Source code for pynao.bse_iter

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from numpy import array, argmax, einsum, require, zeros, dot
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from pynao import gw, tddft_iter
from scipy.linalg import blas
from pynao.m_pack2den import pack2den_u
from pynao.m_vxc_pack import vxc_pack

[docs]class bse_iter(gw, tddft_iter): def __init__(self, **kw): """bse_iter object. Iterative BSE a la PK, DF, OC JCTC additionally to the fields from tddft_iter_c, we add the dipole matrix elements dab[ixyz][a,b] which is constructed as list of numpy arrays $ d_i = \int f^a(r) r_i f^b(r) dr $ """ xc_code_kw = kw['xc_code'] if 'xc_code' in kw else None if "xc_code_kernel" not in kw.keys(): kw["xc_code_kernel"] = "RPA" gw.__init__(self, **kw) if self.kernel_format != "pack": # Sparse kernel_format is not yet working # needs further investigations, not sure it is worth it ... raise ValueError("Only pack kernel format is supported for bse_inter") assert self.xc_code_kernel.upper()=='RPA', '{} ?'.format(self.xc_code_kernel) self.l0_ncalls = 0 self.dip_ab = [d.toarray() for d in self.dipole_coo(**kw)] self.norbs2 = self.norbs**2 self.xc_code = self.xc_code if xc_code_kw is None else xc_code_kw xc = self.xc_code.split(',')[0].upper() if self.verbosity>0: print(__name__, ' xc_code_mf ', self.xc_code_mf) print(__name__, ' xc_code_kernel ', self.xc_code_kernel) print(__name__, ' xc_code_scf ', self.xc_code_scf) print(__name__, ' xc_code ', self.xc_code) # Allocation of kernels in the product basis to be used in Hartree # and exchange-type kernels dtype, ns, p = self.dtype, self.nspin, self.nprod self.q2hk = zeros((2*ns-1,p,p),dtype=dtype) if xc in ['LDA','GGA'] \ else zeros((1,p,p),dtype=dtype) if xc in ['CIS','HF']: self.q2xk = self.q2hk elif xc in ['GW']: self.q2xk = zeros((1,p,p),dtype=dtype) else: self.q2xk = None # Computation of kernels in the product basis... for fh in self.q2hk: if self.kernel_format == "pack": fh[:,:] = pack2den_u(self.kernel) elif self.kernel_format == "sparse": fh[:,:] = self.kernel.todense() else: raise ValueError("Unknown kernel format {}".format(self.kernel_format)) if xc in ['LDA', 'GGA']: for q, m in enumerate(vxc_pack(self, deriv=2, ao_log=self.pb.prod_log, **kw)): self.q2hk[q] += pack2den_u(m) elif xc in ['GW']: if self.kernel_format == "pack": self.q2xk[0] = pack2den_u(self.kernel) + self.si_c(np.array([0.0]))[0].real elif self.kernel_format == "pack": self.q2xk[0] = self.kernel.todense() + self.si_c(np.array([0.0]))[0].real else: raise ValueError("Unknown kernel format {}".format(self.kernel_format)) # Allocation of the four-point kernel(s) which is to be used when RAM available n, v_dab, cc_da = self.norbs, self.v_dab, self.cc_da if xc in ['LDA','GGA']: self.q2k_4p = zeros((2*ns-1,n*n,n*n),dtype=dtype) elif xc in ['HF', 'CIS', 'GW']: # 1 or 2? Examples of UHF+TD of H2O and H2B(spin=3): 158, 159 self.q2k_4p = zeros((1, n*n, n*n),dtype=dtype) elif xc in ['RPA']: self.q2k_4p = zeros((1, n*n, n*n),dtype=dtype) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown funct: '+xc) # q2k_4p is now alias to the self.q2k_4p q2k_4p = self.q2k_4p # Computation of the four-point interaction kernel... # Start with Hartree interaction kernel for q,fhxc in enumerate(self.q2hk): q2k_4p[q] = (((v_dab.T*(cc_da*fhxc))*cc_da.T)*v_dab).reshape([n*n,n*n]) # Add Fock-like (exchange) interaction kernel if xc in ['CIS', 'HF', 'GW']: w_xc_4p = (((v_dab.T*(cc_da* self.q2xk[0] ))*cc_da.T)*v_dab).reshape([n*n,n*n]) q2k_4p[0] -= 0.5*einsum('abcd->bcad', w_xc_4p.reshape([n,n,n,n])).reshape([n*n,n*n]) if self.nspin==1: self.ss2kernel_4p = [[q2k_4p[0]]] elif self.nspin==2: if len(q2k_4p)==1 : self.ss2kernel_4p = [[q2k_4p[0], q2k_4p[0]], [q2k_4p[0],q2k_4p[0]]] elif len(q2k_4p)==2 : # # 1 or 2? Examples of UHF+TD of H2O and H2B(spin=3): 158, 159 self.ss2kernel_4p = [[q2k_4p[0], q2k_4p[1]], [q2k_4p[1],q2k_4p[0]]] else: self.ss2kernel_4p = [[q2k_4p[0], q2k_4p[1]], [q2k_4p[1],q2k_4p[2]]] if xc=='GW': self.define_e_x_l0(self.mo_energy_gw, self.mo_coeff_gw, **kw) else: self.define_e_x_l0(self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff, **kw) #print(__name__, 'Fermi energy', self.fermi_energy) #np.set_printoptions(linewidth=1000) #for s in range(self.nspin): # print(self.ksn2f_l0[s,:10]) # print(self.ksn2e_l0[s,:10]) #for s in range(self.nspin): # print(self.mo_energy[0,s,:10]) # print(self.mo_occ[0,s,:10])
[docs] def define_e_x_l0(self, mo_energy, mo_coeff, **kw): """ Define eigenvalues and eigenvecs for the two-particle Green's function L0(1,2,3,4) """ self.ksn2e_l0 = np.copy(mo_energy).reshape((self.nspin,self.norbs)) if 'fermi_energy' in kw: from pynao.m_fermi_dirac import fermi_dirac_occupations self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] print(__name__, 'Fermi energy is specified => recompute occupations') ksn2fd = fermi_dirac_occupations(self.telec, self.ksn2e, self.fermi_energy) for s,n2fd in enumerate(ksn2fd[0]): if not all(n2fd>self.nfermi_tol): continue print(self.telec, s, self.nfermi_tol, n2fd) raise RuntimeError(__name__, 'telec is too high?') ksn2f = self.ksn2f_l0 = (3-self.nspin)*ksn2fd else: ksn2f = self.ksn2f_l0 = self.mo_occ.reshape((self.nspin,self.norbs)) self.x_l0 = np.copy(mo_coeff).reshape((self.nspin,self.norbs,self.norbs)) tol = self.nfermi_tol self.nfermi_l0 = array([argmax(ksn2f[s]<tol) for s in range(self.nspin)], dtype=int) self.vstart_l0 = array([argmax(1-ksn2f[s]>=tol) for s in range(self.nspin)], dtype=int) self.xocc_l0 = [mo_coeff[0,s,:nf,:,0] for s,nf in enumerate(self.nfermi_l0)] self.xvrt_l0 = [mo_coeff[0,s,vs:,:,0] for s,vs in enumerate(self.vstart_l0)]
[docs] def apply_l0(self, sab, comega=1j*0.0): """ This applies the non-interacting four point Green's function to a suitable vector (e.g. dipole matrix elements) """ assert sab.size==(self.nspin*self.norbs2) self.l0_ncalls+=1 sab = sab.reshape((self.nspin, self.norbs,self.norbs)) ab2v = np.zeros_like(sab, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for s, (ab,xv,xo,x,n2e,n2f) in enumerate(zip(sab, self.xvrt_l0, self.xocc_l0, self.x_l0, self.ksn2e_l0, self.ksn2f_l0)): nm2v = zeros((self.norbs,self.norbs), self.dtypeComplex) nm2v[self.vstart_l0[s]:, :self.nfermi_l0[s]] = blas.cgemm(1.0, dot(xv,ab),xo.T) nm2v[:self.nfermi_l0[s], self.vstart_l0[s]:] = blas.cgemm(1.0, dot(xo,ab),xv.T) for n,(en,fn) in enumerate(zip(n2e,n2f)): for m,(em,fm) in enumerate(zip(n2e,n2f)): nm2v[n,m] = nm2v[n,m] * (fn-fm) / (comega - (em - en)) nb2v = blas.cgemm(1.0, nm2v, x) ab2v[s] += blas.cgemm(1.0, x.T, nb2v) return ab2v.reshape(-1)
[docs] def apply_l0_ref(self, sab, comega=1j*0.0): """ This applies the non-interacting four point Green's function to a suitable vector (e.g. dipole matrix elements) """ assert sab.size==(self.nspin*self.norbs2) self.l0_ncalls+=1 sab = sab.reshape((self.nspin,self.norbs,self.norbs)) ab2v = np.zeros_like(sab, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for s in range(self.nspin): nb2v = dot(self.x_l0[s], sab[s]) nm2v = blas.cgemm(1.0, nb2v, self.x_l0[s].T) for n,[en,fn] in enumerate(zip(self.ksn2e_l0[s,:],self.ksn2f_l0[s,:])): for m,[em,fm] in enumerate(zip(self.ksn2e_l0[s,:],self.ksn2f_l0[s,:])): nm2v[n,m] = nm2v[n,m] * (fn-fm) * ( 1.0 / (comega - (em - en))) nb2v = blas.cgemm(1.0, nm2v, self.x_l0[s]) ab2v[s] += blas.cgemm(1.0, self.x_l0[s].T, nb2v) return ab2v.reshape(-1)
[docs] def apply_l0_spin_non_diag(self, sab, comega=1j*0.0): """ The definition of L0 which is not spin-diagonal even for parallel-spin references """ assert sab.size==(self.nspin*self.norbs2) self.l0_ncalls+=1 sab = sab.reshape((self.nspin,self.norbs,self.norbs)) ab2v = np.zeros_like(sab, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for ns in range(self.nspin): for ms in range(self.nspin): nb2v = dot(self.x_l0[ns], sab[ns]) nm2v = blas.cgemm(1.0, nb2v, self.x_l0[ms].T) for n,[en,fn] in enumerate(zip(self.ksn2e_l0[ns,:],self.ksn2f_l0[ns,:])): for m,[em,fm] in enumerate(zip(self.ksn2e_l0[ms,:],self.ksn2f_l0[ms,:])): nm2v[n,m] = nm2v[n,m] * (fn-fm) * ( 1.0 / (comega - (em - en))) nb2v = blas.cgemm(1.0, nm2v, self.x_l0[ms]) ab2v[ns] += blas.cgemm(0.5, self.x_l0[ns].T, nb2v) return ab2v.reshape(-1)
[docs] def seff(self, sext, comega=1j*0.0): """ This computes an effective two point field (scalar non-local potential) given an external two point field. L = L0 (1 - K L0)^-1 We want therefore an effective X_eff for a given X_ext X_eff = (1 - K L0)^-1 X_ext or we need to solve linear equation (1 - K L0) X_eff = X_ext The operator (1 - K L0) is named self.sext2seff_matvec """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator nsnn = self.nspin*self.norbs2 assert sext.size==nsnn self.comega_current = comega op = LinearOperator((nsnn,nsnn), matvec=self.sext2seff_matvec, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) sext_shape = np.require(sext.reshape(nsnn), dtype=self.dtypeComplex, requirements='C') resgm, info = self.krylov_solver(op, sext_shape, **self.krylov_options) return (resgm.reshape(-1),info)
[docs] def sext2seff_matvec(self, sab): """ This is operator which we effectively want to have inverted (1 - K L0) and find the action of it's inverse by solving a linear equation with a GMRES method. See the method seff(...) """ kl0v = self.apply_kernel4p( self.apply_l0(sab, self.comega_current) ) return sab - kl0v
[docs] def apply_kernel4p(self, ddm): """ This applies the 4-point interaction kernel. This operator can be arbitrarily complex, therefore we formulate it as a procedure. """ if self.nspin==1: return self.apply_kernel4p_nspin1(ddm) elif self.nspin==2: return self.apply_kernel4p_nspin2(ddm)
[docs] def apply_kernel4p_nspin1(self, ddm): reim = require(ddm.real, dtype=self.dtype, requirements=["A","O"]) # real part mv_real = dot(self.ss2kernel_4p[0][0], reim) reim = require(ddm.imag, dtype=self.dtype, requirements=["A","O"]) # imaginary mv_imag = dot(self.ss2kernel_4p[0][0], reim) return mv_real+1j*mv_imag
[docs] def apply_kernel4p_nspin2(self, ddm): res = np.zeros((2,self.nspin,self.norbs2), dtype=self.dtype) aux = np.zeros((self.norbs2), dtype=self.dtype) s2ddm = ddm.reshape((self.nspin,self.norbs2)) for s in range(self.nspin): for t in range(self.nspin): for ireim,sreim in enumerate(('real', 'imag')): aux[:] = require(getattr(s2ddm[t], sreim), dtype=self.dtype, requirements=["A","O"]) res[ireim,s] +=[s][t], aux) return res[0].reshape(-1)+1j*res[1].reshape(-1)
[docs] def apply_l(self, sab, comega=1j*0.0): """ This applies the interacting, two-point Green's function to a suitable vector (e.g. dipole matrix elements) """ seff,info = self.seff(sab, comega) return self.apply_l0( seff, comega )
[docs] def comp_polariz_nonin_ave(self, comegas): """ Non-interacting average polarizability, i.e. ``<d |L0| d>`` """ p = np.zeros(len(comegas), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for iw,omega in enumerate(comegas): for ixyz,dip in enumerate(self.dip_ab): if self.verbosity>1: print(__name__, ixyz, iw) d = np.concatenate([dip.reshape(-1) for s in range(self.nspin)]) vab = self.apply_l0(d, omega) p[iw] += (vab*d).sum()/3.0 return p
[docs] def comp_polariz_inter_ave(self, comegas): """ Compute a direction-averaged interacting polarizability, i.e. ``<d |L| d>`` """ p = np.zeros(len(comegas), dtype=self.dtypeComplex) for iw,omega in enumerate(comegas): for ixyz,dip in enumerate(self.dip_ab): if self.verbosity>1: print(__name__, ixyz, iw) d = np.concatenate([dip.reshape(-1) for s in range(self.nspin)]) vab = self.apply_l(d, omega) p[iw] += (vab*d).sum()/3.0 return p