, self.nfermi, self.vst, self.norbs, self.nspin, self.spin, self.start_st, self.finish_st) print(__name__, mess) self.time_gw[1] = timer();
[docs] def get_h0_vh_x_expval(self): """ This calculates the expectation value of Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian, when: self.get_hcore() = -1/2 del^{2}+ V_{ext} self.get_j() = Coloumb operator or Hartree energy vh self.get_k() = Exchange operator/energy mat1 is product of this Hamiltonian and molecular coefficients and it will be diagonalized in expval by einsum """ self.time_gw[2] = timer(); self.time_gw[4] = timer(); if not hasattr(self, 'kmat'): self.kmat = self.get_k() self.time_gw[5] = timer(); self.time_gw[6] = timer(); if not hasattr(self, 'jmat'): self.jmat = self.get_j() self.time_gw[7] = timer(); if self.nspin == 1: mat = self.get_hcore() + self.jmat - 0.5*self.kmat mat1 =[0,0,:,:,0], mat) expval = einsum('nb,nb->n', mat1, self.mo_coeff[0,0,:,:,0]).reshape((1,self.norbs)) elif self.nspin == 2: mat = self.get_hcore()+ self.jmat[0]+ self.jmat[1]- self.kmat expval = zeros((self.nspin, self.norbs)) for s in range(self.nspin): mat1 =[0,s,:,:,0], mat[s]) expval[s] = einsum('nb,nb->n', mat1, self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0]) self.time_gw[3] = timer(); return expval
[docs] def get_wmin_wmax_tmax_ia_def(self, tol): """ This is a default choice of the wmin and wmax parameters for a log grid along imaginary axis. The default choice is based on the eigenvalues. """ E = self.ksn2e[0,0,:] E_fermi = self.fermi_energy E_homo = np.amax(E[np.where(E<=E_fermi)]) E_gap = np.amin(E[np.where(E>E_fermi)]) - E_homo E_maxdiff = np.amax(E) - np.amin(E) d = np.amin(abs(E_homo - E)[np.where(abs(E_homo - E) > 1e-4)]) wmin_def = np.sqrt(tol * (d**3) * (E_gap**3)/(d**2+E_gap**2)) wmax_def = (E_maxdiff**2/tol)**(0.250) tmax_def = -np.log(tol)/ (E_gap) tmin_def = -100*np.log(1.0-tol)/E_maxdiff return wmin_def, wmax_def, tmin_def,tmax_def
# Full matrix response in the basis of atom-centered product functions rf0_cmplx_ref_blk = rf0_cmplx_ref_blk # Full matrix response in the basis of atom-centered product functions rf0_cmplx_ref = rf0_cmplx_ref # Full matrix response in the basis of atom-centered product functions rf0_cmplx_vertex_dp = rf0_cmplx_vertex_dp # Full matrix response in the basis of atom-centered product functions rf0_cmplx_vertex_ac = rf0_cmplx_vertex_ac # Full matrix response in the basis of atom-centered product functions for parallel spins rf0 = rf0_den # Full matrix interacting response from NAO GW class rf = rf_den # Full matrix interacting response from tdscf class rf_pyscf = rf_den_pyscf
[docs] def si_c(self, ww, use_numba_impl=False): """ This computes the correlation part of the screened interaction W_c by solving <self.nprod> linear equations (1-K chi0) W = K chi0 K or v_{ind}\sim W_{c} = (1-v\chi_{0})^{-1}v\chi_{0}v scr_inter[w,p,q], where w in ww, p and q in 0..self.nprod """ from numpy.linalg import solve if not hasattr(self, 'pab2v_den'): self.pab2v_den = einsum('pab->apb', self.pb.get_ac_vertex_array()) si0 = np.zeros((ww.size, self.nprod, self.nprod), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) if use_numba and use_numba_impl: # numba implementation suffer from some continuous array issue # for example in test # use only for expeimental test si_correlation_numba(si0, ww, self.x, self.kernel_sq, self.ksn2f, self.ksn2e, self.pab2v_den, self.nprod, self.norbs, self.bsize, self.nspin, self.nfermi, self.vstart) else: si_correlation(rf0_den(self, ww), si0, ww, self.kernel_sq, self.nprod) return si0
[docs] def si_c_via_diagrpa(self, ww): """ This method computes the correlation part of the screened interaction W_c via the interacting response function. The interacting response function, in turn, is computed by diagonalizing RPA Hamiltonian. """ rf = si0 = self.rf_pyscf(ww) for iw,r in enumerate(rf): si0[iw] =,, self.kernel_sq)) return si0
[docs] def epsilon(self, ww): """ This computes the dynamic dielectric function epsilon(r,r'.\omega) = \delta(r,r') - v(r.r") * \chi_0(r",r',\omega) """ rf0 = epsilon = self.rf0(ww) for iw, w in enumerate(ww): epsilon[iw,:,:] = np.eye(self.nprod) -, rf0[iw,:,:]) return epsilon
[docs] def get_snmw2sf(self, optimize="greedy"): """ This computes a matrix elements of W_c: <\Psi\Psi | W_c |\Psi\Psi>. sf[spin,n,m,w] = X^n V_mu X^m W_mu_nu X^n V_nu X^m, where n runs from s...f, m runs from 0...norbs, w runs from 0...nff_ia, spin=0...1 or 2. """ self.time_gw[10] = timer(); wpq2si0 = self.si_c(ww = 1j*self.ww_ia).real v_pab = self.pb.get_ac_vertex_array() #self.snmw2sf_ncalls += 1 snmw2sf = [] for s in range(self.nspin): nmw2sf = zeros((len(self.nn[s]), self.norbs, self.nff_ia), dtype=self.dtype) xna = self.mo_coeff[0,s,self.nn[s],:,0] xmb = self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0] #This calculates nmp2xvx= X^n V_mu X^m for each side nmp2xvx = einsum('na,pab,mb->nmp', xna, v_pab, xmb, optimize=optimize) for iw,si0 in enumerate(wpq2si0): # This calculates nmp2xvx(outer loop)*real.W_mu_nu*nmp2xvx nmw2sf[:,:,iw] = einsum('nmp,pq,nmq->nm', nmp2xvx, si0, nmp2xvx, optimize=optimize) snmw2sf.append(nmw2sf) self.time_gw[11] = timer(); return snmw2sf
[docs] def gw_corr_int(self, sn2w, eps=None): """ This computes an integral part of the GW correction at energies sn2e[spin,len(self.nn)] -\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty } \sum_m \frac{I^{nm}(i\omega{'})}{E_n + i\omega{'}-E_m^0} d\omega{'} see eq (16) within DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00436 """ if not hasattr(self, 'snmw2sf'): if self.restart: from pynao.m_restart import read_rst_h5py self.snmw2sf, msg = read_rst_h5py(value='screened_interactions', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5') print(msg) else: self.snmw2sf = self.get_snmw2sf() if self.write_R: self.write_data(step = 'W_c') t1 = timer() sn2int = [np.zeros_like(n2w, dtype=self.dtype) for n2w in sn2w ] eps = self.dw_excl if eps is None else eps # split into mo_energies for s,ww in enumerate(sn2w): # split mo_energies into each spin channel for n,w in enumerate(ww): #print(__name__, 's,n,w int corr', s,n,w) # runs over orbitals for m in range(self.norbs): if abs(w - self.ksn2e[0,s,m]) < eps: continue state_corr = ((self.dw_ia*self.snmw2sf[s][n,m,:] / \ (w + 1j*self.ww_ia-self.ksn2e[0,s,m])).sum()/pi).real #print(n, m, -state_corr, w-self.ksn2e[0,s,m]) sn2int[s][n] -= state_corr t2 = timer() self.time_gw[17] += t2 - t1 return sn2int
[docs] def gw_corr_res(self, sn2w): """ This computes a residue part of the GW correction at energies sn2w[spin,len(self.nn)] """ v_pab = self.pb.get_ac_vertex_array() t1 = timer() sn2res = [np.zeros_like(n2w, dtype=self.dtype) for n2w in sn2w ] # split into spin and energies for s,ww in enumerate(sn2w): x = self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0] # split into nl=counter, n=number of energy level and relevant # w=mo_energy inside gw.nn for nl, (n, w) in enumerate(zip(self.nn[s], ww)): # gives G's poles in n level with w energy lsos = self.lsofs_inside_contour(self.ksn2e[0,s,:],w,self.dw_excl) # pole[0] = energies pole[1] = state in gw.nn and pole[2] = occupation number zww = array([pole[0] for pole in lsos]) #print(__name__, s,n,w, 'len lsos', len(lsos)) # send pole's frequency to calculate W si_ww = self.si_c(ww=zww) xv =,x[n]) for pole,si in zip(lsos, si_ww.real): # XVX for x=n v= ac produvt and x=states of poles xvx =, x[pole[1]]) contr =,, xvx)) #print(pole[0], pole[2], contr) sn2res[s][nl] += pole[2]*contr t2 = timer() self.time_gw[19] += t2 - t1 return sn2res
[docs] def lsofs_inside_contour(self, ee, w, eps): """ Computes number of states the eigenenergies of which are located inside an integration contour. The integration contour depends on w z_n = E^0_n-\omega \pm i\eta """ nGamma_pos = 0 nGamma_neg = 0 for i,e in enumerate(ee): zr = e - w zi = -np.sign(e - self.fermi_energy) if zr>=eps and zi>0: nGamma_pos +=1 if abs(zr)<eps and zi>0: nGamma_pos +=1 if zr<=-eps and zi<0: nGamma_neg += 1 if abs(zr)<eps and zi<0: nGamma_neg += 1 npol = max(nGamma_pos,nGamma_neg) if npol<1: return [] i2zsc = [] ipol = 0 for i,e in enumerate(ee): zr = e - w zi = -eps*np.sign(e-self.fermi_energy) if zr>=eps and zi>0: ipol += 1 if ipol>npol: raise RuntimeError('ipol>npol') i2zsc.append( [zr+1j*zi, i, -1.0] ) elif zr<=-eps and zi<0: ipol += 1 if ipol>npol: raise RuntimeError('ipol>npol') i2zsc.append( [zr+1j*zi, i, +1.0] ) elif abs(zr)<eps and zi>0: ipol += 1 if ipol>npol: raise RuntimeError('ipol>npol') i2zsc.append( [zr+1j*zi, i, -0.5] ) #[zr+1j*zi, i, -0.5] elif abs(zr)<eps and zi<0: ipol +=1 if ipol>npol: raise RuntimeError('ipol>npol') i2zsc.append( [zr+1j*zi, i, +0.5] ) #[zr+1j*zi, i, +0.5] if ipol != npol: raise RuntimeError('loop logics incompat???') return i2zsc
[docs] def g0w0_eigvals(self): """ This computes the G0W0 corrections to the eigenvalues """ # self.ksn2e = self.mo_energy in range of gw.nn sn2eval_gw = [np.copy(self.ksn2e[0,s,nn]) for s,nn in enumerate(self.nn) ] sn2eval_gw_prev = copy(sn2eval_gw) # self.nn_conv -- list of states to converge, spin-resolved. self.nn_conv = [] for nocc_0t,nocc_conv,nvrt_conv in zip(self.nocc_0t, self.nocc_conv, self.nvrt_conv): self.nn_conv.append( range(max(nocc_0t-nocc_conv,0), min(nocc_0t+nvrt_conv,self.norbs))) # iterations to converge the qp-energies if self.verbosity>0: print('='*48,'| G0W0 corrections of eigenvalues |','='*48) mess = """ MAXIMUM number of iterations (Input file): {}, Number of grid points (frequency): {}, Number of states to be corrected: {}, Tolerance to convergence: {}\n GW corection for eigenvalues STARTED: """.format(self.niter_max_ev, self.nff_ia, len(self.nn[0]), self.tol_ev) print(mess) for i in range(self.niter_max_ev): sn2i = self.gw_corr_int(sn2eval_gw) sn2r = self.gw_corr_res(sn2eval_gw) sn2eval_gw = [] for s,(evhf,n2i,n2r,nn) in enumerate(zip(self.h0_vh_x_expval, sn2i, sn2r, self.nn)): sn2eval_gw.append(evhf[nn]+n2i+n2r) sn2mismatch = zeros((self.nspin,self.norbs)) for s, nn in enumerate(self.nn): sn2mismatch[s,nn] = sn2eval_gw[s][:]-sn2eval_gw_prev[s][:] sn2eval_gw_prev = copy(sn2eval_gw) err = 0.0 for s,nn_conv in enumerate(self.nn_conv): err += abs(sn2mismatch[s,nn_conv]).sum()/len(nn_conv) if self.verbosity > 0: np.set_printoptions(linewidth=1000, suppress=True, precision=5) print('Iteration #{:3d}, Relative Error: {:.8f}, Time spent up to now: {:.1f} secs' .format(i+1, err, timer()-self.time_gw[0])) if self.verbosity>1: #print(sn2mismatch) for s,n2ev in enumerate(sn2eval_gw): print('Spin{}: {}'.format(s+1, n2ev[:]*siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev"])) if err<self.tol_ev : if self.verbosity>0: print('-'*40,' | Convergence has been reached at iteration#{} | '.format(i+1),'-'*40,'\n') break if err>=self.tol_ev and i+1==self.niter_max_ev: print('-'*28,' | TAKE CARE! Convergence to tolerance not achieved after {}-iterations | '.format( self.niter_max_ev),'-'*28,'\n') return sn2eval_gw
[docs] def make_mo_g0w0(self): """ This creates the fields mo_energy_g0w0, and mo_coeff_g0w0 """ if not hasattr(self, 'h0_vh_x_expval'): if self.restart: from pynao.m_restart import read_rst_h5py self.kmat , msg= read_rst_h5py(value='K_matrix', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5', arr=True) self.jmat , msg= read_rst_h5py(value='J_matrix', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5', arr=True) self.h0_vh_x_expval , msg= read_rst_h5py(value='H0_EXP', filename= 'RESTART.hdf5', arr=True) msg = 'RESTART: self.kmat, self.kmat and and self.h0_vh_x_expval read from RESTART.hdf5' print(msg) else: self.h0_vh_x_expval = self.get_h0_vh_x_expval() if self.write_R: self.write_data(step = 'H0EXP') if self.verbosity > 3: self.report_mf() self.time_gw[8] = timer(); if not hasattr(self,'sn2eval_gw'): # Comp. GW-corrections self.sn2eval_gw=self.g0w0_eigvals() self.time_gw[9] = timer(); # Update mo_energy_gw, mo_coeff_gw after the computation is done self.mo_energy_gw = np.copy(self.mo_energy) self.mo_coeff_gw = np.copy(self.mo_coeff) self.argsort = [] self.time_gw[24] = timer(); for s,nn in enumerate(self.nn): self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,nn] = self.sn2eval_gw[s] nn_occ = [n for n in nn if n<self.nocc_0t[s]] nn_vrt = [n for n in nn if n>=self.nocc_0t[s]] scissor_occ = (self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,nn_occ] - self.mo_energy[0,s,nn_occ]).sum()/len(nn_occ) scissor_vrt = (self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,nn_vrt] - self.mo_energy[0,s,nn_vrt]).sum()/len(nn_vrt) #print(scissor_occ, scissor_vrt) mm_occ = list(set(range(self.nocc_0t[s]))-set(nn_occ)) mm_vrt = list(set(range(self.nocc_0t[s],self.norbs)) - set(nn_vrt)) self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,mm_occ] +=scissor_occ self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,mm_vrt] +=scissor_vrt #print(self.mo_energy_g0w0) argsrt = np.argsort(self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,:]) self.argsort.append(argsrt) if self.verbosity>2: order = self.argsort[s][self.start_st[s]:self.finish_st[s]] print(__name__, '\t\t====> Spin {}: energy-sorted MO indices: {}'.format(str(s+1),order)) self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,:] = np.sort(self.mo_energy_gw[0,s,:]) for n,m in enumerate(argsrt): self.mo_coeff_gw[0,s,n] = self.mo_coeff[0,s,m] self.time_gw[25] = timer(); self.xc_code = 'GW' if self.verbosity>4: print(__name__,'\t\t====> Performed xc_code: {}\n '.format(self.xc_code)) print('\nConverged GW-corrected eigenvalues (Ha):\n', [self.mo_energy_gw[0,s][self.start_st[s]:self.finish_st[s]] for s in range(self.nspin)]) if self.write_R: self.write_data() return self.etot_gw()
kernel_gw = make_mo_g0w0
[docs] def etot_gw(self): self.time_gw[26] = timer(); dm1 = self.make_rdm1() ecore = (self.get_hcore()*dm1[0,...,0]).sum() if self.nspin==1: etot = ecore + 0.5*((self.jmat-0.5*self.kmat)*dm1[0,...,0]).sum() elif self.nspin==2: etot = ecore + 0.5*((self.jmat[0]+ self.jmat[1]- self.kmat)*dm1[0,...,0]).sum() else: print(__name__, self.nspin) raise RuntimeError('nspin?') ecorr = 0.0 for spin, (n2egw, m2emf, m2occ, n2m) in enumerate(zip(self.mo_energy_gw[0], self.mo_energy[0], self.mo_occ[0], self.argsort)): for n, m in enumerate(n2m): ecorr -= 0.5*m2occ[m]*(n2egw[n]-m2emf[m]) self.etot_gw = etot+ecorr+self.energy_nuc() self.time_gw[27] = timer(); return self.etot_gw
[docs] def spin_square(self): from import mf mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff_gw if hasattr(self, 'mo_energy_gw') else self.mo_coeff return mf.spin_square(self, mo_coeff=mo_coeff)
[docs] def report_mf(self,dm=None): """ Prints the energy levels of mean-field hamiltonian """ from pynao.m_report import report_mfx if dm is None: dm = self.make_rdm1() return report_mfx(self,dm)
[docs] def report_ex(self): """ Prints the self energy components in HF levels """ from pynao.m_report import sigma_xc return sigma_xc(self)
[docs] def report(self): """ Prints the energy levels of meanfield and G0W0 """ from pynao.m_report import report_gw return report_gw(self)
[docs] def report_t(self): """ Prints spent time in each step of GW class """ from pynao.m_report import report_gw_t return report_gw_t(self)
[docs] def write_data(self, step = None): """ writes data in RESTART'hdf5' format """ from pynao.m_restart import write_rst_h5py step='all' if step is None else step if step == 'H0EXP' or step == 'all': write_rst_h5py (value='K_matrix', data=self.kmat) write_rst_h5py (value='J_matrix', data=self.jmat) write_rst_h5py (value='H0_EXP', data=self.h0_vh_x_expval) elif step == 'W_c' or step == 'all': if hasattr(self, 'xvx'): write_rst_h5py (value='XVX', data=self.xvx) write_rst_h5py (value='screened_interactions', data=self.snmw2sf) elif step == 'G0W0' or step == 'all': write_rst_h5py (value='MF_energies_Ha', data=self.mo_energy) write_rst_h5py (value='QP_energies_Ha', data=self.mo_energy_gw) write_rst_h5py (value='correct_order' , data=self.argsort) write_rst_h5py (value='G0W0_eigenfuns', data=self.mo_coeff_gw)