Source code for pynao.chi0_matvec

from __future__ import print_function, division
from copy import copy
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, coo_matrix
from scipy.linalg import blas
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splin

from pynao import mf
from pynao.m_tddft_iter_gpu import tddft_iter_gpu_c
from pynao.m_siesta_units import siesta_conv_coefficients

[docs] class chi0_matvec(mf): """ A class to organize the application of non-interacting response to a vector """ def __init__(self, **kw): """ The class handling the linear equation 2.74 in Ref 1 and setting up the iterative solver. Class Inputs: krylov_solver (string): Type of Krylov solver to use to solve the linear system of equation. The Krylov solvers are the ones offered by Scipy library, see Available solvers are * lgmres * bicgstab * gmres * gcrotmk * qmr * minres * bicg * cg * cgs Recommended solver is lgmres. bicgstab can provide better performances, but can be unstable. krylov_options (dict): the options for the iterative Krylov solver, See the scipy solver specific page for the available options. use_initial_guess_ite_solver (bool): Use initial guess for the Krylov solver. dealloc_hsx (bool): deallocate the hsx matrix in order to save memory iter_broadening (float): the broadening in the iterative solver See eps term in equation 2.61 of Ref. 1 default value 0.00367493 Ha GPU (bool): Use GPU for the matvec operation nfermi_tol (float): the tolerance for the determination of the Fermi level from the orbital occupation. Default 1.0 telec (float): Temperature of the system. If not specified, it will be the temperature of the DFT simulation. Unit is Ha?? fermi_energy (float): The fermi energy of the system. If not specified, it will be the temperature of the DFT simulation. Unit is Ha?? References: 1. M. Barbry, “Plasmons in nanoparticles: Atomistic ab initio theory for large systems, Ph.D. thesis, University of Basque Country, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, 2018, """ from pynao.m_fermi_dirac import fermi_dirac_occupations if "use_initial_guess_ite_solver" in kw: self.use_initial_guess_ite_solver = kw["use_initial_guess_ite_solver"] else: self.use_initial_guess_ite_solver = False krylov_solvers = {"lgmres": splin.lgmres, "gmres": splin.gmres, "gcrotmk": splin.gcrotmk, "qmr": splin.qmr, "minres": splin.minres, "bicgstab": splin.bicgstab, "bicg": splin.bicg, "cg":, "cgs": splin.cgs} if "krylov_solver" in kw: self.krylov_solver = krylov_solvers[kw["krylov_solver"]] else: self.krylov_solver = krylov_solvers["lgmres"] if "krylov_options" in kw: self.krylov_options = kw["krylov_options"] else: self.krylov_options = {"rtol": 1.0e-3, "atol": 1.0e-3, "maxiter": 1000} mf.__init__(self, **kw) if self.dtype == np.float32: self.spmv = blas.sspmv self.gemm = blas.sgemm elif self.dtype == np.float64: self.spmv = blas.dspmv self.gemm = blas.dgemm else: raise ValueError("dtype can be only float32 or float64") self.dealloc_hsx = kw['dealloc_hsx'] if 'dealloc_hsx' in kw else True self.eps = kw['iter_broadening'] if 'iter_broadening' in kw else 0.00367493 self.GPU = GPU = kw['GPU'] if 'GPU' in kw else False self.nfermi_tol = nfermi_tol = kw['nfermi_tol'] if 'nfermi_tol' in kw else 1e-5 self.telec = kw['telec'] if 'telec' in kw else self.telec self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] if 'fermi_energy' in kw else self.fermi_energy if self.GPU: try: import cupy as cp except ImportError as err: raise ImportError("Could not import cupy:\n {}".format(err)) if not self.use_numba: raise ValueError("GPU calculations require Numba") if self.dtype == np.float32: from pynao.m_div_eigenenergy_numba_gpu import div_eigenenergy_gpu_float32 self.div_numba = div_eigenenergy_gpu_float32 else: from pynao.m_div_eigenenergy_numba_gpu import div_eigenenergy_gpu_float64 self.div_numba = div_eigenenergy_gpu_float64 elif self.use_numba: from pynao.m_div_eigenenergy_numba import div_eigenenergy_numba self.div_numba = div_eigenenergy_numba else: self.div_numba = None # deallocate hsx if hasattr(self, 'hsx') and self.dealloc_hsx: self.hsx.deallocate() # Just a pointer here. Is it ok? self.ksn2e = self.mo_energy if 'fermi_energy' in kw: if self.verbosity > 0: print(__name__, 'Fermi energy is specified => recompute occupations') ksn2fd = fermi_dirac_occupations(self.telec, self.ksn2e, self.fermi_energy) for s,n2fd in enumerate(ksn2fd[0]): if not all(n2fd>self.nfermi_tol): continue print(self.telec, s, self.nfermi_tol, n2fd) raise RuntimeError(__name__, 'telec is too high?') ksn2f = self.ksn2f = (3-self.nspin)*ksn2fd else: ksn2f = self.ksn2f = self.mo_occ self.nfermi = np.array([np.argmax(ksn2f[0,s] < self.nfermi_tol) \ for s in range(self.nspin)], dtype=int) self.vstart = np.array([np.argmax(1.0-ksn2f[0,s]>=self.nfermi_tol) \ for s in range(self.nspin)], dtype=int) self.xocc = [self.mo_coeff[0,s,:nfermi,:,0] for s,nfermi in enumerate(self.nfermi)] self.xvrt = [self.mo_coeff[0,s,vstart:,:,0] for s,vstart in enumerate(self.vstart)] if self.verbosity > 4: print(__name__, '\t====> self.xocc[0].dtype ', self.xocc[0].dtype) print(__name__, '\t====> self.xocc[0].shape ', self.xocc[0].shape) print(__name__, '\t====> self.xvrt[0].dtype ', self.xvrt[0].dtype) print(__name__, '\t====> self.xvrt[0].shape ', self.xvrt[0].shape) print(__name__, '\t====> MO energies (ksn2e) (eV):\n{},\tType: {}'.format( self.ksn2e*siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev"], self.ksn2e.dtype)) print(__name__, '\t====> Occupations (ksn2f):\n{},\tType: {}'.format( self.ksn2f, self.ksn2f.dtype)) self.rf0_ncalls = 0 self.chi0_timing = np.zeros((9), dtype=np.float64) self.moms0,self.moms1 = self.pb.comp_moments(dtype=self.dtype) if self.GPU: self.initialize_chi0_matvec_GPU()
[docs] def initialize_chi0_matvec_GPU(self): """ Initialize GPU variable. Copy xocc, xvrt, ksn2e and ksn2f to the device """ import cupy as cp block_sizes = np.array([32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024], dtype=np.int32) self.block_size = [] # np.array([32, 32], dtype=np.int32) # threads by block self.grid_size = [] #np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.int32) # number of blocks self.xocc_gpu = [] self.xvrt_gpu = [] self.ksn2e_gpu = cp.asarray(self.ksn2e) self.ksn2f_gpu = cp.asarray(self.ksn2f) for spin in range(self.nspin): dimensions = [self.nfermi[spin], self.nprod] self.block_size.append([32, 32]) # Adjust the block size as function of the dimension of the array for i in range(2): ibs = 0 for bs in block_sizes: if bs > dimensions[i]: break ibs += 1 if ibs > 0: self.block_size[spin][i] = block_sizes[ibs-1] else: self.block_size[spin][i] = block_sizes[0] self.grid_size.append([0, 0]) for i in range(2): if dimensions[i] <= block_sizes[0]: self.block_size[spin][i] = dimensions[i] self.grid_size[spin][i] = 1 else: self.grid_size[spin][i] = dimensions[i]//self.block_size[spin][i] + 1 print("spin {}: block_size: ({}, {}); grid_size: ({}, {})".format( spin, self.block_size[spin][0], self.block_size[spin][1], self.grid_size[spin][0], self.grid_size[spin][1])) self.xocc_gpu.append(cp.asarray(self.xocc[spin])) self.xvrt_gpu.append(cp.asarray(self.xvrt[spin]))
[docs] def apply_rf0(self, sp2v, comega, chi0_mv): """ This applies the non-interacting response function to a vector (a set of vectors?) """ #expect_shape=tuple([self.nspin*self.nprod]) # gw_iter does not have the same expected shape the tddft_iter .... #assert np.all(sp2v.shape==expect_shape), "{} {}".format(sp2v.shape, expect_shape) self.rf0_ncalls+=1 return chi0_mv(self, sp2v, comega)
[docs] def comp_polariz_nonin_xx_atom_split(self, comegas): """ Compute the non interacting polarizability along the xx direction """ aw2pxx = np.zeros((self.natoms, comegas.shape[0]), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) vext = np.transpose(self.moms1) for iw, comega in enumerate(comegas): dn0 = self.apply_rf0(vext[0], comega, self.chi0_mv) for ia in range(self.natoms): dn0_atom = np.zeros(self.nprod, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) st = self.pb.c2s[ia] fn = self.pb.c2s[ia+1] dn0_atom[st:fn] = dn0[st:fn] aw2pxx[ia, iw] =[0]) self.write_chi0_mv_timing("tddft_iter_polariz_nonin_split_chi0_mv.txt") return aw2pxx
[docs] def write_chi0_mv_timing(self, fname): with open(fname, "w") as fl: fl.write("# Total number call chi0_mv: {}\n".format(self.rf0_ncalls)) fl.write("# step time [s]\n") for it, time in enumerate(self.chi0_timing): fl.write("{}: {}\n".format(it, time))
[docs] def comp_dens_along_eext(self, comegas, eext=np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), tmp_fname=None, inter=False): """ Compute a the average interacting polarizability along the eext direction for the frequencies comegas. Input Parameters: comegas (1D array, complex): the real part contains the frequencies at which the polarizability should be computed. The imaginary part id the width of the polarizability define as self.eps eext (1D xyz array, real): direction of the external field tmp_fname (string, optional): temporary file to where to store results Particularly useful for large calculations inter (bool, optional): Perform interactive calculations (or not) Other Calculated quantity: self.p_mat (complex array, dim: [3, 3, comega.size]): store the (3, 3) polarizability matrix [[Pxx, Pxy, Pxz], [Pyx, Pyy, Pyz], [Pzx, Pzy, Pzz]] for each frequency. self.dn (complex array, dim: [3, comegas.size, self.nprod]): store the density change """ if tmp_fname is not None: if not isinstance(tmp_fname, str): raise ValueError("tmp_fname must be a string") else: tmp_re = open(tmp_fname+".real", "w") tmp_re.write("# All atomic units\n") tmp_re.write("# w (Ha) Pxx Pxy Pxz Pyx Pyy Pyz Pzx Pzy Pzz\n") tmp_im = open(tmp_fname+".imag", "w") tmp_im.write("# All atomic units\n") tmp_im.write("# w Pxx Pxy Pxz Pyx Pyy Pyz Pzx Pzy Pzz\n") if isinstance(eext, list): eext = np.array(eext) assert eext.size == 3 nww = len(comegas) p_mat = np.zeros((3, 3, nww), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) dn = np.zeros((3, nww, self.nspin*self.nprod), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) edir = eext/, eext) vext = np.zeros((self.nspin*self.nprod, 3), dtype=self.moms1.dtype) #veff = np.zeros((self.nspin*self.nprod, 3), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for ixyz in range(3): vext[:, ixyz] = np.concatenate([self.moms1[:, ixyz] for s in range(self.nspin)]) self.prev_sol = np.zeros((self.nspin*self.nprod, 3), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for iw, comega in enumerate(comegas): if iw > 0: dnprev = dn[:, iw-1, :] dn[:, iw, :], p_mat[:, :, iw] = \ self.calc_dens_edir_omega(iw, nww, comega, edir, vext, tmp_fname=tmp_fname, inter=inter) if inter: self.write_chi0_mv_timing("tddft_iter_inter_chi0_mv.txt") else: self.write_chi0_mv_timing("tddft_iter_nonin_chi0_mv.txt") print("Total number of iterations: ", self.rf0_ncalls) return dn, p_mat
[docs] def calc_dens_edir_omega(self, iw, nww, w, edir, vext, tmp_fname=None, inter=False): """ Calculate the density change and polarizability for a specific frequency """ Pmat = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) dn = np.zeros((3, self.nspin*self.nprod), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for xyz, Exyz in enumerate(edir): if abs(Exyz) < 1.0e-12: continue chi0mv_ncalls_ite = self.rf0_ncalls t1 = timer() if inter: veff = self.comp_veff(vext[:, xyz], w, prev_sol=self.prev_sol[:, xyz]) if self.use_initial_guess_ite_solver: self.prev_sol[:, xyz] = veff dn[xyz, :] = self.apply_rf0(veff, w, self.chi0_mv) else: dn[xyz, :] = self.apply_rf0(vext[:, xyz], w, self.chi0_mv) t2 = timer() chi0mv_ncalls_ite = self.rf0_ncalls - chi0mv_ncalls_ite if self.verbosity > 1: mess = "dir: {0}, iw: {1}/{2}; w: {3:.4f};".format(xyz, iw, nww, w.real*siesta_conv_coefficients["ha2ev"]) mess += "nite: {0}; time: {1}".format(chi0mv_ncalls_ite, t2-t1) print(mess) for xyzp in range(edir.size): Pmat[xyz, xyzp] = vext[:, xyzp].dot(dn[xyz, :]) if tmp_fname is not None: tmp_re = open(tmp_fname + ".real", "a") tmp_re.write("{0:.6e} ".format(w.real)) tmp_im = open(tmp_fname + ".imag", "a") tmp_im.write("{0:.6e} ".format(w.real)) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): tmp_re.write("{0:.6e} ".format(Pmat[i, j].real)) tmp_im.write("{0:.6e} ".format(Pmat[i, j].imag)) tmp_re.write("\n") tmp_im.write("\n") tmp_re.close() tmp_im.close() # Need to open and close the file at every freq, otherwise # tmp is written only at the end of the calculations, therefore, # it is useless return dn, Pmat
[docs] def write_occupation(ksn2f, fname="orbitals_occupation.txt"): """ Write the orbital occupation to the file orbitals_occupation.txt """ if ksn2f.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError("Periodic boundaries not supported") nspin = ksn2f.shape[1] with open(fname, "w") as fl: fl.write("# Electronic occupation of orbitals from Fermi-Dirac statistic\n") fl.write("# Spin") for spin in range(nspin): fl.write(" {}".format(spin)) fl.write("\n") for iorb in range(ksn2f.shape[2]): for spin in range(nspin): fl.write(" {0:.6g}".format(ksn2f[0, spin, iorb])) fl.write("\n")